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All of Us Strangers

It baffles me seeing people dismiss this film as "another gay drama/tragedy".

Adam being gay is important to the story? Absolutely. But the narrative is not only about him being gay. It's also about a person who never really grew up because they never had the chance to; It's about someone who's miserably lonely because they cling too much to the past and can't look forward to the future; it's about dealing with unprocessed trauma and moving on in the modern world. And not only that, it's also very original and masterfully crafted. It's beautiful.

It could easily be adapted into a story of the contemporary lonely straight man starring Ryan Gosling and people would lose it.

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Civil War

I've seen a fair share of bad movies in my life, but this one hardly even qualifies as a movie. It's so... empty, pointless, soulless. Just a weird experience devoided of any real emotion.

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Charlie's Angels

This movie had absolute everything I hold dear to my little nostalgic heart and it was still disappointing. It's an early 00s action/spy flick, the Angels actresses are the textbook definition of iconic, it features my beautiful babygirl BIll Murray being his lovely silly self, the soundtrack ranges from The Prodigy to Blink 182 to Destiny's Child to Heart... and it still was bad. And it was not only the gross hyper sexualization of the Angels that was over the top even by 00s standards, no. The movie was overall disjointed and aimless. Some of the action scenes are fun, but the rest just feels boring and honestly very lame. It used to happen often when movies' first priority were just to look so sick and cool dude hell yeah!!! (i.e. the first Fast and Furious). And don't get me started on the antagonists... for reference: Eric Knox is like a lame Zoolander, the "Thin Man" is a creppy disgusting Robbie Rotten from Lazy Town and honestly who cares for that b*tch Vivian?

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House of 1000 Corpses

It's the perfect mix of camp and disgusting shock horror. Unfortunately, the "creative" editing is just confusing, annoying and quite cheap. A shame, though, as it had some very interesting scenes and characters as well as wesomely disgusting costume, make-up and practical effects. Great acting too. However, in the end, it just felt like going through a haunted house while on acid.

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This movie is and will always be a timeless classic for a reason and that it is because it's iconic in the true meaning of the word iconic. Even tough it is a 90s/00s high school fantasy like many that came after, it is still the one that actually feels like the snapshot of a generation: the characters, the catch phrases, the jokes, the dialect, the fashion (OMG THE FASHION), the soundtrack... everything in it is truly iconic in the sense that it represents a time so beautifully done even if it is embellished (and isn't that true for everything that is actually iconic?) -- also, it being so lighhearted contributes to it as it feels like watching an old tape from a bunch of 90s high-schoolers at times. People complain the plot falls on the mundane side at times, but that it is what makes it special, it somewhat feels like a slice of life, a slice of time. A delight to watch!

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Thir13en Ghosts

It is as if the very cliché heartwarming family comedy movie from the early 00's had gone somewhat horror. Incredibly, INCREDIBLY dumb, but also incredibly funny. A silly little movie for silly big laughs.

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Drag Me to Hell

This movie is so aggressively bad but so funny and camp at the same time it can be worth a watch.

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Dream Scenario

An interesting premise and a curious take on movie genres as it tends to switch tones very unexpectedly. It starts off strong, but it falls flat on the second half, though. In the end, it felt aimless and disjointed. A shame, really, because it could've been great.

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This is a visually stunning (!!!) movie from the set to the costumes to the make-up and to the cinematography; Garbo's acting is also very much on point. However, unfortunately, this all there is to it. Plot-wise, it brushes over the most pivotal points of what constitutes the impossible romance between Marguerite and Armand and focus instead in old Hollywood romance gibberish cliché, turning the story confusing and the characters' reasoning nonsensical.

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The Transporter

I am one for a mindless cheesy B action movie, but this one is just boring. There is virtually no plot, characters' reasoning and actions only exist to keep the film going, the pacing is weird, it holds no tension, the ending is rushed; nothing about is actually entertaining other than some cool asthetic shots. The only salvageable thing out of this mess is Jason Statham fighting choreography. Dude knows how to put on a show.

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Chungking Express

This is a movie that is somewhat absurd in its plot line and character actions, but not too much that it becomes surreal, so I guess it becomes difficult to tackle on the "how" to watch it. I think it's more of a go-with-the-flow type of movie that you enjoy more of its bits than you do the whole, such as the characters relationship with the objects surrounding them and the metaphors and similies that arise from this. It's lovely nonetheless, specially the second film with Faye's character, and it will leave you giggling and tossing your feet up in the air if you savor it instead of trying to make sense out of it. My biggest problem is the editing, though: the hard angles and slow motion at times didn't match the movie overall vibe. It just felt disorienting for no reason and, to be honest, a bit on the cheap side.

