The Hunt

The writing of the first act alone and the confusion over the protagonist was magnificent to me. I had an absolute blast in the theater with this one.

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Doesn't really juggle its messages and influences as skillfully as it seems to think it does. I had a hard time watching this in the theater because so much of it was just plain cringe-y to me. I know people are absolutely adoring this film, but it felt like a shallow misunderstanding of The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver to me.
Phoenix gives a solid performance and the cinematography is good though.

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The Goldfinch

Genuinely don’t understand the hate for this film. I thought it was pretty solid. I was moved. Great cinematography.

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Doctor Sleep

Relies too heavily on the novels and Kubrick's film to ever really feel like it has legs enough to stand on its own. Although there are interesting bits in this film, it does not ever come to fruition in a meaningful way and often seems to misunderstand the thesis behind the novel it's based on. Instead, Doctor Sleep chugs along at a dreary pace until its third act goes completely off the rails. For the majority of this film I thought it was decent. As soon as we got to the climax it became dreadful. Yikes.

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All That Jazz

Me watching Parasite twice and then thinking about it is to continually give side-eye to Joker. Every issue I had with Phillips's bungle (and I have plenty) is presented brilliantly and effortlessly with this masterwork of class commentary. Darkly funny, shockingly thrilling, and the ending is a doozy. If you haven't seen Parasite yet, you have done yourself a tremendous disservice. This is the film of the year. Period.

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The Irishman

Magnificent. Scorsese just keeps coming and I am here for it. The acting. The directing. The writing. The editing!

The Irishman is basically Sadfellas and that is a big complement.

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His House

There's a similar impact His House has to Incendies. The truths put to screen here have intense power dealing with the weight we put on those just trying to survive. I'm here for all the socially conscious horror. I anxiously await Remi Weekes's next project

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Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Some of the action shots are neat. Most everything else is not. Oof. At best, it's a little bland. At worst it's a derivative mess of tropes and cliches that feel less satisfying that its predecessor. At the very least The Maze Runner had an intriguing setup. The truth of the matter is that JJ Abrams's mystery box philosophy proves true here: the answers we are given are significantly less interesting than the questions asked.

Just play The Last of Us instead.

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The Maze Runner
The Invisible Man

Never really develops its own internal logic beyond its initial premise, which makes for a frustratingly bland plot. There's never a moment where we're left to really question whether or not the invisible man is actually real or in the space with Cecilia and as a result the suspense never landed with me. Perhaps the filmmakers knew this too because there are far too many jump scares. The Invisible Man is a misunderstanding of how both suspense and horror work in a technical sense. Also, there's incredibly misplaced humor. Whoops.

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Uncut Gems

Masterful tonal control in a hilariously anxious trip that is so unique to the Safdies.

This is how I win.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
As Good as It Gets

It's a bit of a pity how much of this film is marred and stuck in making a gay character revel in trauma. It's a bit of a pity how his arc is literally only here to support and change a straight asshole. It's a bit of a pity how this film is completely wrapped up in a really confusing and inaccurate portrait of OCD that is just magically cured by love. It's a pity because on a moment to moment experience, As Good As It Gets can be pretty charming. But I was never really able to just get into this movie. For ever time I felt myself starting to vibe with the flow of it, I was pulled out by something. It's just kind of weird how this operates too because it almost seems self-aware about the creepiness of the whole central romance, but conveniently wants you to forget it by the end of the movie. Listen, I love Jack Nicholson as much as the next guy but the romance of this film is between a financially insecure waitress and a sugar daddy.

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delicious. finally some good fucking food

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Jojo Rabbit

Although it doesn't quite pull off its premise quite as handily as the film requires, I'd be shocked if anyone could do a better job at this than Waititi.

There's good laughs and genuine empathy created in a solid character arc. Waititi pulls good performances out of his ensemble. These kids were fantastic.

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Hail Satan?

Fascinating topic, although the execution feels a bit wooden. Could have used some more stylistic flourishes to deviate away from an over-reliance on talking heads.

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Stylistically it ends up being a bit of a mishmash of several other films that don't ever completely mesh together for me. There are visual and aural devices that are used for single scenes and never return.

