Frank Carrizo Zirit



Dexter: New Blood

A show notorious for an awful ending comes back from the dead and has an even worse second ending.

An ending which wasn't earned at all:
- Dexter is acting sloppy and idiotic the whole time. This is a man who got away with hundreds of murders.
- Angela, who hasn't been able to solve a series of missing persons cases in her own town for 10+ years, solves the BHB case thanks to a series of plot contrivances, a google search and a freaking retcon (the M99/ketamine inconsistency, that made all of this possible). Her conversation with Batista in the final episode makes no sense either.
- The writing for Harrison is all over the place. After ten episodes I barely know who this kid is and what he wants. He keeps running away from conversations until the final couple of episodes and then we get barely 45 min of father-son bonding out of the whole season. His 180° turn in the next and final episode feels incredibly rushed.
- The show completely falls apart when Dexter kills Logan and he didn’t have to. All the evidence they had on Dexter was circumstantial at best, they had nothing solid to tie him to any of the murders. Any capable lawyer would have got him out of this. So his decision to attack a cop and prove himself a killer is the most illogical and out of character action he could have taken at the time. It was all downhill from there.

I am not upset Dexter died. His death could’ve happened in any number of fulfilling ways that honored the journey and the themes of humanity, morality, consequences, personal growth, development of empathy, justice/vengeance, the lasting effects of trauma the show explored in its' original run.

I’m upset they instead had his own son put him down like an animal while undermining years of character development to tell us he was just a psychopath incapable of feeling all along. Vilifying him entirely at the last second to force this outcome feels like weird moralistic bullshit punishing and mocking us for caring. Miss me with that bullshit.

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I couldn’t agree more! I had the feeling that the ending was going to be disappointing.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

As someone who hasn’t watched or seen the original anime, I’d rate the Netflix series adaptation of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” a seven out of ten. Here’s my take:

The series was good, capturing the essence of the original world and characters.
The visuals and action sequences were impressive.

Some of the lines and jokes felt a bit lame. They lacked the wit and charm I expected.
While it wasn’t a full entertainment, it falls into the average category.

Overall, it’s worth a watch, especially if you’re new to the Avatar universe. However, fans of the original might find it lacking in certain aspects. :star2: Excited for the next season though!!

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@tarun368 funny you say "As someone who hasn’t watched or seen the original anime" and then state "The series was good, capturing the essence of the original world and characters."

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All of Us Strangers

So, I caught "All of Us Strangers" over the weekend - Andrew Haigh's latest. And man, it's like everyone's been talking about this one. The whole vibe of the film, the way it looks and feels, it's just... there's something about it. And Andrew Scott, I mean, come on, the guy's a genius. From his days as Moriarty to now, he just nails it every time.

But, okay, here's the thing. The whole storyline with the protagonist's parents being gone from the get-go... it kind of just set this tone, you know? Like, you could see where it was headed, and it sort of took the wind out of the sails for me. Even when Paul Mescal's character took that dark turn, I wasn't shocked. It felt like the movie was laying it on thick with the whole trauma angle, without giving us that light at the end of the tunnel kind of vibe.

Now, don't get me wrong, the acting across the board was top-notch. Critics have been saying the same, pointing out how everyone in this film just brings their A-game, making these really intense emotions feel super real​​​​. And the whole thing about Adam trying to connect with his past, with his parents, I get that it's deep, it's moving. But for me, it was like, where's the hope, you know? After everything, you kind of want to see a glimmer of something good on the horizon.

So, yeah, it's a beautiful film, no doubt. The colors, the shots, the performances, especially Scott – it's all there. But by the end, I was left feeling a bit... I don't know, empty? Like we went through all these emotions, but for what?

Rating it? I'd say a solid 6 out of 10. It's worth watching for the performances alone, and there's definitely something haunting about it that sticks with you. But just be ready for that heavy vibe, without much to lift you up by the end.

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@badelie of course, because a gay themed movie full of guilt, drama, repentance and suicide is (paraphrasing Miranda Priestley) GROUNDBREAKING! I wasn't asking for the couple to hold hands, laugh and dance in circle into the sunshine, but at least a silver lining. It would've been nice that Adam and Harry finally found each other: two broken souls that give us hope. But no... then what? Gay characters don't deserve, at least, a bittersweet happy ending?

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The Lost Room: 1x03 The Eye and the Primary Object where are episodes 4-6?

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It’s only three. In some countries, they decided to split every episode into two.

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Reply by Frank Carrizo Zirit

I’m about 15 minutes in and the main character is ANNOYINGLY unlucky… I’ll keep posting.

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Now she follows the lucky cat into his magic world, he steals a leprechaun’s clothes and they magically fit her perfectly… really?

