The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert
seaQuest DSV: 1x23 Higher Power

This episode gives me the impression that they weren't sure they get another season. Not good, not bad, just boring. Since most of the cast won't be back I think it doesn't matter much anyway.

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@noodlebrain Thanks for your reply.

That's just the thing. I watched some episodes when it originally aired and remembered this being a solid scifi show. Now I had trouble getting through most episodes, even stopping one or two. There where some that had more potential but it seems the focus was always more on easy entertainment that honest scifi. Most people say the first was the best season and the second and especially the third are bad. I will continue watching but frankly I'm not many bad episodes removed from stopping it altogether.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x03 The Solitary Clone

As always the soundtrack of this show is out of this world. It really does wonders to the mood of the episodes.
I don't really know what's going on with Cody but I hope that he will reunite with Rex, becacuse I want those two to become friends again. And I also hope that they won't try to redeem Crosshair because I think he's beyond redemption at this point. Especially after this episode where he basically commited a war crime.

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Vader did much worse and he got redeemed at the end of ROTJ.
I understand why you're saying it because it's the easy way. But somehow I think it won't be easy even if he gets redemption.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 1x16 Learning Curve

This isn't a bad episode but as a season finale it's disappointing. Imdb says that four episodes where held back but doesn't corroborate as to why that was the case. Even if there was a reason of ending the season short, choosing this episode as the last had no upside.

As a stand alone episode this was good material. Actually adressing the problems that come with incorporating Marquis into a crew run by Starfleet regulations and not only talking about it. Having Tuvok being the one teaching them was also the right choice as he certainly is a stickler for regulation. Of course we reach the only possible conclusion that both sides have to take a step towards the other. Funny how Neelix, of all people, is the one who has to make that clear for Tuvok who does not see this logical conclusion himself. Especially since he hasn't bend rules before.
Of course we also need a threat against the ship but that b-story with Neelix's cheese infecting the gel packs.....let's just say that was an eyeroller.

"Take the cheese to sickbay" (insert Picard meme here)

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@andrewbloom Thanks for the info. Haven't heard that before but it makes sense. It always felt as if they just ended the season without thinking too much about if the episode makes a good finale.
"The 37's" would have made a better finale if they ended on a cliffhanger with crew members deciding to stay. Well, hindsight is always 20/20.

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Batman Beyond

Batman is my favorite superhero and science fiction my favorite genre. If you put them together, it doesn't make either any better.
Apart from the occasional and expected silly parts, writing is actually really good most of the time. But a pseudo Iron Man type Batman is not my thing.

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@drygoatair Thanks for the reply.
I haven't perceived it that way but I guess you could call it that, too. Doesn't change my overall opinion, though. Like I said it's not awful but not great either from my perspective.

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Willow: 1x02 The High Aldwin

Yeah, no thanks. I have a feeling this is going to get worse. Better to stop now.

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@jim222001 You may be right about that but I've developed a good sense for myself when to get out of a show . I've continued watching too many shows hoping they get better and they never did. So when my gut telly me this isn't for me, I listen.
But if you enjoy it I'm happy for you. I wouldn't want all people to like what I like. It would be very boring if we all liked the same.

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The Pelican Brief

I enjoy those movies much more today because they focus on story and acting and not on CGI and SFX.
Yes, the conspiracy at the base of this movie feels rather small considering what is happening in the world now. But keep in mind when this was written.
Althought I must admit I was thinking about a certain President a lot while watching this now.

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@brok21k Of course I did. It's been over four years since I wrote that comment but I'm pretty sure I was thinking about a more recent president.

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Review by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-07-09T13:27:16Z— updated 2018-07-22T20:57:21Z

I try to be fair but seen with the rational mind of an adult this show is barely "meh".
The voice acting is absolutely overdone. Most of the villains are silly. Sound effects seem to come straight out of The Flintstones. Music between Pink Panther and Scooby Doo with a portion Peanuts.
Spider Man sounds like Adam West´s Batman, both in word as well as pronounciation and acts really dumb at times. "Oh, my spider sense is tickling" while someone stands right behind him.
Jamesson is completly possessed by Spider Man. Everything is Spider Mans fault, Spider Man is responsible - he sounds like a whiny child most of the time. That was my impression of the first season.
The Second season started with a great episode "The Origin of Spider Man" but that was a lone exception. In general 20 min episodes are just too long. They had too little content and oftentimes contain minutes of Spidey swinging around to some groovy soundtrack. It became increasingly more ridicolous, it felt like the writers were smoking weed. Elfes, demons, monsters or some kind of wild tribe, alltogether more sci-fi elements - it just doesn't fly.
Season 3 seems to be recycling old material with new dialogue.
For the intented audience that was probably under 10 I am sure none of this mattered. Unfortunately I don't have the fond memories of watching this as a child. I skipped some of the second season and the third just played with me paying no attention.
So I have to stick with "meh", sorry.

