
1 follower

Launceston, Tasmania


Beautiful sets, costumes and design. The best Miss Bates and a fun jaunt into our favourite land of Austen. Weirdly unnecessary use of nudity and glossing over of the storytelling (probably as it has been well and truly told before, so fair enough). So beautiful!

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The Cider House Rules

I watched this movie a lot growing up, which I might question my parents about as it portrays some fairly adult themes; abortion, incest, rape, murder and drug use, but I remember none of that. I mostly remember a beautiful score, New England in the 1940's, the multi use of tweed and tartan and it instilled in me a love of old barns and apple orchards.

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Captain Corelli's Mandolin

A well done and compelling movie. It is a shame the 4 main characters are neither Greek nor Italian, and are all speaking English, but they played their roles well, especially Penelope Cruz. Having read the book I was bracing myself for the ending, but they Hollywoodised it, which was lovely, but a shame.

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West Side Story

Infuriating; I would love to speak Spanish, but alas I do not.....so would have greatly appreciated the subtitles to say more than 'speaking Spanish'. If you are doing a remake at least change it from the original.

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Basic Instinct

Starts with more nudity and stabbing than expected. Ended with far more questions than answers. Definitely written, produced and directed by men.

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Let the Sunshine In

People endlessly looking for 'love' when what they really need is counselling and Jesus. Juliette's charm and beauty can carry many a film across the line, but no plot of substance made for this major downfall. When pouting Sylvian appeared, I assumed that the sunshine was a man in leather, but no the sunshine is within....but will only dawn once the illusive right man appears...

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The Christmas Shoes

I had super low expectations for this and thought it was be cliche trash, but I sobbed through the last quarter and not because of bad acting. That little boy trying to buy his Mum shoes!

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L.A. Confidential

Hollywood loves movies about Hollywood, but this one was particularly enjoyable as the Aussies won out...except for Simon Baker. Shock and intrigue, but why did she sleep with Ed?!

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Enola Holmes

Felt like a tv show I wanted to watch 7 seasons of! Beautifully shot, well cast, perfectly acted, fantastic costumes and set/prop designs!

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Eat Pray Love

The story and the journey (emotional and physical) were both worth telling. The actors were well chosen and played their roles well, but it didn't quite hit the mark for me. I think the score/soundtrack was not quite right, often just felt a bit off, not in keeping with the vibe/place/emotion. Also the wardrobe department; this might sound petty, but Liz (Julia) left with a small backpack and we almost never saw her in the same outfit and yet very few of her outfits were flattering or something one would choose to take for an Italy, India, Indonesia vacation. However I enjoyed watching, and loved travelling by proxy.

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Miss Americana

This woman is a total boss and I have so much respect for her.

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Setting: beautiful, Cher: fabulous, Lou: surprisingly lovable, Charlotte: naive, Joe: passive, title: misleading.

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The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn

I want to quit my life and move to the country.

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Sometimes Always Never

Surprisingly comedic and uniquely styled. Bill Nighy is totally likeable while being entirely destructive.

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The Seagull

Love triangle? Try hexagon! What a hot mess, thankfully we were saved from seeing most of it. The uncle was the best character.

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The greatest real estate viewing I have ever seen. Both funny and horrifying

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The Sun Is Also a Star

Beautiful music and beautiful people. Nothing like life

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A River Runs Through It

Shout by Eva

A truly missed opportunity of Brad Pitt playing a young (or child of) Robert Redford, was disappointed we didn't even see Robert Redford. Not a lot of plot, didn't seem to have a point, other than the main character was actually not the main character ....Brad Pitt was really the centre of this movie, as he is in all his movies....which is only right for someone born so beautiful. The relationships lacked the depth and significance they alluded to.

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Tango, Tequila and Some Lies

Adorable and heartwarming, a fun and very likeable duo.

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Sunset Song

The amount of accolades and awards should have been a giveaway that this was not going to be a good movie. The scenery and prose were the shining stars of an otherwise poorly edited, directed and written film. Some scenes/shots seemed to linger for so long that you had both a sense of boredom and foreboding and then nothing would happen and conversely in the blink of an eye major plot points/change would occur. The tone and soul of this film was really off kilter.

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He Said, She Said

What is the truth?! Nobody knows, but somewhere in the middle I guess. A light 90's rom com. That doesn't follow the usual linear path. Also that cup to the head looked like it would have hurt!

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Jimmy's Hall

A tale as old as time; ignorant power hungry men misread and misrepresent God.

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A beautiful movie, heartfelt, funny with a very real look at the struggles of refugees. The two leads were complex and human and I found myself really rooting for them from the start.
....there was a lot less samba dancing than expected, but very much appreciated the dance scene that there was. Also I really liked that the 1st kiss came an hour and a half in and was incredibly sweet.

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I never thought I could feel so sad for someone so rich and famous, but wow what a tragic and troubling journey. The music industry has come a long way, but I feel for any musician; they are fighting the battle of independence and self control. The social commentary about Elivis' success compared to his African American counterparts was cleverly touched on, without overriding his story. A very well done film.

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South Pacific

Could use some editing, so long. Beautiful scenery, somewhat hindered by the strong colour haze used in many scenes. The plot had good elements, but the characters and effusive love could use some foundation. Lt Cable fell hard and fast due to....being in the same room with no other options? Bloody Mary's motives were unclear....she will do all the work and you two can go off and have fun together....very suspicious. One thing I am sure of; I want to get myself some white high waisted shorts!

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June Again

A beautiful movie, simple in it's execution, well crafted, with a whole lot of heart. Made me laugh and weep, got me right in the feels.

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Death on the Nile

Visually stunning, Branagh is impeccable. Unsure why comedic heavy weights were cast and then underused. The mix of American Blues and Egypt was oddly complimentary. Oh to visit Egypt in the 1920's and not a century later!

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A bit of a mess, but Louise dancing with the carnival man was the greatest!

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Barefoot in the Park

Apparently cling-ons were living on earth back in the 60's. Single life has never looked so appealing.

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The Gang's All Here

Fun movie with enough plot to carry the wide array of musical numbers. Unfortunately it appears to be missing the last 10 minutes of the production; the lovers reunion has been replaced with odd 'special effect' floating heads.

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