


Better Call Saul: 5x06 Wexler v. Goodman

Ack. I just... Jimmy what are you doing?

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness: 1x08 The Tiger King and I

Pointless. And the host's attempts at levity utterly failed.

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Better Call Saul: 5x07 JMM

This is just a wonderful show. Love it

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Game of Thrones: 1x07 You Win or You Die

"I told you not to trust me".

You bastard Littlefinger

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The Last Kingdom: 4x02 Episode 2

Uthred son of Uthred son of Uthred!

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Game of Thrones: 1x05 The Wolf and the Lion

Despite knowing whats going to happen that fight scene is still wonderfully tense.

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Star Trek: 2x12 The Deadly Years

Kirk really needs to check himself, surely the crew and the ship come before his pride in his own abilities.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x10 The Dark Hearts of Men

This episode annoyed me so much. If you shoot, stab and beat down your hero he does NOT get to stand up and destroy his opponents 2 mins later at least, not unless you are watching a cartoon.

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The Vietnam War: 1x03 The River Styx (January 1964-December 1965)

Watching this is just hearbreaking

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x11 The Abyss

okay, so rock salt and rubber bullets explains why Frank is still alive after the last episode, and its all part of Billy's plan, still annoys me as he should be dead a hundred times over

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Star Trek: 2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion

You know I'm getting pretty fed up with the Kirk is "teh uber" and wins at everything and is always right.

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Game of Thrones: 1x02 The Kingsroad

Never trust the Lannisters

Never trust Robert Baratheon

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x02 Adrift

It's an improvement over the first episode but nothing special. Lot of manufactured conflict and characters disagreeing with one another just to have arguments and "drama"

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Six Nations Championship: 2022x12 England - Ireland

That was a game. Tough on England, but so glad we won. Plus bonus point.

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Six Nations Championship: 2022x05 France - Ireland

So close. And yet so far. Good game though

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Star Trek: 3x21 The Cloud Minders

One of the better episodes, even if Kirk is, as usual far too quick to resort to his fists. Also somehow fitting given what's going on in the US that it deals with social inequality. Although sorter far too neatly and easily here

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Star Trek: 3x19 Requiem for Methuselah

Sigh. Yet another episode where Kirk falls in love. Another episode where a female character isn't a character at all but merely a bit of motivation for Kirk

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Star Trek: 3x04 And the Children Shall Lead

The more I see of the OS the more I'm glad that Picard is my Captain

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Game of Thrones: 4x10 The Children

Gwan Brienne! great fight scene

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The Last Kingdom: 3x09 Episode 9

Surprisingly emotional in this episode for Uhtred son of Uhtred, destiny is all.

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Star Trek: 2x10 Journey to Babel

You gotta love how illogical most Vulcans seem to be in order to make the story progress

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Star Trek: 2x09 Metamorphosis

I'm sorry, male and female are universal constructs... I guess at least Kirk tried talking this time instead of only violence, even if that was his first impulse

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness: 1x02 Cult of Personality

This show is batshit insane

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The Last of Us: 1x01 When You're Lost in the Darkness

have to say that although I wasn't too pushed on the trailer this was a really good opening episode.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x01 A Shadow of the Past

Not great to be honest. Doesn't feel like lotr at all, and way too many storylines going on. Some fairly weak writing

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Post Mortem: No One Dies in Skarnes: 1x01 Post Mortem

Interesting. I'll certainly watch more.

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Murder at the Cottage: The Search for Justice for Sophie: 1x01 Episode 1

So far it's way overly sensationalised. Will watch one more episode to see

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The Celts: 1x01 ...In the Beginning

Amazing how dated this looks. I still enjoyed it and will watch more, but I but damn, 2001 was a looooong time ago!

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Star Trek: 3x18 The Lights of Zetar

Apart from the casual sexism I think this is my fav original series episode

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Star Trek: 3x05 Is There in Truth No Beauty?

Women! Too ruled by emotion to recognise what they need. Only a true Man like Kirk can force them to see the truth.

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