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@warden1 I already have it on my watchlist but thanks for the tip anyway.

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Star Trek: 3x05 Is There in Truth No Beauty?

The first product placement in Star Trek History (maybe in TV History ?). Also the second appearance from Diana Muldaur as a leading guest actor.

The story isn't bad but it didn't really grip me. And I fail to see the described ugliness in the ambassador's appearance. But that could be on purpose because beauty indeed is subject to taste.

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@alexlimberg Yes, that's what I meant. And yes, it's rather irrelevant for the story but I like these tidbits.

Thanks for the reply.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 1x05 Phage

This could have been an interesting story about the pros and cons of keeping someone on life support and the question of euthanasia. Probably too early to do something drastic and with Neelix behavior it would have been hard to pull it off anyway.
The look of the Vidiians is actually quite creepy and I am not surprised to see Bragas name coming up on the script. They, too, are an interesting species and the moral dilemma Janeway is confronted with was solved a bit too easy.
What bugs me the most is how the dialogue plays out most of the time and how things are portrayed. F.e. Neelix's toxic levels are rising up to point of almost 100 % and the next moment they are back to normal. They are not dropping but are right back to where they need to be. I know, it's me being petty but it's just one example of many.

Is the Intrepid class the only ship that has a seperate dining hall for the captain? I don't recall this on any other ship. An officer's mess - sure. But just for the cap? Isn't that a bit opulent and a waste of space on a rather small ship ? She's got a ready room, a cabin AND a dining hall. Sounds more like a queen than a captain.

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@andrewbloom you are right, he did. But wasn't that one rather small? I always thought of it more like an extension to his quarters.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x06 Resolve

Shout by Andreas1138

The look of the Inquisitor is similar to an original concept for Kylo Ren and it's really cool.

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@andreas1138 He reminded me of Darth Nihilus at first and had a resemblance to Grevious. But I guess many of the concepts not used for one thing are used then for another. Why not, makes no sense to throw them away.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x02 Justice

Shout by Andreas1138

I was hoping to see a different Dooku, who doesn't follow the rules, but it's not (yet) tempted by the dark side. On this episode, Qui-Gonn is the wiser.

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@andreas1138 But this may very well be the moment the Dooku we know is born.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x07 Announcement

Review by LeNodos
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-10-19T22:28:01Z— updated 2022-10-21T15:04:08Z

This was a really interesting albeit slow episode with many intriguing threads. I really liked that Andor went back to Ferrix. I had almost expected that with these three-episode-arcs he wouldn't and we wouldn't see those characters and the established city anymore.
At times what is presented just doesn't feel like star wars very much. It just seems too earthly or too much like other fictional worlds which are a lot more Sci-Fi and a lot less fantastic. It was a step up that they finally included a few more aliens but still too few to make the world seem really alien.
I liked the depiction of everything happening inside the ISB although the leader is a bit too friendly and understanding for my taste (and understanding of how to acquire a high position within the empire).
I have one big question though: Was that female informant or spy supposed to be Leia? She looked a lot like Carrie Fisher back in the day to me but would be way too old since Leia should be around 15 at that time. And while we are at the topic of (possible) cameos: Yularen's character was a bit off when compared to his appearances in Clone Wars and Rebels.
I am however really excited were all this leads especially whats going to happen to Andor himself.

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@lenodos Don't mention it. Truth be told I didn't recognize her too and only discovered in a review I read it was her :laughing: And until now I didn't spot the naming "coincidence". So, we're even.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x07 Announcement

Review by LeNodos
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-10-19T22:28:01Z— updated 2022-10-21T15:04:08Z

This was a really interesting albeit slow episode with many intriguing threads. I really liked that Andor went back to Ferrix. I had almost expected that with these three-episode-arcs he wouldn't and we wouldn't see those characters and the established city anymore.
At times what is presented just doesn't feel like star wars very much. It just seems too earthly or too much like other fictional worlds which are a lot more Sci-Fi and a lot less fantastic. It was a step up that they finally included a few more aliens but still too few to make the world seem really alien.
I liked the depiction of everything happening inside the ISB although the leader is a bit too friendly and understanding for my taste (and understanding of how to acquire a high position within the empire).
I have one big question though: Was that female informant or spy supposed to be Leia? She looked a lot like Carrie Fisher back in the day to me but would be way too old since Leia should be around 15 at that time. And while we are at the topic of (possible) cameos: Yularen's character was a bit off when compared to his appearances in Clone Wars and Rebels.
I am however really excited were all this leads especially whats going to happen to Andor himself.

