The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x04 The Whole World Is Watching
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x03 Power Broker

While a bit lacking in some of the aspects I found the first two episodes more engaging, this episode boasts a super impressive bit of action choreography when Sharon is fighting in the shipping yard.

Otherwise, I felt like the plot here was less mining the subtext than I would have liked and instead was more content to go from point A to point B. This is a more business forward episode, likely to get back to some of the really good stuff in the next one.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x08 A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo…
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x07 Marvelous Radio

Teeters on the edge of some transcendently great payoffs, but seems to trade that in for serialization. Whereas we could have seen these characters really push themselves out of their cocoons, this episode instead asks the audience to wait a little longer. I worry that this is indicative of a show that could start to overstay its welcome (but with characters this good, I seriously doubt it), but it's likely more just asking the audience to wait another episode.

It felt so nice to be back in New York. There is a bittersweetness to the homecoming and it's really impressive how much you can feel the characters' changes because of how differently we see familiar spaces. I'm genuinely on the edge of my seat to see where we go next.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x05 It's Comedy or Cabbage

Setup or plant, call it what you wish. As the halfway marker for the season it's clear there's some cards that are about to be played. I thought this was a nice, breezy episode for the most part--no major conflicts. Even Rose and Shirley's argument felt less consequential seeing as how raised voices are kind of Shirley's MO. But there's something that kind of set me on edge about Lenny and Midge's night out. I can't tell exactly what yet and I get the feeling the show is about to bring something with them to the forefront (there was a good moment with Abe and Rose seeing Lenny earlier too). But something about the evening felt off. I think it's the changing of chemistry and the role switching that the show almost tried to pitch to us--one that almost feels as though everyone around Midge might start pushing for Lenny and her to get together, but she will resist.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x10 All Alone
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x05 Midnight at the Concord

Dog this show is so good. It was foreshadowed for episodes that Abe would be the next to find out, but even knowing that I still audibly gasped when I saw him in the audience. Damn.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x04 We're Going to the Catskills!

Rules. This episode seems to draw attention to how the nostalgic bits of the time period can also be subtly subverted so they become comedic.

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PEN15: 1x02 Miranda

I don't know what it is about this show, but it really doesn't vibe with me. I'm usually 1000% into cringe comedy, but something about the vibe of this show pushes back onto that in a really really weird way and I just don't really care for it. Maybe it's just because Big Mouth is so much better.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x03 The Punishment Room
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x02 Mid-way to Mid-town
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x01 Simone

Vestiges. Ghosts. Loss. I really like how fluidly this series deals with concepts and sorrow in a way that feels organic, sad, and also by pushing through it. Characters feel believable because of how static they can feel: Midge won't give up comedy for Joel because she's never been the type to give up things for anyone. Abe has never been the sweet guy so why start now? And Rose never says what she thinks, so here she uses escapism to do the talking for her. And I really like how this episode seems to pose Midge's stand-up as a new obstacle for her: perhaps, even though she's really good at what she does, she should find another outlet for her therapy and comedy can still work.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x08 Thank You and Good Night
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x07 Put That on Your Plate!

Interesting. We started to crack open some of the tougher nuts in this episode. Both Rose and Joel seem to break enough to evolve enough to gain a new perspective. It's fascinating to see Rose struggle to know she can't control narratives she isn't privy to and--although its been extremely satisfying to see Joel hit a rock bottom--it is good to see growth out of him and to gain a bit more empathy.

But I really love the revelation of Sophie in this episode, because it sets up such a beautiful foil for Midge in the future by representing everything Midge hates in show business. The rejection of inauthenticity is what makes Midge so exciting and likable. Really good stuff.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x05 Doink

I like seeing how this show is adamant about putting out characters through the ringer in unique situations. The writing is smartly averting ever seeing Midge overtly successful: she's either dealing with big issues with her comedy or outside of it. And I'm glad to see a a learning curve in her comedy. Her early sets are so stellar I love that the writing is self-aware enough to recognize it could be a fluke.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x04 The Disappointment of the Dionne Quintuplets

Good stuff. The banter between characters really makes The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel a treat. Brosnahan effortlessly carries this entire show, but nobody else is a nudge either. Shalhoub and Hinkle just knock everything out of the park, but everything Abe says has me laughing my ass off.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x03 Because You Left

