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Omicron Persei 8

Dexter: New Blood: 1x10 Sins of the Father

lol, this is worse than original ending. It's like they were going for season 2 and then halfway through the shooting of last episode it got cancelled so they finished the entire story in 20 mins.

Why would Dexter kill Logan when Angela's theory for him to be BHB rested on finding some needle marks and ketamine on some junkies. And he could've claimed Kurt set him up because he found Kurt's bunker. This makes no sense.

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Lost: 5x17 The Incident (2)

If John's dead, is that other fella who was with jacob pretending to be John? Did he also inherit John's memories? Why is jacks father involved in all this? Did he come back to life just like John?
And are we ever gonna see Claire again?

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Lost: 3x23 Through the Looking Glass (2)

If it was a flash forward, why did Jack ask the doctor to call his father to see who's more drunk? His father is back?

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Becomes Tony Starks successor with access to stark industries

Still calls himself poor and complains

That entitled prick

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Ozark: 4x07 Sanctified

Jonah : I don't want any part in it.

Continues to sabotage family

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AVP: Alien vs. Predator

None of the predators stay invisible or hunt discreetly while fighting aliens like they do for humans.

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

I gave this a fair shot, I didn't go in expecting much and I was in a good mood. But this isn't engaging or funny at all. This is like a watered down version of Phineas and Ferb with many plots and characters missing. I don't get why it's rated so high. Maybe it was good for it's time, but right now it's crap. Go watch Phineas and Ferb instead.

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The Night Of: 1x03 Part 3: A Dark Crate

The lawyer reminds me of Jimmy McGill. Small time lawyer defending criminals for petty crimes, doesn't make big bucks, can't afford a car, desperately trying to make a name for himself while making some money. Then a big lawyer comes in and takes away his client to make their firm more famous. You're the kind of lawyer guilty people hire/I didn't get a good feeling from this man. He even has those ads, and probably some deal with the cops to hand out his business cards.

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Mindhunter: 1x10 Episode 10

Holden has become too narcissistic. He helped solve a few murders and now he acts like judge dredd.

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Mindhunter: 1x09 Episode 9

Holden is manipulative af. He got Gregg to come with them and got him to lie while he stayed clean when it was entirely his fault.

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Death Note: 1x29 Father

What was the point of giving Soichiro a Death Note and Shinigami eyes? This is Mafia, just nuke the entire building and collect the death note. Or plant a tonne of cameras everywhere and use more police officers and don't let Mello escape. It's not like they can't afford it. The show just makes characters do stupid things just to further the plot.

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Death Note: 1x29 Father

How come Mello not see the new shinigami when he's literally holding the Death Note? There was no rule that owner must touch it first in presence of shinigami before others can touch to see the shinigami?

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Death Note: 1x29 Father

How come they still have mafia present that Light can just look up if he's been killing criminals for years now?

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Dark: 3x03 Adam and Eva

Shout by elexen

The young old Tannhause looks very similar to mikkel. And why did his father have the fur Charlotte hand watch? Which Charlotte did he have?

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Lost: 6x17 The End

I feel sad for the MiB, he was lied to almost his whole life by the murderer of his mother, when he found his people and spent 30 years trying to leave the island and found all his people murdered, got murdered by his own brother and got turned into a monster. Was still trapped on the island for centurie(s). He never asked for any of this, he was just trying to explore the world. He deserved better.

Jacob was a POS and a snitch. I'm glad he died.
He used Richard for over a century with the narrative that he has plans for him, he used Ben Linus and made him do terrible things so he can keep people on the island, many of his so called body guards died by listening to his bullshit, he brought people to the island just to entertain himself and make a point to MiB. That guy seriously had a God complex. Jacob was the real villain.

Widmores arc didn't make any sense and was waste of time. Why tf did he not work with others on the island?

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Lost: 5x10 He's Our You

When will these people learn to make sure the person they just tried to kill is actually dead?

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Lost: 5x05 This Place Is Death

I wonder where Claire is during all this? Where did shepherd leave her?

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Lost: 4x11 Cabin Fever

Just how old is Richard?

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Lost: 4x13 There's No Place Like Home (2)

Shout by elexen

Wait, so what happened to the Daniel and other survivors? Didn't they leave the island before it moved? and they didn't make it to the boat that blew up either, since the chopper got there faster.

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Lost: 3x16 One of Us

Jack continues to annoy me...

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Lost: 1x12 Whatever the Case May Be

For some reason Jack and Kate really annoy me.

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Watchmen: 1x08 A God Walks into Abar

Heh, For a super natural being who doesn't understand human feelings anymore, who said he's lost touch with humanity, his sex drive hasn't been affected much.

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House of Cards: 2x13 Chapter 26

I don't understand how the hacker guy is making such demands so easily to FBI. I Think if it was CIA they would've simply threatened to make him disappear for making such demands. Did FU not have any influence in CIA to carryout his shady operations?

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The Leftovers: 1x01 Pilot

Of course they started cults. What could be a better time than this to exploit people? Wonder how many people murdered others or disappeared from public by taking advantage of the situation..

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South Park: 22x08 Buddha Box

I always liked Mr. Garrison, especially as a teacher. Him trying to teach kids the plot of Game of Thrones or why Hare Krishnas are gay were one of the funniest moments. None of the other teachers comes close to this, especially not the pc principal or strong woman or the present class teacher. The PC principal and strong woman storyline feels kinda forced to me, it's almost never funny, or much relevant to the main plot. Atleast Mr. Mackey is still good.

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South Park: 19x03 The City Part of Town

Shout by elexen

Randy used to be funny to watch, but starting from this season he's just turned into an asshole.

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South Park: 19x09 Truth and Advertising

Lol, Leslie is ex machina!

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South Park: 19x02 Where My Country Gone?

Shout by elexen

Better than first episode, though I still didn't like how everyone doubled down on Kyle while they were the ones who started praising jenner. Stan agreeing with cartman while knowing Eric rips on Kyle all the time was little unbelievable. And Kyle's entry at the end to give a speech felt very forced.

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South Park: 19x01 Stunning and Brave
South Park: 5x13 Kenny Dies

Oh My God! They've killed Kenny!

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