Operation Finale
Crazy Rich Asians
Incredibles 2
Breaking In

Okay, I survived maybe twenty to thirty minutes before I walked out. That's the quickest I've ever bailed on a piece of shit. My tolerance level is going down sharply after the past few months of unrelenting dreck being thrown at my face. The only positive I can muster up from Breaking In, is it's a great tool for students to use in class. Every single little facet is done wrong, from the piss poor attempts at writing to lack of creativity in the direction. I've read rejected scripts in my Screenwriting class that sounded more interesting than what was approved to be shot here. Also, just a tip for producers now, and specifically Universal, if you are not even going to try creating likable characters, at least show them going out in grotesque ways. If this is a horror movie with shit characters, at least give me something else worthwhile, something I can think about on the drive home. When I see a woman getting her throat slit, and you cut away so you don't show anything, that's when I walk out.

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The Circle

It's funny, Mae's biggest fear established at the beginning of this movie, about untapped potential, perfectly summarizes the core problem here. Never read the book, never going to, I think this presents some interesting points about companies like Google, and the internet's invasion of our privacy, but that does not automatically make for great cinema. Ideas, in it of itself, doesn't suffice. Execution is key. We get disastrous levels of writing, televisual direction, and cringe-inducing performances, all take center stage in The Circle.

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My Bloody Valentine

Was disappointing. Had the production value of a big-budget television movie, but somehow, this was released in theaters, during the 3-D gimmick era of 2009. Only saving grace are the deaths, but you get the same creative shit from the Friday the 13th series. Just don't bother.

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Truth or Dare
Game Over, Man!

How dare they disrespect the late Bill Paxton by titling the movie... Game Over, Man! It doesn't even make sense in context of the script, there are no references to Aliens in this. Makes me sick, we're so desperate for nostalgia bait, we're resorting to quotes from much better films. Count me out. Netflix is the new platform for straight-to-video movies. Very fitting given the level of quality being dumped onto it. There's a scene where a man eats another man's hairy ass, right on-screen, and I just felt so dirty, that I was watching it.

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The Dark Tower

Not one scene lasts more than two minutes. I started timing it, like I got a calculator out and starting counting the amount of time each scene had. As someone who's becoming a professional editor, this movie offends me. This is beyond embarrassing. This is a marvel. It needs to be shown in film and editing classes on what not to do. You could study this. Sony's lucky they had Jumanji last year. I almost want them to fail after this pile of predictable, formulaic, mediocre, bland, and sensory-raping trash. I started laughing my ass off at one part where Matthew McConaughey's dialogue didn't match his lips at all. I had to take frequent breaks every ten minutes just so I could stomach this hour and a half disaster. Like, just, fuck this movie and everyone who edited it.

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Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Walked out fifty minutes in. Roman's like autistic Ben Affleck from The Accountant, only this movie's not good and it sucks and it can go to hell. There's so much wrong with it, I won't bother writing it. It's clear the writer didn't bother either. For any poor souls with time to waste on this shit, take a shot any time Denzel Washington pushes his glasses up and rubs his face. Take three shots of hard liquor every time he eats a peanut butter sandwich. You will die in the first twenty minutes.

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

I'm about to save you two hours of run-time, you ready?

The reason the U.S. has more expensive healthcare and insurance is because we choose to have the strongest military on the planet instead of a cheaper alternative.

There you go, just saved you two hours. If you still want to go live in France or Canada for ""better"" healthcare, have fun with terrorist attacks and a much smaller military.

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Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

I didn't know Maxmoefoe was in this movie... I mean, look! He's on the poster!

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The only good scene is the one they used for the poster. Effective scene, but the rest sucks.

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Amy Schumer: The Leather Special

"I have a vagina."


i hate society sometimes...

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Disaster Movie

I only laughed at the rabid chipmunks sketch, "Head On!" parody commercial, and Kung Fu Panda fight sequence. The rest sucks.

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You know that power button on your laptop? Yeah, you should try that sometime.

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Happy Feet

The same guy who did all the Mad Max films made this...


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The Emoji Movie

I just saw the trailer for this before The LEGO Batman movie.

I've never cringed so fucking hard in a cinema.

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Hitman: Agent 47

I'll give this movie credit for one thing: It's a fucking blast to watch with some friends at a party. This is the perfect terrible movie to riff and bash for the entire runtime. The acting is some of the worst I've seen, sadly coming from some very talented people. The story is a blatant almost exact copy of The Terminator, and the fucking camera work + editing leaves me at a loss for words. I can't even describe how bad the editing is. You just have to see it for yourself. So, here you go. Enjoy it in all it's glorious shittiness.


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Jupiter Ascending

One of the most boring pieces of shit I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Holy shit, it was SO boring. This movie is the prime example why I hate Mila Kunis.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Hollywood really is dead and it'll only get worse.

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Everyone wants to be David Lynch without putting in the effort. This is the perfect horror film to watch if you're a dyssemic Redditor whose wife's boyfriend is coming over and you need to waste some time.

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This is 2018's The Snowman. Nothing else to say.

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God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness
Pacific Rim: Uprising