Suicide Squad

3 stars but only for will smith, the music and margot robbie.

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God I hate Tom Cruise. Jamie Foxx and Mark Ruffalo were top notch though.

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Your Friend the Rat

great mix of tons of different styles, awesome work

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Ralph Breaks the Internet

Shout by jenni

No need to watch this twice, the story itself was average but still a good laugh whenever you’re in need of watching something easy-going.

How amusingly true the essence of the internet is shown in a simple animated way, can’t remember any other film I genuinely laughed so much. Loved how Ralph and Vanellope sort of stand for the different generations of internet users and the way the princesses take the piss out of basically every fairytale there ever was (and Disney it self) is genius, could definitely watch tons more of that.

And: The Post Credit Rick Roll, well played Disney, well played!

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Shout by jenni

sand off

loved every minute of it

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Berlin, Berlin

That was.. impressively bad. Wow.

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