Alexander Johnson


Sydney, Australia

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Nothing tastes as good as salty dude bro tears, honestly watching all these men have a tantrum makes this even better.

As a nineties kid I never watched HeMan, and honestly it’s too dated for me to enjoy at this point, so I am coming in fresh here. But this is amazing animation, and incredible voice talent.

The story is compelling and enjoyable, with twists and wonderful female empowerment. This is modern animation at its finest and I am very invested in the future of this program.

I hope to see queer representation also as was done with She-Ra.

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NCIS: Sydney

As an Australian this is just ridiculous, crimes like this don’t happen. We don’t have access to guns like this, it’s just completely unrealistic. The American acting is tragic and out of place, the Australianism is turned up just a little too far for my liking. I forgave the first episode but by the end of the second I just can’t. No.

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The Boys

God this was exhausting, it drags and drags, we get it superheroes are bad guys, blood and guys, loooooooong episodes with bizarre sex and stuff.

Let me say this I’m not crapping on the violence or the sex, it’s just not done tastefully and it just won’t stop. I lost interest half way through season one and I am just incapable of stopping midway through.

It’s basically torture

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Queen of Oz

This is much better if you’re Australian I’ve got to say. More please, it was great.

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Not bashing it, but it was the second sports anime I watched, I wished it was the first because Yuri on Ice!!! Is infinitely better.

The characters are fantastic though, well written, likeable, their intentions and motivations are fantastic, their relationships are even better. I enjoyed what I got through. But my god it was repetitive, not as bad as Dragon Ball or Naruto (not Shippudin) but it was an effort to get the second season

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Castlevania: Nocturne

A fantastic spiritual successor to the original. I thoroughly enjoyed these new characters and new plots. I can’t wait for more and see these stories fleshed out and see if they can top the original

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Instant Dream Home

Who produced this? The Christian network? The Catholic Church? Like we get it America blah blah religion, America blah blah seventeen children. Like it’s a bit much. Tone that down.

I like Danielle, but this is clearly trying to capitalise on Nicole Byers success and it works fine, but you’re both insulting our intelligence and it’s not necessary.

Speaking of insulting our intelligence, stop the bullshit mythbuster set up on the problem solving it’s not really insulting. I don’t mind you helicoptering (which should have been illegal or at least mention the permits required) stuff in or forklifting stuff, but just do it, don’t set it up like it won’t. Less reality more DIY.

At the end of the day there are so many better shows for home make overs, but for the gimmick of doing it all in a day it’s consumable but just needs tweaking.

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Shout by Alexander Johnson
BlockedParent2021-09-04T01:04:15Z— updated 2022-11-15T12:56:30Z

This is exactly the kind of g*y I need in modern television. Thank you lord :pray::pray:

MODERATION EDIT: Edited out an offensive word.

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Keeping Up with the Kardashians

People give The Kardashians a really bad rap when they don’t deserve it. Are they vapid, materialistic, frivolous, and out of touch? Well yes of course they are, but credit where credit is due, they created an empire and we the viewers and consumers have supported them. I thoroughly enjoy a little bit of escapism from my life and problems to casually jump into the fantastical over the top life and absurd problems of the super rich and famous.

Like is it trash? Yes, of course it’s trash. But it’s enjoyable, easy to watch trash. It’s no more trash then most reality television. Admit you just don’t like them and don’t watch it. Let people enjoy.

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The Exorcist

I really enjoyed this. It was well written, well conceived, and with the direct ties to the cult classic movie, an instant hook in. However, I had wished for a more finalised ending. It was very open-ended, and without the demon plaguing Reagan and her family, what's the point? Fox may be a money making machine, but they need to learn to have an ending that actually ends.

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Yuri!!! on Ice

This is the gayest thing I've ever watched and I am beyond happy for it's existence. God has touched us with his etherial light and graced us with his love.

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Stranger Things

This was really worth the hype to be honest, a fantastic show with deliberate nods to all things eighties fantasy and pseudo horror. While personally not a fan of movies like dirty dancing and et, this series takes the best of eighties sensations and really monopolies on it. Truly lovable characters and human situations, it's really worth your time to watch, I cannot wait for me. Netflix originals are really bringing it.

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How Clean Is Your House?

The British series is just better and it always will be. I mean it's not a bad series, it's just not the same. Also it's far too much with the product placement. I need less hocking and more home remedy thank you.

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How Clean Is Your House?

I god damned love this show. These crazy ass ladies are so excited to clean and it gives me life. 10/10 do recommend.

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Brilliant! Look, I'm a lapsed anime whore, deep inside an otaku little shit. And this show spoke to my love of really cheesy, chill, romance driven anime and I am so glad I watched it. 10/10 would recommend.

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Orphan Black

Easily one of the best new television programs of the last five years. Interesting idea, fantastic writing, and exceptionally well acted. Having a single actress act what starts as five completely different characters and then grows with each new season is both demanding and amazing, this women has talent beyond measure. Its a must watch show.

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Ash vs Evil Dead

A brilliant series that really speaks true to the horror/comedy of the original. Sam Raimi brings his vision back in the best way possible, with a dream team of actors, including Raimi returners Bruce Campbell and Lucy Lawless, for a gorey, boozy, one liner filled demon killing blood bath. Seriously, the show is genius. Every bit as enjoyable as the Evil Dead series.

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The Living and the Dead

I really wanted to love this. I love Colin Morgan, so very much, and the idea of a him in a horror/suspense themed period drama sounded great. But I just couldn't come at it, the show has fantastic bones and is rather brilliant in many episodes, but it was hard to follow at times, and difficult to see where it was going to go. Ofcourse the acting is on point, Colin is a wonder as always, but the show itself, needed work. I'm not surprised it wasn't picked up for a second season.

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Yes. Just yes. this show is everything I could have asked for as a Hannibal television series, it was just breathtaking.

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Good, not great. I was left wanting more. I admit that I watched it mainly for Barbara Hershey and Bradley James.

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Xena: Warrior Princess

My first television series that I considered mine, something that could seperate me from my family, an interest that was entirely mine. As such it's very very close to my heart. I'll never not love it.

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I will never not love this show, it's been something that I have been watching since I was very little. My parents and grandparents have been watching it on and off for as long as I can remember. When I was old enough to watch it I thought it was lame, but as I watched it on my own and in my own time I eventually came to see it for what it really was, an intelligent, witty, and complex program with multi layered characters, brilliant humour and amazing character development. I am glad to say that I watch this show more then just about any other television program I own, it's very easy to watch and every episode is amazing. It got to the point where I would watch it so often that my parents gave the collection to me. I also take great pride in watching three seconds of any given episode and know exactly what episode it is. M*A*S*H is more then just a television show, it's a way of life, it's a religion.

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