The writing so far is really just tremendous, but what I love so much about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is the cadence of the episodes themselves. They ebb and flow with the mood of the conversation--the comedic scenes feel fast and the morose bits are much more contemplative. It emulates conversation in a very real way, and that's completely outside of how the actors deliver their lines. And so there's a wonderful lead-up to Midge's stand-up sets. So far we've seen these delightful little rising action sections that rival even the greatest lead-ins in action classics. Nice.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x01 Pilot

Really, really solid. I watched the pilot a couple years ago in preparation for a film I was making as a way to see how other artists are dealing with stories of female empowerment during period set dramedies. And I really liked it then, but got so busy I never got back to the rest of the show. Now I'm back.

What felt so good to me is how it feels like it's building on its influences. There are pieces that are familiar here, from a loose structure of After Hours to settings from Inside Llewyn Davis to similar music cues from Moonrise Kingdom. What's great, though, is how this pilot pulls from each of those pieces into something that feels fresh, new, and exciting. It's what you love to see in art, taking influence without afraid to show it and yet still carving out a niche for itself.

Brosnahan is stellar.

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True Detective: 2x06 Church in Ruins
True Detective: 2x05 Other Lives

Where to begin? Low hanging fruit, I guess. The writing in this episode has some of the most unintentionally hilarious dialogue this side of Batman V Superman. It's so self-serious, so utterly ridiculous there's no way this isn't meant to be a comedy in some form. I mean, geez. Rachel McAdams actually says the line: "what can I say? I like big dicks."

Woodrugh's entire arc in this series is so bottom of the barrel I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it. It's awful. It's flipping the script on objectification in a way that is straight trash. Ew. And Frank is so racist and awful I just flat-out do not care about him.

Farrell and McAdams (penis ramblings excluded) are our only saving grace. What a slog. After this episode, I actually don't think I'd be upset if they had cancelled True Detective.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x02 The Star-Spangled Man

It would be a shame to sleep on this. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier subverts expectations and roles established by the Captain America films, primarily at how we look at American Exceptionalism. Duplicity and duality finally seem to be at the core and it's refreshing and interesting to know that basically the only thing keeping Sam and Bucky positive on governmental oversight was Steve himself.

John Walker's character is fascinating because of how it plays into and against Steve's traits. No longer is Captain America some altruistic force; now he functions even further as an arm of the military. Although Walker would have you believe he's doing everything for the greater good, the greater good is frequently challenged within Steve's arc. By setting up Walker as more of a stereotypical, arrogant military man combined with Sam and Bucky's distrust, the cynicism is not only pushed onto Walker as a Cap replacement but also towards American foreign policy as a whole.

This is something MCU detractors have been citing as fault in the franchise for years, the lack of any critical eye towards the American war machine. I am utterly enraptured.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x01 New World Order

This felt really good to me. I liked the layers on display. We could feel that we were dealing with change and character struggling with that change. The absence of Steve sends ripples through both Sam and Bucky's life and that loss feels internalized in the show in a way that I found much more engaging than Wandavision, personally. Also, that editing from Kelley Dixon is tight as hell, as usual.

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True Detective: 2x04 Down Will Come

Lol. I’ve never seen an episode more “add in some action because it’s been slow” than this. Even the first season’s gang shootout scene had a much more natural lead up to the intensity of it. It was a pressure cooker from the get go. Here, it’s just “approach building, here’s a shootout”

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True Detective: 2x03 Maybe Tomorrow
True Detective: 2x02 Night Finds You
True Detective: 2x01 The Western Book of the Dead
True Detective: Season 1

It legitimately does not get better than True Detective Season 1 for me. Literal perfection.

I needed this rewatch to gaze back into the abyss. And it gazes back.

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True Detective: 1x05 The Secret Fate of All Life

What's so compelling about this series is how it's all framed. It has made such an impact on the modern era of television that it nearly predicated the format and storytelling devices that govern true-crime docu-drama. It's absolutely crazy to me that we all lived in an era where we didn't think McConaughey was anything more than a rom-com star. Even though its been a few years since we've seen him give something of this caliber, his brooding here is beyond just about any other performance I've seen.

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale