

Orlando, Florida

Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time

In 2015, Hideaki Anno said anime as an industry is dying and only has about 5 years left, then it might go through a resurgence.

jump ahead 3 years

Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 is finally announced for release in 2020. OH FUCK. Anno is going to kill the entire industry by releasing the final Evangelion movie. The madman will do the deed himself. Just more of what you'd expect from the master.

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Come Play

Shout by filmtoaster
BlockedParent2020-11-30T07:13:38Z— updated 2020-12-05T04:46:28Z

He just wants to be your friend.
Jacob Chase has entered my shortlist for upcoming young horror directors. This was masterful. Roque Baños' score is some of his best work, even above his collaborations with Sam Raimi. While the timely message of our screens becoming a substitute for real life companionship, something that Pulse already tackled back in the day, turning the concept in to a creepypasta style horror film works wonders. The jumpscares are organic and inoffensive, the cinematography and use of the creature in his scenes are devilishly stylish, and little Azhy Robertson acted his ass off. The film handles his autism very tastefully, and I can speak to that since I have one brother who is exactly the same as him. It's a scary idea, that while his attachment and use for his devices are a necessity, they could be doing more damage than good beneath the surface; And that we've become overreliant on technology to solve our problems. I don't get what the backlash behind the film is geared at, but I think those are just looking for something to be upset about. The ending is what got me, nearly made my eyes water.

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Shout by filmtoaster

When Norman Bates ran in the room dressed as the dead mother while the soundtrack played, I legit got chills. I was disturbed to my core. I've never seen a movie so effectively freak me out that quickly and that deep. I almost started shaking when I saw that image.

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Does anyone know what happened to Henry Selick? I've looked all over this site, wikipedia, and IMDB, but I haven't found any results for films past 2009. It says he's working with Pixar on projects, but he's not credited with anything past 2009. Is he under a contract with Disney now? What exactly is he doing? Animating? Then why is he not getting credit? I want to know, because I love this man, and I'm not seeing more of his talent come out.

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Michael Jackson's Thriller

They're playing this timeless music video in front of The House With A Clock In Its Walls right now, in IMAX 3D no less. The remastering done to it is exquisite. For example, you can see the individual particles of dust in the shines of light peering into the house. You can see the dirt and gravel on the street. The detail is out of this world, and it belongs on the giant screen. The 3D effect was an interesting little bonus, but only added depth of field, and not much of a pop. The short film and music video is classic, a staple of pop culture, so there's no sense in me reviewing it specifically. It's the embodiment of classic horror and the overall mood of the 1980's. I can see why Universal sought to put this in front of Eli Roth's film, which heavily relies on a classic aesthetic, using the 70's Universal and Amblin logo to add to the atmosphere. I welcome the addition and I welcome showing an amazing music video like Thriller in the theater. Let's do more of these, please!

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All the people giving this film lower reviews legit don't understand it. This is one of the greatest blockbusters ever crafted, not just in it's visuals, but writing.

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Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time

This is honestly pure art. One of the best anime films ever made.

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Spider-Man 2

The second best superhero film of the last twenty years or so, right behind Batman v Superman.

The philosophical questions it asks about being a superhero were pretty ambitious for the time. It makes for a fantastic story about Peter Parker having trouble dealing with his personal life, and his unassigned duty as Spider-Man, something that's expected of him by the people of New York.

It's a great film, especially an action film too. Highly recommended by me, and I'm not much of a fan of superhero stories.

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"How big is an F5?"

"Finger of God."

This is a great fast-paced and tense action flick. The late Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Dusty and the late Bill Paxton are both fantastic actors in this. Each of the characters have unique and extremely lovable personalities. Their quest to finally be able to study tornadoes accurately is a good enough reason to root for these hilarious scientists.

Please give it a shot. It's full of great practical and digital effects that still hold up years, it has outstanding performances from the entire cast, and some great music from Mark Mancina.

Today, on February 26th, 2017, we say goodbye to "The Extreme." The one, the only, Bill Paxton. I love him so much in everything he's in, but this is the one role that stands out to me the most.

