
1 follower

Melbourne, Victoria

Bridge of Spies

A real decent film (word count)

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Happy People: A Year in the Taiga

A simple film about a simple life

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North America's National Parks

Not much more than pleasing nature visuals but pleasing none the less

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Point Break

Beyond terrible (three more words)

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Shot beautifully, great sound and captivating content. Hard to fault

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Definitely doesn't feel 20 years old ..although a few of the performances are a bit wooden

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Decent when compared to other Marvel crap but the premise/motivations are hilariously thin

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Worth a watch (insufficient words)

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Boyz n the Hood

Heavy on the 90s but decent

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The Witch

Nope nope nope. Good DP but

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X-Men: Apocalypse

Looks great. Is a bit clunky as you'd expect. Also a bit long. Fun but

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All This Mayhem

A real good doco. Watch it

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The Conjuring

Not what it was cracked up to be scary enough to be enjoyed

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Don't Think Twice

My fault for wanting comedy w/ a touch of drama when it's the opposite

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Managed to see this without knowing anything and thoroughly enjoyed it

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

A fun return to Rowling's magical world with a heavy nod to getting more American fans

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Has all the ingredients, doesn't make a great cake though

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Sausage Party

A few laughs but not many

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Finding Dory

There's a reason Finding Nemo was so popular. This isn't as good but it definitely works

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I didn't really care for it

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Tolerable but not by much

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That's It, That's All

Great fun, no really, great fun

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The Boy and the Beast

Simple plot but great animation & imaginary world to enjoy it through

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It's polished and it's in space but you already know the entire plot from the poster

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Grizzly Man

An interesting look into the life of an atypical person

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The Girl on the Train

Tense. Erratic. Thrilling. Enjoyed it a lot but not for everyone

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Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Tension is conveyed at times but it's terrible overall

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

It's got everything. Get around it

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Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World

The way he gets people to talk is great. Not amazing but I saw it on a plane. Interesting

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Hacksaw Ridge

A war film. With guns. And explosions. And stuff.

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