Still quite a bit of fun, even if paced a little awkwardly.

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The Lighthouse

Mesmerizing, spellbinding, and strange. Pattinson gives an absolutely breathtaking performance in a film so hazy and rich that I was on the edge of my seat. This is the type of film I can only hope to experience when I go to the theater. A journey into the psyche and into the weird.

I am on board with Eggers and wherever he wants to take us.

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It Chapter Two

Not nearly as strong as the first film mostly because of how color by numbers it feels--while also being entirely too long. Bill Hader is EASILY the strongest part of the film though.

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I'm not sure this is a very good movie and I think as far as how it sits within Nolan's filmography it's probably one of his weakest. But it's also the most Nolan of the bunch and as far as being judged as a statement of what he wants to do with the film, it honestly might be one of his best. But it's all about that perspective.

I had a massive headache watching this movie. It really fucked my brain in a way that really no other movie has since maybe Primer. And that's a big complement, I think. It's just a shame its wrapped up in an execution that feels more sterile than some of Nolan's set design.

It's really hard for me to rate this movie because it's difficult to judge a film that clearly is doing exactly what it wants to do, but what it wants to do is leave the audience by the wayside and deliver a pure experience. I kind of loved the experience, but I don't know that it's any good.

I'm very conflicted on Tenet, but I think that's kind of the point. Nolan, you son of a gun.

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Shout by filmboicole
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-12-17T07:41:24Z— updated 2021-02-10T19:40:28Z

I'm convinced Kaufman should go back to being solely a screenwriter. He does not know how to keep his machinations in check. Spike Jonze's razor sharp edge cut to the core of his pretentiousness without losing the deeper meaning.

The cinematography is gorgeous and the performances are extremely good, but the film runs a half hour too long. It's mother! + Synecdoche, New York + incel fantasy.

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Resident Evil: Retribution

I'm not really sure what the beef is with Paul WS Anderson and the film community, but I kind of think his movies are badass and a hell of a good time. I've been on record before as saying that we as an audience place too heavy of a reliance on story in a visual medium and I'll pull that card here again. Resident Evil: Retribution plays a lot like a video game but also just feels like a piece of visual art. I have a blast with these films, particularly the ones by PWSA.

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Call me crazy, but I almost preferred this to Tarkovsky's. I don't know that I think it's better (I think it might as good), but if you were to ask me on a random day which version of Solaris I wanted to watch, I'd probably go with Soderbergh's.

From a filmmaking standpoint, it has always irked me a little bit how not cinematic Tarkovsky's can be. It's also pretty dry. Slimming down the runtime to less than 100 minutes, you get nearly the same impact of Tarkovsky's behemoth and don't lose a whole lot, in my opinion. I'm pretty big on Soderbergh so I might be a bit biased, but the way he frames things captivates me.

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Long Day's Journey into Night

Bi Gan peaked into my subconscious and picked from my absolute favorite films, mixed them up, and sprinkled them into one of the most unique films I’ve ever seen.

This is a knockout. This is :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:it.:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:

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Unfriended: Dark Web

Tragically underrated. When film begins to branch out into completely new styles, there's an element of purpose that comes alongside the quality of the execution. Desktop movies are not brand new--this isn't even the first of the series. But what Dark Web understands better than any other desktop movie I've seen (looking at you, Searching) is that this story would not work if it were made in any other format. It explores concepts of privacy through social media and the slippery slope of moral grayness within the digital age and it does so with the slightest level of cheesiness that makes for an incredibly engaging experience.

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Mystic River

Bacon and Fishburne easily the strongest bits of this mediocre snooze fest. The writing here is stilted and melodramatic—doesn’t even seem to care enough about its red herring to cover it up to make the plot twist feel worth it. Editing is straight up laughable at times.

If you’re in the mood for a neo-noir set in Boston, Gone Baby Gone is a significant improvement.

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A little overlong and relies a little too heavily on the music to tell the audience how to feel, but that does not altogether belie the ultimate heart of Waves. There is a great film hiding agonizingly close to this final cut--but I'm not sure that it quite hits. It does, however, contain genuine empathy and emotion.

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