

Orlando, Florida

The Lion King

If you paid for a ticket for this, you're the problem.

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And the Oscar Goes To...

Now I'm really out of stuff to say. A terribly predictable script that's held up by it's direction and score. Paco Plaza uses lots of good shots and plays with his scenes, even if what's happening doesn't advance anything. They make for good moments. An example, Verónica walking down the street, but everything's going backwards, then forwards and back. Or the trick with her walking out of bed, when she's actually standing up, is a nice transition. I've seen used in a commercial before. I just appreciate it's a visually interesting movie. The characters are likable enough that you don't want to see them picked off, but not anyone I'll be writing thesis essays about. It's your The Conjuring family again. If you happened to notice this on Netflix, it's not bad if you turn it on, but you're better off renting Lights Out or Deliver Us From Evil if you crave something more spicy.

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Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley > Atomic Blonde

I have nothing else to say about this, I just decided to make a random comment as I marathon a bunch of short films before the year ends. Happy New Year, everyone!

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The Fat and Lean Wrestling Match

Easily my favorite of all of Georges Méliès' films. I was actually laughing out-loud while watching this. An silly and over-the-top visual acting comedy sketch that's timeless in it's humor.

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Easy watch today, because again, I'm busy with life and other projects. I'm a fan of Hardcastle's work, from his Pingu's The Thing and his other clay-mation work. Chainsaw Maid though, is a very peculiar series of videos. I love chainsaws in my horror films and this seemed like the perfect combination of sexy and horrific, but there's a good balance. I almost view this maid as the Ripley from Alien: a badass that has to protect a kid. Now, for some reason, Hardcastle has an extreme fetish for this clay-mation and the maid doesn't finally get nude until the third part, which is actually the worst one, but the first works. If you're going to watch any of these, just watch the first, The other two just aren't good enough for recommendations.

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Darkness, Light, Darkness

Like yesterday, I didn't have enough time to squeeze a feature-length horror film, so I had to suffice to watch a bunch of shorts instead. However, just so there's a topic, I turned to Jan Svankmajer. His surrealist style of stop-motion animation is quite a product of the time. I felt a random rush of emotions and thoughts as I watched this piece, mostly of amusement. The animation can be a little creepy at moments, but you can't deny the fascinating and undeniable talent Svankmajer has. His clay-mation throughout all the shorts I've seen, notably his music video, Another Kind Of Love, are all grotesque and off-putting, but there was an intrigue to it that kept me watching. Worth checking these out.

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I didn't have time to watch a full movie today, so this short will suffice. Too bad what I picked had to be garbage. I like the idea in concept. For a Halloween live special, Blumhouse productions did a fake live snuff film recording at a Halloween party. This sounds like a cool idea, one that could lend itself to an unprecedented online experience, but the execution here is fucking garbage. It feels so amateurish in it's costuming, set design, lighting, acting, and just everything. Nothing sticks, nothing is scary, and there are so many periods of time and gaps of stuff just not happening. I can't count how many times I wanted to shut it off.

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Mower Minions

I give the Minions a small pass, because they're basically just like those old cartoons from the 40's and 50's that they would show before a movie would begin. The only problem is, the timing doesn't work at some moments. Only 1 joke in this entire short got me to chuckle. The rest was just filler, so at least, thankfully, it was short.

What am I doing with my life, writing this?

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Electrocuting an Elephant

Well, uh, that was something.

Why is this even classified as a movie? It's just a 1 minute film about a group of guys electrocuting and killing an elephant. From what I understand, and what the description of the video states:

"Topsy the Elephant belonged to the Forepaugh Circus and spent the last years of her life at Coney Island's Luna Park. Because she killed one trainer (who burned her trunk with a lit cigar), and subsequently became aggressive towards two other keepers who had struck her with a pitchfork, Topsy was deemed a threat to people by her owners and killed by electrocution on January 4, 1903 at the age of 36.

Inventor Thomas Edison oversaw and conducted the electrocution, and he captured the event on film. Edison used the film in his campaign against George Westinghouse and AC technology."

Edison didn't just electrocute the elephant because he felt like it, he just oversaw the execution, which the elephant was going to be hanged originally anyways.


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Expiration Date

Why VALVe sat on this and didn't make the animated series a reality I'll never forgive. This should be a feature length movie. I'm now 100% confident it would work.

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Half-Life: Escape From City 17 - Part 2

For a fan film, I couldn't have asked for better. Since I'm a die-hard fan of the Half-Life video games, this was a real treat to watch, both this and Part 1. The acting was a little hokey at times, but what more could you expect? The visuals and presentation are outstanding for a short built off of only $500.

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Need I remind you only the first part of the story is being shot right now. Be prepared for this to bomb and part two never getting made.

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Snow Steam Iron

To think, Zack Snyder made a more visually interesting movie with his iPhone than Marvel does with IMAX cameras. This short speaks volumes about the movie-making process.

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Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Crossing

Why wasn't this in the actual fucking movie? This is better than everything else that was in that trash Ridley Scott wrote.

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Shelby Oaks

This is going to be the greatest comedy of 2024. They will be showing this in arthouse theaters years from now with Stuckmann making appearances like Greg Sestero does for The Room.

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Trick 'r Treat 2

Okay, now that you finished that little Godzilla movie, can you get back to this, please?

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A Trip to the Moon

What the hell is this raceswapped bullshit?

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Missing Link

Laika will stay in business forever. You may ask, how? They currently employ over 300 employees at their main location and each of their films consistently underperforms, the last two straight up bombing. May I inform you the president also owns Nike. He's worth 35 billion dollars. To his son, Travis Knight, who just did Bumblebee, this is pocket money for them. I can see the conversations now.

Phil Knight: Alright son, what do you want?
Travis Knight: Hey dad, I just want to make another movie with those dolls. You think you can spare some money?
Phil Knight: No problem my child. How much?
Travis Knight: The usual, 60 million.
Phil Knight: Why, go right ahead, you little wiper snapper! Just bring some of it back.
Travis Knight: Thanks daddy! I'll fund the next one with my Bumblebee money!

As for the movie itself? No idea, didn't see it, no one did.

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Let Him Go

So, it's basically a prequel to Man Of Steel.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Whenever someone tries to give Stuckmann any modicum of credibility, just show them this disaster of a film. I've seen middle schoolers make better shit than this.

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Avengers: Endgame

Made it fifty minutes in before I shut this pathetic crap off. Russo brother plays a gay guy for some reason? Hulk is a shell of his former self and he dabs? What the hell is this? Might try to finish the rest later and write more but hell, this was boring (and tedious) above all else. This was about as frustrating to sit through as that The Dark Tower film a few years ago. I've sat through fifteen of these cashgrabs and I still don't care about any of these characters. At this point, I'm here for the memes. At least it's not as awful as Thor Ragnarok.

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Ralph Breaks the Internet
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
Little Evil
Operation Finale