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@lenodos That was Kleya, Luthen's assistant from the shop.

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I know most people don't respond well if you say something negative about their favorite show but I can't help it. If you like it I'm glad for you (really) but please allow me my opinion.
I am one of those who doesn't think that this is THE best show ever. It's not even the best sitcom in my opinion. It had its moments but not many. Maybe it isn't fair to judge it 25 years after the fact because that is a long time in TV land and things change. But most of the stuff I dislike has nothing to do with timeframe.

First, why this is called Friends is beyond me. Those are the most dishonest, selfish, egoistic and sometimes even mean group of people I've seen on TV. They constantly try to withhold stuff and most of the comedic situations spawn from that. I don't see where it is funny to go behind your friends backs. There are those moments where there behave like friends should, but those come usually after they screwed up.

Than there is the characters. I've written in some episode's comment that Ross is the most obnoxious character I've ever seen on TV. And I've seen my share. And there is WAY too much of him and Rachel who I also disliked deeply. They pull down every episode they're in which is pretty much every episode. That constant back and forth, the bickering and their pretensious behaviour is so annoying. Joey was funny at first but that wears out fast once you get past 50 episodes. Very one-dimensional. I don't even know what to say about Chandler because he is that bland. Monica went from "I don't care" through "I kinda like her" but ultimately annoying. Phoebe I liked until she, too, got the I-need-to-marry virus. Until that she was honest in that she didn't care what others thought about her and just made her thing. Alltogether there was little character developement in any of them. I couldn't connect with them and was more interested in what guest stars might turn up next.

And what it is anyway with all the girls need to find guys to marry and get babies and the guys needing to score? It is a good thing there wasn't any social media available because with all those gay and trans jokes there would have probably been a lot of heat.

That laughing track is way over the top. It accompanied literally every sentence. It even ruined jokes by starting to early. And what is wrong with building up an emotional moment and going through with it instead of ruining it with a bad joke ?

So, why did I watch, and even complete, it ? It's simple. And I mean that in the true sense of the word. You don't have to pay close attention to the plot, f.e. you don't have to stop it if the phone rings, you can even skip an episode completely. It's like having a radio playing in the background. Sometimes reading the synopsis was as interesting as the actual episode. Let's be honest: continuity, logic and depth of story were not the trademarks of Friends. It is full of holes and errors. But it fitted my daily schedule. I could drop in a couple of episodes here and there. And I punished myself a little bit because I went out and bought the whole series at once. Had I watched the first season first I would stopped there and then.

This is the longest review I've written in a while which shows I thought about this show a lot. I like versitality, it would be boring if every show was the same. That doesn't stop me though from speaking my mind. This is a love or hate kind of show. I don't hate it as such. But there were only just one or two episodes a season I think were more than average. It became better towards the end (either that or I caved) but it was an effort to get through and I am glad I'm done with.

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You think I'm woke by reading one comment and taking a look at my history ?

Buddy, You've just made my day. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x04 The Great Wave

Reply by FinFan

The one thing worrying me is the question of how many episodes is this eventually going to get ?

The plot is moving very slow, we are already halfway through season one and nothing really happened. Now, if this is going to reach somewhere between 40 and 50 episodes we would be right on track I'd say. But I sincerly doubt that with a budget rumored to be up to a billion dollars so far this can live that long.

Now, don't get me wrong - I like the show very much. I don't share many of the criticism it recieves. But I have a tingling fear that at some point they might be forced to rush the plot in order to get to where this needs to be.

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@thunderztormdk OK, I didn't had that information. If that's the case that would bring us to around 40+ episodes. And I really hope that to be the case. As I said, I like it.

Thanks for the reply.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi's Return

Zero content, this is an one hour ad.

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@mailkaze I was thinking what to write about this but you already did. It really sums it up.

