


Muppets Most Wanted

I hope they never stop making Muppet movies because I do so enjoy them.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I for one have nothing negative to say about this movie. Is it perfect ? No, but what movie is ? Was it entertaining ? Hell , Yeah ! I love the soundtrack that together with the visuals creates a great atmosphere.
In my opinion, of all the Marvel superhero movies, this is one of the better ones.

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Compared to the biblical Noah it might be only the general outline of the story that made the base for this movie. I admit I'm not very well with the bible. Sure they put something more it to it for the drama. But simply as a movie it's not totally awful. Yeah probably about half an hour to long but I think the massage of the movie is something worth to think about especially in todays times.

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Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Straightforward action thriller without tons of CGI stuff.

But don't compare it with Clancys books because this is only based on characters.

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I, Frankenstein

Well, it's better than I thought it would after all the negatives I've read.

Yes, the story is weak, it's not very deep but honestly who expects that in a movie like this. Visually it's all right. All in all I've seen far worse. I wouldn't tag it "avoid at all cost"

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Can't say this movie impressed me. I do not think it is superior in any regard to others of the genre. Compared with the original - well, whereas at the time of the first one it was something special today it's just another movie. And the fact that they didn't go further into the story doesn't help much either. They could have really done something here because the vision of those drones in todays world is not as much scifi as it was 1987. The fact how easily todays mass media can influence the public - that would have made this one a better movie I think. Instead they have their robots patroling in Teheran in "Operation Freedom". That alone is worth -1 in rating the movie.

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The Wolf of Wall Street

The movie is all I thought it would be, or should I say feared it would be. For sure it's controversial, it's not family entertainment. It's not bad it just never reached me. After 70 min I felt I watched 2 hours and I couldn't bring myself to watch another 3 1/2 ;-)
Maybe I didn't get what Scorcese wanted to say with this movie but what it showed me (for as long as I watched it that is) is that there is no morality in the business world.

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Captain Phillips

Honestly I don't know where I am on this one. It's not a bad movie, it's a real event, acting is great - not only from Hanks.
But after watching it I must admit I don't feel I would have missed out if I didn't.

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Well, it's Cars with Planes.

Looks great, as I expected, but the story is not very original. To be honest, I'm kind of getting tired a bit of those animation movies.

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I was really looking forward to this and wasn't dissapointed.

A great movie about two personalities who couldn't be more different and yet so much alike.

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Adele: Live at the Royal Albert Hall

Adele was one of the very, very few who caught my attention over the last couple years.

Awesome woman, awesome voice.

Wish I could have been there, great performance.

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Pacific Rim

A lot of people told me this is a bad movie. After finally seeing it I can't understand why? Yeah the characters are flat and the plot is foreseeable but that's almost a given in theese movies. So this is about the action and in that regard I fail to see while this was worst than others of this genre.

So get a beer and snacks and enjoy it.

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Have seen better, have seen worse. Not a "must-see" by any means. The outfit was worth it, though ;-)

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon

For me, this was the worst of the three. I can't put my finger on it but it didn't feel right. Still decent entertainment.

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I'm not looking for a deep, logical story in those kind of movies. You have to know what to expect and in that regard they deliver.

BUT.....please, no more of those stupid jokes and those slapstick-like Transformers.

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Beside the acting I can't find nothing special about this movie. Yes, the story is interesting but the movie moves so slowly that in the end it felt like a five hour piece.

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Man of Steel

Christopher Reeve will always be the the original Superman but this was the best Superman movie I've seen.
Had my doubts about it at first but they were literally blown away while watching. And while I wouldn't go as far as saying this will become a legendary movie it is great and entertaining. I hope they can build on this and deliver a equally good sequel.

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The Great Gatsby

It's not a bad movie but not my cup of tea.

Sure looks beautiful and despite what some others said I think the soundtrack fits the picture well. It's that kind of movie that you might not regret seeing but won't see again.

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White House Down

Personally I prefer Olympus on all accounts. Sure it's a matter of taste but I´m not seeing one area where this was the better movie.

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Old dogs can still bite.

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Jack the Giant Slayer

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2014-01-05T16:37:29Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:47:44Z

Visually nice to watch but besides that it doens´t have much to go for it. You know how the story will end. And it´s not suited for younger children it has a bit too much violence. And I doubt teens might fall for a fairy tale.

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Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2013-12-13T20:50:18Z— updated 2016-10-22T23:26:36Z

This is wrong in so many ways. They took the Mad Max tag and put it on an otherwise mediocre movie with a bad script. Maybe this would have been a good Indiana Jones movie but this isn't Mad Max by any means.

And while Tina Turner is a great singer/performer on stage, she is one of the worst actresses I've seen.

If you'd liked the first two then you better don't watch this

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2001: A Space Odyssey

A science fiction classic and a cinematic masterpiece. Or so they say.

I have no problem admitting I didn't understand it the first two times I saw it. I was in my teenage years then. I just watched it again but this time I read some interpretations, explanations and quotes from Kubrick. While I still think it is a masterpiece in technical terms considering the time it was filmed I now feel the plot is not so great at all. The movie suddenly became very mediocre to me.

I like the ideas behind the movie but I think it's blown out of proportion. Just my point of view, I know a lot of people think different.

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Mr. Bean's Holiday

It`s Bean - you either like him or you don't.

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Gangster Squad

Good movie, entertaining. Reminded me a bit of The Untouchables at times. Not a deep story though and you know almost any time what is going to happen next. But nicely filmed gunfights.

The worst thing in my opinion: Sean Penn. That was the worst attempt of a DeNiro impersonation if I ever saw one.

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Olympus Has Fallen

Was actually better than I thought it would be.

Like most others said there are a lot of comparisons to "Die Hard". This movie does not reach the first of the "Die Hard" series but let's be honest, the last two weren't that good either.

That beeing said I would recommend Olympus if you're looking for a couple of hours to keep your mind of, don't analyse it to death. Like a lot of other action movies it can't hold a lot of water.

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If you already know the history of Formula 1 this will propably tell you nothing new. If you only know F1 from its modern days whatch this.

In any case this is the best documentary about F1 that I've seen so far. The pictures together with the soundtrack are awesome. Mixed with quotes from former drivers gives you an insight how it was and what it meant to be a race drive in the 60's and 70's

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Fast & Furious 6

Well, it´s Fast & Furious. You know what to expect when you read the title. And it delivers.

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Shoot 'Em Up

Absolutely unrealistic and over the top action movie. LOVE IT!!!!

Turn on your speakers and enjoy ;-)

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Trouble with the Curve

First movie in a while that kept me in front of the screen from start to finish.

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