R.I.P. Bill Paxton

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Mad Max

Reddit has no idea what they're missing out on, they're too busy circlejerking the shit out of Fury Road.

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My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown

This is the movie where Daniel Day-Lewis truly shines. Easily his best performance role to date, with Lincoln and There Will Be Blood respectively going after. I don't have time now to do a full review, I'll update this later, but go watch this movie! I'm actually shocked at how few people have seen this. Incredible display of acting talent.

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Michael Lives: The Making of Halloween

Easily one of the best movie making documentaries ever to be created. Even if you don't care for Zombie's movie, the level of detail that was put into this FOUR HOUR bonus feature is astounding. I want to keep reliving the first time watching. Just a seriously fantastic compilation. Screw those nerdwriter1-esque video essays on Youtube, if you want to actually get into making movies and understanding the business for real, watch this now. It's like you're experiencing everything in real time.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

"For me, Godzilla represents our need to look outside ourselves, for me as a person opening up my horizon and realizing that there's hope in nature, and nature gives us the option to do the right thing at all turns, and it's up to us to follow it's voice, and to listen to something bigger than ourselves, listen to God, whatever that means to each one of us."

  • Zach Shields, co-writer of Godzilla: King of the Monsters

"If you want to look at Godzilla from, a strictly entertainment value, you can, that's great. It's like, if you want to swim in the shallow end of the pool, that's fine. If you want to go in to the deeper end of the pool and really peel back his layers, and look at him as a mythological figure, it only makes him that much cooler."

  • Michael Dougherty, director of Godzilla: King of the Monsters

This is the Batman v Superman of Kaiju films, and I mean that in the best way possible. I want to autistically rant about this movie's reception later.

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Mortal Kombat

This is one of the best video game to movie adaptations ever made. Such a campy classic. I love this movie, even if it has some obvious flaws.

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The Strangers

That sequence where Glenn Howerton walks slowly through the house while the Mama Tried vinyl plays, and the killer follows behind him, makes this movie worth a watch just for that. A couple of unnecessary slow sequences, but goddamn, there's some nuggets of sheer brilliance locked in this movie. A little more work on the writing would've helped, but overall, the direction and choice of music was superb. I'll be revisiting this movie just for some of the great scenes scattered throughout.

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Redeeming Love

Surprisingly enjoyable, passionate film about redemption of the body through the soul. This isn't a Hallmark film that's cheaply made and thrown out into the market. I haven't read the original book, but the production quality and acting from up-and-coming stars like Logan Marshall-Green and Abigail Cowen steal the show. Sets looks great, cinematography is rich, and the film is paced decently even at it's 2+ hour runtime. Very bleak, taxing story that goes into some dark places; child prostitution, abortion, death, brothels, cheating, and more. It's a rewarding experience though.

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The Prince of Egypt

I can officially confirm the mid to late 90's was the golden age of animated movies.

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The Exorcist

I'm not going to bother writing a 10 page essay on why this film has deep meanings or some bullshit like that, but I'll just say, it's pretty damn shocking.

The fact they got a 12 year-old little actress to stab her vagina with a crucifix until it's bloody while yelling, "Fuck me!" is pretty damn ballsy, especially for the time period.

Great performances, haunting music, tense final act with the exorcism, and it leaves you feeling dirty. It's not the scariest movie I've ever seen, but it's one of the most shocking.

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The Ring

Genuinely spooky film. One of the better adaptations made for an American audience. Ignore the sequels though.

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Kevin Costner's reciting of, "Back... and to the left... back... and to left... back... and to the left... back... and to the left... back... and to the left," is now like implanted in my brain.

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Not on Blu-ray? The fuck? This is one of the greatest family movies ever made. Gorgeously shot, fantastic soundtrack, funny jokes, wonderful performances, and a silly & fun story. I remember watching this when I was younger and just falling in love with it instantly. I highly recommend you see it. Find a copy and watch it. It's great.

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Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase

A shame not many kids nowadays know about this movie. I fucking loved it as a kid. It's still enjoyable today, as an adult.