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JAG: 2x01 We the People

Reply by FinFan

This is pretty much a new pilot since the show initially got cancelled after S1 and picked up later. They made some changes which are addressed in the usual one sentence explanation. It makes no sense however to refer to events in the, not aired, season one finale. If those events did happen Harm would be in custody. I guess they just needed some kind of explanation as to why Catherine Bell is back as another character after being murdered. Which again makes little sense because that didn't happen if the episode never aired. Kind of a mess. It's the 90s and no one really cared. That new intro is really cheesy awful, though.

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@d-sel My pleasure.

The quiz section on imdb oftentimes has very good background infos for many shows/episodes. Wikipedia can help,too.

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Icons Unearthed: Star Wars

There is nothing wrong with it content-wise. Although you wonder how any of the movies ever been made with all the negativity and problems. In addition, there's a lot of talk about George Lucas and he doesn't get the chance to respond to that. Whether that's because he's never been asked to participate (which would be my guess) or he doesn't wanted to I can only speculate about.
But I wonder, what happened to simply making an informative documentary? Is all that funny music and fast edditing really necessary ? Seems to be, because there a many similar docus ("The Movies that made us" or "The Center Seat" come to mind).

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@farneyboy Thanks for the reply.

You are probably right concerning George's involvement. I wrote this before finishing the whole show. I wasn't aware about what happened between them.
But for me the style just doesn't work. Not here and not in the other ones I mentioned. It's personal like everything concerning comments. I found Light & Magic the far better show.

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Early Edition: 2x01 Home

New season, new beginning. Things start to look good in the new place. I like the change of scenery.

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@andreas1138 So, you got to another show I absolutely love. Watched it probably three times already. The concept is great. Enjoy it.

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Earth 2

It was one of my favourite shows growing up, I was about 8 or 9 years old when it was shown in Italy. I remember that I had to watch it before lunch in the summer, after a nice swin in a nearby beach in my town. I wasn't able to watch all the episodes, so I took the chance to watch it now, almost 30 years later.

These are the kind of stories I really like: a group of people far from home, in a new land, that needs to organize and survive. I probably like this setting because The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne caught my imagination when I was little. Also, science fiction is a genre that sits well with the story.

Before watching Earth 2 again (in Italy it is called "Progetto Eden" = Eden Project) after so many years, I though I was going to like it no matter what, because of nostalgia. But I was wrong, I am still impressed by the story, the characters, the aliens design, the relationships between some of the protagonists... I consider it a magnificent series.
The science fiction is well done, it's not too advanced, it's what you expect. Even the virtual reality is more believable if you compare it to Star Trek, and I like that. The transportations feel authentic, the weapons are advanced but heavy, and even the camp where the group sleeps feels realistic.

When I was little I wasn't aware about the status of the show (I didn't even know that series could be canceled!). During this run, I was hoping to have a satisfying ending, with the group walking towards the sunset with a voice over, by Devon, saying "We'll reach New Pacifica some day, I am sure". The final episode show us an uncertain future and it's a shame we'll never walk with these characters again. I read somewhere that the series didn't have many viewers and the Broadcaster wanted to change the protagonist to a male character, hoping to have more views, but I don't think Devon was an issue, the bond between her and her son is a nice way to keep the story going. Maybe this news was false, don't quote me on that.

We were lucky to have a glimpse of the future in the episode "The Boy Who Would Be Terrian King", so I think Devon and Co. will reach their goal. It's the best future possible, I like mother and son stories, and I am happy they'll be together no matter what.

This came out in 1994 like The Shawshank Redemption and when I was little I wasn't able to notice that Clancy Brown played such different characters. Danziger is my favourite of the group. Like I wrote for the Orville, it's a show where I see myself being friend with the group so it was nice to be part of the "Eden Project".

I quote you, @finfan , because I like your opinion, if you'll have the time to write one. But I am happy if you just have the chance to read my thoughts on this.

P.S.: I forgot to quote the amazing theme song, it summarizes greatly the nice and dangerous journey of our group!

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@andreas1138 I don't mind being quoted or tagged. I always enjoy our convesations.
Unfortunately I can't say much about this show. I watched it twice - once on it's original run and a second time about 9 years ago. Both times it failed to impress me. I can't tell you why exactly because I didn't write any comments. I rated it a "5" which I usually do with shows that aren't completely bad but fail to engage me.
I like what you wrote though as I can easily put myself in your shoes. It's clear you love this show and why. I have the same feeling about other shows and I'm sure people would wonder what I see in them.

