
1 follower

Melbourne, Victoria

The Witcher: 2x06 Dear Friend...

That fight scene in the temple was worth the price of admission alone!

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No Time to Die

So many deaths, so little blood - why?

Some pretty cool car chases and stunts and cool looking stuff ..but all in all I’m still glad I watched it on a plane for free.

Oh and why Bond gotta be so convinced with no proof that Madeline is from Spectre? I mean the whole plot hinges on this but he throws away the relationship from an explosion and the word of one bad guy? Odd

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Mulholland Drive

Watched on a plane with an awareness that it’s a classic and then I saw Lynch’s name on it so I had some preconceived ideas.

An aeroplane doesn’t really create the right environment for Lynch’s eerie style so it wasn’t until I read an explanation that I realised what was going on, which changed my appreciation.

The vibe, which is a combination the visuals, the music and the individual performances, is a familiar Lynch feeling and the movie is definitely worth a watch as it definitely elicits an emotional response.

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Yellowjackets: 1x01 Pilot

Neatly setup but not ready to call an all-in just yet

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The Matrix Resurrections

This is a first act stretched out to be a first movie in a second trilogy, and that stinks.

Could’ve been a movie about the digital sentience and their common enemy in the machines ..but instead it was a fan service festival with nostalgia dripping all over it

Looked okay at times I guess..

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The Power of the Dog

Slow burn that wasn’t the film we felt like watching but we persevered. I won’t be rushing to rewatch or recommend..

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It hit its note from the start and nailed it. It can stand shoulder to shoulder with John Wick, which is high praise

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Free Guy

This is a a pretty bland film in the end - don’t get me wrong, it’s somewhat enjoyable ..but it takes itself too seriously and doesn’t lean in to the silliness. Oh but wow, Disney money means the movie looks so polished and has a LOT of licensed songs

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Lupin III: The First

The animation is superb and whilst nothing will hit as perfectly as Cagliostro, this captures that same fun vibe

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Foundation: 1x06 Death and the Maiden

The show is just fine

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Foundation: 1x05 Upon Awakening

The punching and kicking is lame but the overall plot is intriguing

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x26 The Real Folk Blues (2)

Neat finale but I can’t shake that Vicious has this great plan to have a coup fail and SURPRISE it was meant to and now he’s the head guy ..only to bring a sword to a gun fight?

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x25 The Real Folk Blues (1)

Fun first half of the finale!

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x24 Hard Luck Woman

I really liked this episode. Lots of heartfelt moments and still fun

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x23 Brain Scratch

I liked this one a lot. Very cool

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x09 Akakiri

This one rang true for me. Heaps of style, punchy pacing and interesting characters

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x08 Lop & Ochō

This one just didn’t quite fit together. Some parts were nice but the whole was just not great

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x07 The Elder

I quite liked this episode and the English dub was actually not bad

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x06 T0-B1

A nice episode with a different art style but not exactly my jam

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x05 The Ninth Jedi

This episode was almost as good as the first. Great stuff

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x04 The Village Bride

A better episode. Wish Disney+ would do an English subtitle track that doesn’t have audio description included

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x03 The Twins

I didn’t mind the art style until we saw people’s faces. This was really over the top in the anime styling, complete with grimacing faces as their Kamehameha charged up. No suits in space? Surfing the bonnet of the X-Wing as hyperspace was engaged? Yeah nah

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Foundation: 1x04 Barbarians at the Gate

A slightly better episode but still somehow hollow

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Foundation: 1x02 Preparing to Live

I’m glad to see some people are liking this, but to me, it’s all over the place. At least the plot is seemingly developing rapidly but the acting/chatacters are all ..well just ‘off’ somehow.

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Y: The Last Man: 1x04 Karen and Benji

It’s that odd blend of a show with promise mixed with some awful writing (“I guess you could say I had more in common with the horses!”) and some characters that are selfish to the point of not making sense ..but I’m still hooked

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x02 Tatooine Rhapsody

Meh, bit of a buzzkill after such a strong first episode

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x01 The Duel

That was simply perfect, what a first episode!

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What If...?: 1x06 What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?

Fairly dull episode, all things considered. Nothing super obviously terrible just.. bland.

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Y: The Last Man: 1x03 Neil

Kimberley is so dislikable but very well done.
Yorick is painful as all hell but again, he’s meant to be.
The show seems to be maintaining its high quality and my hope for a whole season of it continues

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Y: The Last Man: 1x02 Would the World Be Kind

So far so good! Not quite as strong as the first episode but still good

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