


How I Met Your Mother: 6x07 Canning Randy

Shout by EssenSlug

I often hear the "this is like Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but less self-aware" Ted and Lily in this episode gave me that. Ted's students started protesting for a cause they believe in and Ted used some very authoritative actions, because he was the problem

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How I Met Your Mother: 5x15 Rabbit or Duck

Shout by EssenSlug

I love the Duck vs Rabbit scene. But there is no way duck is the good one. Marshall was right from the beginning, all the arguments for duck require wearing or eating duck. While rabbits are better alive. Except for the rabbits foot ofc. But again, they bring luck.

I think the reason they needed to make the duck the good one is for the Donald Duck joke, which works great, so I'll allow it

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Fallout: 1x01 The End

I thought the Lucy story was a 10/10, but the Maximus story really dragged, I couldn't at any point tell what the main character was feeling, so it got kinda boring. I personally hate the "very powerful, smug, making smartass quips" character, so the last story did nothing for me

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Solo Leveling: 1x11 A Knight Who Defends an Empty Throne

Shout by EssenSlug

I find it kind of annoying that they keep taking his teleportation stone from him, when he wants to use it. Like I get it, but if the high stakes are created by the same stupid mechanic every time, it gets irritating

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Solo Leveling: 1x09 You've Been Hiding Your Skills

Shout by EssenSlug

Kinda cringe they made the convicts ontologically evil

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How I Met Your Mother: 2x07 Swarley

Shout by EssenSlug

The last scene with Chloe was very unnecessary imo, it undercut the whole point the episode was trying to make, just so they could make a subversion of expectations. Marshall had a date with someone who is down to earth and casual and realises, that he'd rather have Lily, because of her quirks. Making Chloe retroactively crazy in the last scene kind of ruins that actualisation by Marshall. And the joke wasn't even that funny

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Adventure Time: 5x25 Candy Streets

Didn't expect Adventure Time to properly showcase police brutality

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The Boys: 2x07 Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

Shout by EssenSlug

The ending of this episode stuck with me the entire day, I watched the episode in the morning and my heart was still beating a little fast thinking about it in the evening

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This is one of the only movies I irrationally rate 10/10, exclusively because it's my comfort movie

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The Bear: 2x10 The Bear

I really hope Carmy fixes things with Claire next season and realises his own trauma. If the show makes Carmy and Sydney a thing I am going to lose my mind. There is no chemistry between Carmy and Sydney and it always felt like Sydney having some unrequited feelings for Carmy and that's okay. But last episode they showed him maybe feeling something too and that would just piss me off, because if he then realises next season that he can in fact have a relationship. It would be obvious to try to get back together with Claire instead of just moving directly on to Sydney. I am actually scared, because the show is a perfect 10/10 for me, but this would be a genuine huge showbreaker. The realism that the show has in all it's parts kinda fell apart with the talking through the freezer door, and I also think it would lose it's realism when you have the forced triangle drama

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The Bear: 2x09 Omelette

Goddamn it, last episode I wrote that I don't like the idea of Carm ruining his relationship with Clair, so he can end up with Sydney, but now it's looking like it's going in that direction

p.s. that was the most unappetizing omelette I've seen in my entire life

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The Bear: 2x08 Bolognese

Shout by EssenSlug
BlockedParent2023-12-29T14:14:14Z— updated 2024-06-08T20:13:23Z

I am actually enjoying the relationship between Claire and Carm, and I'd rather want a storyline where Sydney is heartbroken, instead of them breaking up for the story to progress toward Carm and Syndey ending up together

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Lucifer: 5x15 Is This Really How It’s Going to End?!

I have no idea how Chloe came to the conclusion that Lucifer caused Dan's death

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I don't know if I haven't noticed it before or if it just started this episode, but the dialogue feel so unnatural

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Lucifer: 5x09 Family Dinner

God deadnaming Lucifer, cringe fr

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Lucifer: Season 2

Shout by EssenSlug

Season 2, we're amping up the story, we have a specific plot in mind already from the beginning. And they executed the main plot beautifully.

After watching this season the first time, when I thought back I always thought of it as a worse season, but after rewatching this season I realised it was specifically the godess of all creation, that pissed me off. Her motivation throughout the show is annoying to watch, because frankly, she is a bad mom. But the plot of the show beside that is still very good and it pulls everything up from it.

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Lucifer: Season 3

Shout by EssenSlug

The first time I watched this show I felt like season 2 took the quality down and season 3 came and saved it, so when I came back to rewatch it, I was actually surprised, because season 2 is now in my mind much better than season 3.

The overall plot generally feels like retreading steps and prolonging drama instead of resolving it and creating new drama. In the first two seasons it felt like the characters learned lessons every episode. In season 3 it felt more like they had to go through the same lessons multiple times.

The reason I remember season 3 being so good, is because it delivers on the quality of episodes in an isolated sense. Some of the shows best episodes are in this season. The side-stories, episodes focusing on specific characters and creative ideas are extremely fun to watch and a treat to come back to. Watching the show the first time around, it was actually annoying for the main plot to get thrown aside for a side-story, but knowing the full story, so not being distracted by the main plot while watching, makes those special episodes a lot sweeter.

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Lucifer: 3x25 Boo Normal


I am really disappointed, how they didn't do anything with Azrael and Ella throughout the show after this point. You could've had a great scene where Azrael shows up and Lucifer talks to her while Ella is in the room and that resulting in Ella finding out about Lucifer

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How I Met Your Mother: 4x11 Little Minnesota

This episode annoys me so much, Ted was right, Heather is irresponsible, as proven by her stunt. And it makes no sense for Ted to reflect on his lack of trust in Heather and change his mind.

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Sex Education: 4x03 Episode 3

All the comments on this season so far "I hate gay people, stop the woke" Why are you watching a show called Sex Education????

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior

Dialogue has been suffering in this show, but it was really bad this episode

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Better Call Saul: 6x07 Plan and Execution

A youtube video spoiled this for me, because it said "The most unexpected death in BCS" and it was a picture of Howard. I am extremely annoyed, because I've been waiting for it for a long time. I wish I got to experience this naturally

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Teen Beach 2

Shout by EssenSlug

Man that was disappointing, they reused the drama between Brady and Mac, and even though they opened the door to a moral about freedom, they ended up endorsing accepting your place and giving up on freedom. It was jarring to see them say goodbye too many times.

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The Office: 2x19 Michael's Birthday

I really wanted to see Kevin get the gift from Jim and Pam

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