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The Return of Captain Invincible

@finfan: a bit dishonest of you to quote out of context mmm ? The full quote on IMDb is:

Pratchett has said: "May I also add that the film 'The Return of Captain Invincible', which is a series of bad moments pasted together with great songs and a budget of fourpence, is also a regularly-viewed video in the Pratchett household."

Which is actually just the opposite of what you're putting into Pratchett's mouth.

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@rxb1 To be honest I can't remember why I choose to put just the partial quote in. Doesn't change the fact that I think this is a terrible movie. That's my personal view.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x17 Masks

Reply by FinFan

Brent Spiner gets another opportunity to display his great acting skills. And despite the fact that this isn't among my favorites it's far removed from being amongst the worst.
There is a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo going on that seems rather far fetched even for a sci-fi show. But I like the mythology of those characters. It's another one of those episodes where I would like to have known more about the species. A culture more than 80 million years old that was highly technologically advanced yet still preserved an ancient heritage. Sounds intriguing.

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Yes, a problem of many shows. Not enough time for all the details.

Thanks for the reply.

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Light & Magic

At first I was afraid that it was going to be like the extras on recent BluRay movies: people complimenting each other. I was wrong and this documentary by Kasdan capture the magic behind Industrial Light and Magic. It describes the story of the company founded by George Lucas with the stories of the people that worked and still work there.

It also shows the difficulties and challenges of this evolving industry. Phil Tippet's interview was the one that stuck with me, because of his depression and fear of being replaced by digital technology.

It is a nice documentary to understand the evolution of visual and special effects. A lot of familiar faces if you are a fan of LucasFilm productions. Lucas' contribution was fundamental and I appreciate even more his ability to select the right people for the job.

@FinFan , I hope you'll give this a chance.

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@andreas1138 Thanks for mentioning me. I already have this on my watchlist. I will post a comment when I've watched it.

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The Orville

This show might have started as a competitor to Star Trek at the time. But we are way past the question if this is the better Star Trek.

The Orville more than stands on its own. It's an amazing show.

Fact !

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@andreas1138 Agree. Tbh I've given up on the new Star Trek completely. No longer interested and won't be fooled again to be lured in for another try.

The Orville has all I want and I hope we'll get another season.

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The Orville: 3x08 Midnight Blue

10 minutes into the episode

"Oh, I guess this is just going to be a standard, easy-to-digest bottle episode that shows Topa becoming more interested in joining the Planetary Union with a B-plot about her awkwardly crushing on Gordon."

45 minutes into the episode

"Fuuuuuck meeeee..."

More blatant retreading of past episodes and, again, despite that, a brilliant continuation of those plot threads. For an episode that was willing to depict child torture, it sure did end on a high note. And it threw quite a few curve balls in the process.

I ignored the throwaway line during the Haveena dinner, and the unusual meetup in the Lounge, because I absolutely did not expect to see a real spark between Bortus and Kelly. I equally did not expect to see Klyden come back and make a complete about-face from his previous position. There are going to be a lot of viewers that won't take Klyden back, but I am genuinely relieved that the family is whole again. So... (pregnant pause) ...what does that mean for Kelly? The dinner they all had on the ship felt straight-forward, but still gave me a twinge of impending trouble.

I don't quite get Gordon's involvement with Topa yet. I mean, I understand the general sentiment, but not how he suddenly took a frontline position about it. Did I tune out at the wrong time, or was the Engineering scene really meant to be all the backstory? Are they going to continue this in another episode? We don't even know the repercussions of his outburst in front of the Admirals.

Finally, DOLLY PARTON! Her appearance embiggened my heart. And her music was perfect. The celebrity cameos never dissapoint, even if it's just for a few moments. Though it is interesting that she referred to herself as a program, she knew she wasn't the real person. That would be a serious problem in a different altruistic universe.

  • That canyon shootout felt so Abrams Trek. Some kind of special, explody treat for the viewers. Conversely, the hallway (catacomb) shootout felt very well choreographed and believable.
  • President Blue Boy is back, but I have doubts that it was Bruce this time... unless he swallowed a frog.
  • All of these episodes were finished story-wise before they began airing, but as if in response to fan criticism Ed (and a few others) finally call the Moclans "on their bullshit." You want to leave? Good, be sure to let the door hit you on the way out! The Union will be weaker, but the Moclans will be way weaker than that all on their own. 50 bucks says The Union has to rescue their sorry asses before the season ends.