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Reply by Frank Carrizo Zirit

I’m about 15 minutes in and the main character is ANNOYINGLY unlucky… I’ll keep posting.

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Now she finds a lucky coin and all of a suddenly she becomes a Cirque du Soleil acrobat… really?

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Moon Knight: Season 1

Review by Frank Carrizo Zirit
BlockedParent2022-04-20T22:52:25Z— updated 2022-05-09T10:05:03Z

I’m four episodes in and quite frankly, I don’t see this show getting any better. At least Wandavision picked up after the third episode. Those people saying this is the best MCU show so far must be on crack.

Now that I've finished watching all the episodes, I still feel a bit shortchanged with this show. I do think Oscar Isaacs did an incredible job all through the season, but I still feel it's terribly paced. Even though the last episode was awesome, I had already lost much of the initial interest. Ethan Hawke's character falls flat for me. Marvel films have created great villains with powerful motivations to justify what they do. Damn! I still think Thanos had a very good point! If Hawke was supposed to be Marc/Steven's foil, he came across as a bland bad guy who wanted to be bad because Khonshu is a trickster god who lied to him (we still don't know exactly how). Had his history arc been developed thoroughly, it would've opened more complex layers in the story. Also, they boast they got an Egyptian director who knew his way around Egyptian mythology... but... the show was quite lacklustre on that regards as well, IMO. Now we're left with a cliffhanger that hints at a second season. Oh my...

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@weeze83 so you turned it off after 13 mins? because the first episode is barely 27 mins.

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Moon Knight: Season 1

Review by Frank Carrizo Zirit
BlockedParent2022-04-20T22:52:25Z— updated 2022-05-09T10:05:03Z

I’m four episodes in and quite frankly, I don’t see this show getting any better. At least Wandavision picked up after the third episode. Those people saying this is the best MCU show so far must be on crack.

Now that I've finished watching all the episodes, I still feel a bit shortchanged with this show. I do think Oscar Isaacs did an incredible job all through the season, but I still feel it's terribly paced. Even though the last episode was awesome, I had already lost much of the initial interest. Ethan Hawke's character falls flat for me. Marvel films have created great villains with powerful motivations to justify what they do. Damn! I still think Thanos had a very good point! If Hawke was supposed to be Marc/Steven's foil, he came across as a bland bad guy who wanted to be bad because Khonshu is a trickster god who lied to him (we still don't know exactly how). Had his history arc been developed thoroughly, it would've opened more complex layers in the story. Also, they boast they got an Egyptian director who knew his way around Egyptian mythology... but... the show was quite lacklustre on that regards as well, IMO. Now we're left with a cliffhanger that hints at a second season. Oh my...

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@fzirit That's interesting. I actually found the first three episodes of WandaVision to be the best three episodes of that show. I liked the first couple episodes of Moon Knight best as well so far (4 eps in now). But maybe that's just me being gruff and tired of all the vanilla on TV, wanting something weird and innovative. I say bring on the weirdness!

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Yeah, in hindsight you definitely appreciate the first episodes of Wandvision… to the point of thinking of them as genius! But it was definitely an initial WTF… I feel that with this show, though… it won’t be the same.

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Moon Knight: Season 1

Review by Frank Carrizo Zirit
BlockedParent2022-04-20T22:52:25Z— updated 2022-05-09T10:05:03Z

I’m four episodes in and quite frankly, I don’t see this show getting any better. At least Wandavision picked up after the third episode. Those people saying this is the best MCU show so far must be on crack.

Now that I've finished watching all the episodes, I still feel a bit shortchanged with this show. I do think Oscar Isaacs did an incredible job all through the season, but I still feel it's terribly paced. Even though the last episode was awesome, I had already lost much of the initial interest. Ethan Hawke's character falls flat for me. Marvel films have created great villains with powerful motivations to justify what they do. Damn! I still think Thanos had a very good point! If Hawke was supposed to be Marc/Steven's foil, he came across as a bland bad guy who wanted to be bad because Khonshu is a trickster god who lied to him (we still don't know exactly how). Had his history arc been developed thoroughly, it would've opened more complex layers in the story. Also, they boast they got an Egyptian director who knew his way around Egyptian mythology... but... the show was quite lacklustre on that regards as well, IMO. Now we're left with a cliffhanger that hints at a second season. Oh my...

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@fzirit Don't you think it's possible to have different taste in shows/film? I have to say it is already one of my favorite marvel shows, but I haven't watched all of them.

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Yeah I know everyone’s got their different tastes and all. But I’ve seen them all shows and I’d say this show is a tie with Hawkeye. The whole Steven/Mark dynamics can get REALLY tiresome… I feel the story does not progress that much except in the last episode.

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