What I can never understand is the timeline inconsistencies in these cartoons. The Scooby gang came out in the 60's. They were groovy hip teenagers in the 60's, that's who they were. But now in this movie, here they are in the early 2000's, they're the same age, and they're in the Gameboy and computer age... They jumped forward in time? They don't age?

Same problem with The Simpsons. They came out in the 80's with the NES-like video games, but now in 2017, they're the same age and they're dealing with GPS'... yeah, cartoon characters never age.

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

After Terminator: Dark Fate, you all need to give this movie an apology.

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Kong: Skull Island

You could take almost any still from this and put it up on a wall, and it could be considered a work of art. The incredible artistic vision that was brought to life in Skull Island is perfection. Absolute perfection. Each shot is teeming with gorgeous color and detail. One of the best looking films ever produced, and I'm a fan of films going all the way back to the silent era. This is the quintessential summer monster movie, but it's more than a monster movie: it's a visual marvel with a lot of heart and creativity. A masterpiece on every level. The comedy, the characters, the drama, the direction, and action are all outstanding. One of the best films I've ever had the pleasure of watching.

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Shout by filmtoaster
BlockedParent2020-03-03T03:08:24Z— updated 2021-02-07T08:45:39Z

Without Phil Collins, this movie would lose a lot of it's soul.


I love the soundtrack.

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The Disaster Artist

Like Tommy said, "You can laugh, you can cry, you can express yourself. Just don't hurt yourself."

When they started comparing scenes from this movie to the original during the end credits, I nearly lost my cool in the theater. This movie is not just a masterpiece, but an important one. Everyone is invited to come live on Tommy's planet, where we all love each other, and the world is a better place to live. Anyone who has dreams should watch this movie. It's not just a humorous look at the strange creature that is Tommy, but an inspiration to those who want to make it big in any industry. It hits the mark on every technical level, but manages to tell a surprisingly mixed emotional fable, like, it's hard to believe this really happen. It's human behavior, as Tommy says in the movie.

I can't watch The Room the same way again. James Franco, you are brilliant, sir.

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On Your Mark

I don't ever give out ratings to short films, only features, but I'm making an exception for On Your Mark. How Miyazaki managed to make my heart heavy for three characters I knew for all but six minutes, none of whom speak, is a feat I don't think anyone has done before, for me, in a short. Using the lovely music as a backdrop was incredibly ingenious and added another layer to the emotion. This could easily be a feature, and that's my only issue with it, is there's a lot that happens, just wishing it was a tad longer to extend some of the events. It gets the job done. If you missed this, watch it now here, you won't regret experiencing it. You'll have the song stuck in your head.

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This is clearly a Steven Spielberg movie (and with the statement from the camera operators confirming it), but I ain't complaining. Tobe Hooper already has my deepest respects for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1 & 2, so it doesn't matter how much involved he was for Poltergeist. The result is still a fun film to pop on during the Halloween season and get wrapped up in the sensational characters and set pieces. I wanted to catch up on this for Halloween Horror Nights as I had never seen this before. I have to say, the shot choices are excellent. The contrast with the figures silhouettes against the bright blue light illuminating from the portal, is a beautiful sight. Despite it's 80's effects and compositing, it adds to the cheesy charm of an otherwise dramatic film. This was The Conjuring of it's time; the parents concerned for their child kind of gives off the same vibe. I'm glad I got around to it and it's definitely going into my collection. What else to say? It's a Spielberg classic.

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The Wizard

Unironically may be one of the most important films for 80's film preservation. No film captures the childlike spirit of that time than this sweet little film about a couple kids traveling cross country to a video game competition. The film starts with a little boy, Jimmy, walking across the deserted country road alone on his journey to get to California to properly bury his sister's remains, and by the end, is driving back with his family, happy and fulfilled. It's genuinely funny, heartwarming, and fun for the whole family. The product placement and Nintendo partnership is just an icing on the cake that adds to it's dated charm. This will definitely go in my collection.

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The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Probably the best found footage movie I've seen. Not the best narrative maybe, but in terms of realism, this is the best you can get. Actually disturbing and chilling, it looks real.

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