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Nolan certainly outdid himself in this one! More pedantic and self-important than ever! There is something ironic in that Oppenheimer's wife character critiqued him saying something along the lines of him thinking so great of himself... and that that would definitely apply to Nolan. Just because the movie had great acting and a difficult story to be adapted, it doesn't make it any good; quite the contrary, the higher you are, the harder the fall. The editing to make it "artistic" is just disorienting enough to trick you into thinking it's oh so smart and complex and profound. Not to forget the cheesy lines some characters, Einstein specially, were spitting like it was fountains of wisdom coming straight from the most generic Marvel movie. This is the worst garbage of intellectual wannabe film ever: it's like Ricky and Morty for people that think they are actually smarter than Ricky and Morty fans. Apologetic Hollywood trash that OF COURSE copped 7 Academy Awards. Make the bomb, drop the bomb, make the movie, make money with the movie, award the movie... all in a day's work of American imperialism.

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(500) Days of Summer

I don't understand why this movie is so adored as it is. It is beautifully scripted and shot, yes, absolutely. But it doesn't really speak of something deep about love as people make it to be. Tom character and his friends are insufferable incels and Summer is full of contradictions. Their alleged "relationship" is a mess and not in a fun and quirky and lovely way, just a cringe mess. Maybe this movie would work if they were teenagers, yes, maybe... but they are adults for heaven's sake! It was just a pain to watch it.

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The Princess Diaries

Slightly above average preteen movie. It has its funny moments, tho.

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Jeepers Creepers

It starts genuinely terrifying, but soon turns into one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The moment they return to check on the church’s pipe, while Trish herself acknowledges they are acting on scary movie logic nonetheless, is the moment it turns into a shitshow. From there on, the movie is just a bunch of VERY annoying yelling and terrible acting (from Darry especially, who looked EXACTLY like this :eye::lips::eye: at all times). There is just SO much wrong with this movie, it is so bad and incoherent, that it feels like I’m being gaslighted by everyone when I see all these comments on the internet about it being a great horror movie or even a just OK one for that matter.

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She's the Man

VERY average preteen movie with a gender bender twist.

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Notting Hill

It is a delightful movie full of the classical British wit that I always enjoy. It starts a bit rough around the edges, the roommate Spike is a disgusting character that I wish was not there, the soundtrack is a bit too on the nose and the very very ending is very very cheesy -- but it all fits for a 90s rom-com I must admit. On a positive note, it is fun, the dialogue is great and the side characters are quite interesting. And of course, Hugh Grant never looked so much of a baby girl as he did in this movie. Oh, those beautiful eyes of his... Instant movie crush!

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American Fiction

It is a great concept to juxtapose two conflicting narratives the way they did it to broad the so-called "black experience". The problem is that, while one of them is actually well-written and moving, the other is the dumbest satire ever. Rich white people can be dense, but they just pushed it to the realm of disbelief. And I'll say it: Atlanta, the TV show, already did this, but much much better.

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It is a cool approach to the found footage genre, and, while everyone apparently agree that the second part was better, I don't. First one is much more scary because nobody knows what in hell is going on. Then, they explain it and even adds an unnecessary layer of catholic mysticism by the very end, which just makes it goofy.

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House of Wax

First of all, I want to say that Paris did nothing wrong and her Raspberry Award was undserved: her acting was on par with the rest of the cast, and that is just average. The movie, though, SUCKS. It takes half of it to happen something actually exciting, as they were "building" the characters before with no real pay-off for the narrative later. The concept is interesting and some of the kills and their aftermath are super creepy, but the rest of them are just random kills to single down the two survivors. Soundtrack is ABSOLUTE FIRE tho.

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House on Haunted Hill

It is not really a scary movie, although it gets creepy at times. The best thing about it are the little twists that get you every time. Approach it as a somewhat comedy drama horror spoof and you will enjoy it, especially the hilarious back and forth relationship between the grumpy couple with great girl bossiness gold digger bitch acting from Famke. Ignore the ending and the VFX... there are no excuses for that.

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New Nightmare

Shout by faggurgle
BlockedParent2024-03-07T04:12:30Z— updated 2024-03-28T05:20:00Z

I really wanted to like this movie as I love me some metanarratives and fourth wall breaking, but, unfortunately, I don't. It starts off strong and from the mark of 30 minutes on it gets confusing and convoluted, characters act dumb, and Nancy screaming "DANNY DANNY DANNY" and Danny replying with "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY" for what it seemed like a million times quickly becomes VERY annoying.

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The Skeleton Key

I don't get when people say this movie suffers from haunted house horror movies clichés because it definitely doesn't. It's an interesting, innovative and well-rounded story that doesn't scare, but definitely creeps you with its great cinematography and brooding ambiance, solid performances all around and also for the fact that the movie doesn't have a happy ending at all for the protagonist . And, hey, some might even thank this movie for what is considered one of the best horror movies of the last decade: Get Out .

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The Amityville Horror

Every single haunted house horror movie cliché and then some. Not interesting nor scary in the slightest.

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American History X

Shout by faggurgle
BlockedParent2023-09-26T04:11:41Z— updated 2023-10-05T05:08:33Z

I find it rather ironic that the movie is mostly in B&W since that's what the whole message it's trying to get across is: black and white. I kinda understand it being successful when it released in 1998, but seeing people holding it up to such high standards in this day and age just shows that the fight against racism and pursue for equity still has a looooong way to go. Damn Norton's stellar performance for being what I believe is the sole reason this movie is so well regarded.

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