
1 follower

La Plata, Buenos Aires

Stranger Things: Season 2

Another excellent season. I loved most of the character interactions. New team ups especially Dustin and Steve are the best. I feel like 008 was a waste. Having another with powers and only use them to have Eleven realize she has to go home didn't seem like a good use of someone with powers. Maybe 8 will make her way to Hawkins soon. Also Billy and Max were kinda not used. Max was alright but she seems like a love interest and Billy was just the racist trying to stop here sister. Hopefully they will have more to do next season.

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@nmahoney416 I think 8 was there to teach Eleven how to channel her powers, not just to help her realize she had to go back home. Even if Eleven was able to use her powers already, she needed "training" to be able to close the gate. But having said that, I do think that the whole thing felt kind of rash and under-developed. Hopefully we'll get to see more of 8 in a meaningful way for plot development.

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Sense8: Season 2

Comparing to the first season this one is pure desepointment. Good series ruined :(

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@markiz83 I agree, and on top of that, the finale... OMFG, why would they do that to us??? Kala is dying and she doesn't because they use a taser gun on her??? really???? and that wedding, so boring, so cliché... It felt like they decided to give viewers a happy ending so that maybe they wouldn't complain anymore, I f**cking hated it. Like you said, good series ruined :(

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Twin Peaks: Season 3

Immensely beautiful and mindbogling. Nostalgic for everyone who loved Twin Peaks and David Lynch. Some places scary and horrific. A total experience - not like anything else out there.

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@clausdh there's probably a reason why there's nothing like it out there... it's just BAD

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