Watchmen: Season 1

Criminal that the HFPA didn't recognize this while giving out their legacy noms to GOT.

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Better Call Saul: Season 5
Ted Lasso: Season 2
Schitt's Creek: Season 4

Nothing melts my cold, cynical heart more than seeing people better themselves.

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The Haunting of Bly Manor: Season 1

I’d tell you to skip it, but you won’t. I’m genuinely wondering if I slipped into some Mandela Effect alternate dimension watching this seeing everyone gush about this show. I did not care for this.

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Undone: Season 1
Star Wars: Andor: Season 1
Broadchurch: Season 3

Doesn’t have nearly the same hook as the first season and although it’s a welcome return to Hardy and Miller actually investigating, this mystery lacks the edge that the others had. There’s a serious wasted potential for any exploration of how the crimes committed here affect the town as a whole (something that is the theme of the first two seasons) to the point that I genuinely think the show would have been better off ending after season two. To top it off, the plot about the Latimers in this season is even more pointless. As a continuation of the show, Broadchurch Series 3 is barely holding on. As an investigative drama, this is serviceable and absolutely carried by Tennant and Coleman.

If you decide to watch this season, think of it as a postscript.

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True Detective: Season 1

It legitimately does not get better than True Detective Season 1 for me. Literal perfection.

I needed this rewatch to gaze back into the abyss. And it gazes back.

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Outer Range: Season 1
Moon Knight: Season 1
Hawkeye: Season 1
Schitt's Creek: Season 1

Pockets of great stuff surrounded by a show looking to find its footing. Rooted in good characters, this season pulls through despite a bit of a slow start.

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Mindhunter: Season 1

It takes one to know one.

The subtle turn of the show is one of the most unnerving and uncomfortable pieces of fiction I've watched. It's so slight and under the surface that you almost don't realize that it's happening. And by the time you really catch on to how sinister it is, it's too late. Mindhunter sinks it's hooks in quickly and menacingly. It starts a bit slow (although I was never anything less than intrigued) and by the end, it is enamoring and enthralling. I legitimately could not stop thinking about it while it was going on.

The performances of this season are magnificent. Jonathan Groff has some of the most versatile range I've ever seen in an actor, but the rest of the cast is similarly excellent.

Wow. This is Zodiac levels of greatness from Fincher.

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Living with Yourself: Season 1

This feels so standard almost the entire way through. For a decently bonkers premise, you'd expect the narrative to take more risks than it does, but you'd be wrong. For every interesting thread the show starts to pull, it never really devotes itself to that path and instead reigns it back in with something that feels pretty bland.

It's solid. Rudd is decent, Bea is good. Direction is aggressively fine but Living With Yourself never seems to trust its ideas enough to run with it. It's a bit of a shame because Rudd is criminally underused in dramatic roles currently--he has the chops but never quite seems to find the projects. I don't really care to see a second season of this show, but I do wonder if a second season could lead to a drastic improvement over the bore this was.

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Legion: Season 2

Frequently descends into a wash of confusing and cerebral devices. Never bad, but often I found that I got far more enjoyment out of this season when I didn't try to focus so intently on the show. I'd be more likely to give this season a five if it weren't for the visuals and the narration by Jon Hamm, which make the season far more watchable than if they were absent.

Special shout out given to the fact that this show wants to treat its audiences with so much intelligence but is often undermined by the choices in the editing and sound design (which repeat bits and pieces of content that I'd much rather have to remember on my own). It became a much more passive experience to watch than I would have hoped, but oh well.

I will need to take a break on this show before tackling season three. A shame. I already had to take a two month break in the middle of this season.

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Stranger Things: Season 4
Broadchurch: Season 2
Dave: Season 2
Loki: Season 1

Such an effective example of how to elegantly and gracefully up the ante and raise the stakes at every turn. I had no expectations for this season, but color me blown away.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Season 1

There's a lot to like here, and the first several episodes set up some extremely interesting dialogues for the MCU going forward. But the first season lacks a bit of the oomph to follow-through on the ideas it so clearly wanted to make big statements on. That said, most of this season is extremely good, even with some minor stumbles along the way. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier feels very much within its own milieu. Never once while I was watching this did I feel as though I were watching something other than Marvel, but frequently while I was watching it I was surprised that the MCU went to some of the places this show went.

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Ramy: Season 1

A bit in the shadow of the recent string of comedian-turned-dramedy mumblecore TV like Louie, Master of None, Fleabag, and Atlanta, but Ramy finds new material in its first season to step outside of the comfort zones of those shows and find its own voice. I am hotly anticipating the second season, where shows like this often find their groove and run wild.

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Ozark: Season 1
Mindhunter: Season 2

The second season remains very well crafted, but the shift in focus from developing the profile to actually solving a case was unexpected. I’d be very interested in a third season to see where this goes.

It was fascinating to see the shift in protagonist in this season—I’m not sure it’s Ford anymore.

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Perry Mason: Season 1

It makes some awkward missteps and feels like the creators didn't have the most confidence that the series would be renewed for another season, but Perry Mason is a thrilling entry into the true-crime and noir genres. I'm looking forward to the next season. I always want more of Matthew Rhys.

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Westworld: Season 1

This season is marred, in my mind. It is, for the most part, extraordinarily well written. It has a fascinating philosophical base that is executed with truly deft craftsmanship.

I found it better on a rewatch. The first time through I had trouble seeing the purpose and the weight of everything. This time, I found it much more enjoyable because I knew where we were headed. Of course, I'm nearly four years older so perhaps I'm just a different person and it resonated more strongly with me now than it did then.

Not having all the film bros at my undergrad proselytizing it while watching it each week definitely helped too.

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The Sinner: Season 1
Better Call Saul: Season 2

Season two delivers the goods. Really couldn’t have expected much more from this show. Everything is motivated in such an organic way. Stellar stuff.

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The Good Place: Season 3

Eleanor crying and saying "it's not a joke, I'm a legit snack" is perhaps the biggest mood of television in 2018.

Season three of The Good Place has some ups and downs. Although it feels like the humor and joke structure hits a stride that it had been lacking in the previous seasons, the narrative itself kind of ambles in the first half. Never outright bad, but goes on lots of mini-tangents that never seem to be quite as good as the mainline fair (the Jason b-plot episode in particular, was the low point).

This show has always been the lesser of the Mike Schur sitcoms, but that doesn't ever stop it from being charming as hell.

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