This is it! These last two episodes are not a two-parter, but they are no doubt going to segue from one to the other as the finale of the season. If an underdog deserves to get renewed, it's The Orville. Seth is no stranger to having his shows canceled (sometimes over and over again). So even if it isn't renewed right away, I trust him of all people to find a way to make it come back somehow.

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President Blue Boy is back, but I have doubts that it was Bruce this time... unless he swallowed a frog.

Pretty sure that was him. I'm watching Babylon 5 at the moment and it was his voice. I think the make-up makes it harder to talk.

Agree with your comment all the way especially concerning the Moclans. They probably never thought they'd be thrown out but I love it.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

Shout by FinFan

That was kind of a letdown as a season finale. It only serves to prevent the destruction of Homelander for at least another season and I fear we get a repetition of season three "How to kill Homelander". I get it, he's a show favorite but it's just unimaginative. And what happens if Butcher is in the same situation, facing Ryan and Homelander, at the end of season 4 ? How do we get to a point where he either can accept he has to destroy Ryan to or for the latter to switch sides ?

But we then still have Soldier Boy. And there is the same problem arising. How can he come back with a different outcome then now ? Like I said, we just put in multiple twist to lengthen the story.

And at this very moment I don't like it.

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@asinis I wouldn't even try to change your mind because that's exactly how I feel.

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The Orville: 3x04 Gently Falling Rain

Reply by FinFan

The show keeps getting better and better. Is it a re-use of Star Trek ideas and stories ? Yes and no. It's a similar take with different ingredients and a different outcome. And I'm sure that those kind of stories are not a Star Trek monopoly.

I love the story telling. Still putting in the personal touches like all of them spending time in the simulator. But then adding something massive to the story. They are forming out the Oriville universe more and more. And it makes sense.

And Ed having a daughter ? My god I did not see that coming. But this too makes sense, it's believable in the context of what we've seen. It doesn't feel like an empty story tool to make things work. I am sorry thought that Telaya is now the bad one. But it has much more impact that way instead of bringing in a totally unknown character.

They are doing this the right way and I'm so locking forward to see how all of this will play out.

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And teaching that lesson doesn't take place by using a sledgehammer.

Yes, the timeline is a bit off. But I'm willing to look past that bacause of the storytelling and, like you said, alien species might develop different from humans.

Concerning a forth possible season: Seth already said he (and everyone else on the show) would like do more but it depends on the success of this season. So, yes, the money has to be right and I don't know if going to hulu helps in that regard. I think with streaming services they do look at the numbers of a single show but they also look at the general subscriber numbers.

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American Pastoral

Review by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-05-24T20:46:52Z— updated 2017-06-14T21:24:46Z

If you made a movie that is making $ 544k domestic and a little over $ 1m worldwide it tells you something. There wasn´t much interest in the first place (no, honestly how many movie goers are that? 100-110k maybe?) Anyway, if you haven´t seen it I don´t think you´d missed out.
Yes, the story is - or rather could have been - interesting. I think it is to superfical. You have the innocent little girl that one day sees the monk burning himself and suddenly she went haywire and becomes anti-everything. From there on the story jumps through the years with little explanations or deeper investigation. It´s the father not wanting to give up on his daughter and the mother trying to move on. You could have easily jumped from Merry´s disapearance to the day her father found her because all what happened in between isn´t really meaningful. I don´t blame McGregors directing, I think he did a good job and since he didn´t wrote the script you can´t lay blame on him for that. I haven´t read the book, maybe it isn´t even a bad adaptation. Maybe the origin is as sketchy.
All the actors did a very good job and it is what keeps this movie above water so that you get through it. But that is just it, you get through it and after the end you just forget. If this was supposed to be a critical lock into that time in history it failed.

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@ramindustan In general I agree and If you like the movie I´m happy for you. But I didn´t for the above stated reasons. In that context I thought it was interesting to add the fact about the box office numbers as I found them quite shocking tbh.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x07 Monsters

I'm so glad this show has finally got its priorities straight and the writers do know exactly what we really want to see: Picard's daddy issues. In a nutshell: ugh!

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Oddly enough, I do find Lower Decks quite enjoyable.

A friend of mine, also a decade long Star Trek fan, is saying the same. But I can´t bring myself to look into that. Tbh I´ve given up on new Trek completely. I haven´t watched the last couple eps of SNW and I won´t watch the next season of Picard either. I`d rather keep the memory of these characters intact.

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