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Washington, DC

Road House

This movie was a bit of a mess. Stick to the original. That’s all I’m gonna say about it…

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Welp….. I do love a good paradox. I’m frustratingly happy.

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Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale

The best thing about this season, and hopefully its show, was when it ended.

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Sci Fi

Great list! Thank you!! What about Brave New World (TV Movie 1998) with Peter Gallagher and Leonard Nimoy?

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The Unbinding

Uniquely written, uniquely directed, uniquely told. It's a fantastic documentary that will have you re-thinking everything you know about the paranormal.

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The Last of Us: 1x02 Infected

Holy. Camole. So, so good!!! Another dang near perfect episode!! Well done.

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The Last of Us: 1x01 When You're Lost in the Darkness

Can't get too much better than what was dang near a perfect adaptation for the first episode, INMO. It was a huge bonus for Pascal to be cast in the tv adaptation, but I still was dreading what was going to happen to such a beautifully made game when placed into the hands of Hollywood. Everyone involved in the adaptation of LOU did phenomenally well and I don't believe any fan of the game (we won't talk about LOU 2) would be disappointed by such a great start into the introduction of this post-apocalyptic world our characters get thrown into. Well done! Hope the rest of the episodes can follow suit.

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I had a few hours to kill when I came across this movie and figured, “how bad could it be?” Dear sweet baby Jesus…. Never again. Terrible, terrible writing. The dialogue was just truly horrendous. Berry tried WAY too hard to the point I spent and inordinate amount of time wondering if it was deliberate, and the acting overall was just simply subpar at its best.

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I don’t even have the words….

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The Man Who Fell to Earth: 1x01 Hallo Spaceboy

Chiwetel is excellent, along with the rest of the cast. And the show has a surprisingly good mix of sci-fi, drama and humor. Hope this goes the distance!

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Superman & Lois

Had low expectations for this show, mainly due to the network that was producing it, however, I couldn’t be more surprised. The show is more drama based than anything, but that said, it’s been awesome to watch the director and writers take the show in a direction that’s based more on the family dynamics of the Kent family than it just be another action-superhero bit, which is where I think CW has a tendency to fail when trying to cash in on our iconic DC and Marvel characters.

The show isn’t spectacular by no means, but it absolutely has me coming back for more. The teen actors are growing into themselves — thank, God — because it was rough there in the beginning acting wise for some of them, but they got better, the writers tweaked their characters, the director tweaked their takes/perceptions on their characters’ scenes and over time it was easier to watch them help carry the show.

Can’t wait for season 2!

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

My expectations were pretty low going in. Turned out to be much better than anticipated. It’s not anything “great” perse, but if you take it for what it’s meant to be, it’s easier to sit back and enjoy it for even what it’s not. 6/10

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I’m utterly dumbfounded that this show has an average rating of 6. I gave it a 4 (quite generous, IMHO), later a 1, and then I proceeded to remove all notifications of this show and ensure it was hidden from my feed. Good sci-fi is hard to come by these days and it infuriates me.

This show is an utter train wreck and I can’t understand how TPTB read the script(s) and thought this was anything else but pure garbage.

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The Nevers: 1x01 Pilot

I'm pleasantly surprised. Far better than I thought it was going to be. Whedon hasn't been hitting the mark lately, but he just very well could have done just that with this series. I hope HBO keeps this on the books. Fantastic potential to be a network hit.

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Shadow and Bone

I’ve been getting pretty disappointed with Netflix lately, but this.... this did not disappoint. Very, very good series. Easy to binge. And like most other fantasy-based fans, I wager, I’m already itching for season 2.

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Shadow and Bone: 1x07 The Unsea

Sooooo Alina in the series is a definite upgrade from the book but... dang.... she’s just as naive. Alina, my dear, understand the definition of a technicality...

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Raised by Wolves

I came late to the game on this one, but I’ve spent the entirety of my afternoon marveling at the masterpiece that is Chernobyl. Everything I’ve heard was true, the writers, the cast, the production, the producers; they championed the heroes, the bravery and sacrifices of the men and women who stood their grounds against immeasurable odds and the men and Statesmen that buried their heads in the sand out of fear and arrogance — that thrusted the Soviet Union and really the world into a global catastrophe which ultimately amounted to politics of the most grievous nature being the cause of such a preventable loss. Chernobyl was a mind blowing incident and the writers of this series did a remarkable job in conveying that. Well worth the watch.

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Roland Emmerich succeeded in Midway, where Michael Bay did not in Pearl Harbor. Emmerich stuck to the drama — the gut-wrenching storyline of the failures and successes of what led up to, and defined, Midway, along with the immeasurable bravery of those on both sides. Bay and/or TPTB were too busy trying to re-create the horror and stories of Pearl Harbor into a highly cliche romance. Bravo to Emmerich who did a far better job in honoring the story than the sellout Bay ever did in Pearl Harbor.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Snyder’s cut just obliterates the 2017 version. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. To the Snyders', thank you both for pushing through and sharing with your fans what clearly became a project so very close to your hearts — so much so that you knew that there was no other choice but to see it through. I hope that in completing and releasing this gem, you both find some sort of peace in the process.

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The Stand

I tried, Lord knows, I tried. But this.... this is total rubbish. The acting is horrid, and when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, you can’t shake the disgust of just how bad the direction and editing is for the show.

I’m unsure if they tried to do too much, or they did too little. But it’s just downright a slap in the face to Stephen King, his fans and this cult-favorite in general.

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Flight of the Navigator

This is one of the very first movies I saw as a kid, and I’m so glad it was. This is a cult classic that helped rocket me into my fascination with anything and everything sci-fi. It was imaginative and well written; and a common movie I recommend to younger generations that have a true interest in fun, imaginative sci-fi, that can set aside its age, and appreciate it for what it was and still is for us who grew up in the 80s and had the pleasure of experiencing this movie when it first came out.

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Lovecraft Country

Absolutely loving everything about this show, though I have to say, it’s a little disheartening, yet not surprising, that it appears many reviewers are not understanding the true meaning behind the show’s title. Hopefully they’ll stick with the show and get the deeper meaning behind it’s perfect play on words.

I hope this show has a long, long life and continues to uncompromisingly retell some of the most defining moments in black history while maintaining its colorful use of sci-fi and horror to drive its stories along.

The writing and acting is just short of being simply pure perfection in my book. 9/10

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Ghost Whisperer

Sort of reminds me of a paranormal version of Touched by an Angel.

Joking aside, sort of, I really liked this show. Far far far better than some other related shows like Medium (the most hated show I’ve ever had the privilege of turning off).

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Space Force

Shout by GenX
BlockedParent2020-10-02T23:49:29Z— updated 2021-06-01T03:59:31Z

Super surprised by the mixed reviews and lower than expected ratings on this. I thought this season was far more deserving than an average 6/10 rating as of Oct ‘20.

I thought it was loads of fun and quite amusing, and that the writing overall was very witty. I personally can’t wait for season 2. It takes a lot to get me to a point where I’m laughing out loud while watching a show, and this show repeatedly delivered. Very few shows are capable of doing that for me. Well done!

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Lovecraft Country

I’m 7 episodes in at the time of writing this and since episode 3 I’ve only had one thing on my mind to say to the writers of this show.... I want whatever you’re smoking.

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The Core

It’s so bad, it’s good. ‘Nuff said. The end.

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I was really hoping this would get picked up for production. They style of the show reminded me of Richards’ British show Outcasts — another show with a ton of potential that disappointedly got cancelled in its first season. It’s so hard to convince TPTB that good sci-fi shows can thrive if they trust their audience to be the driving force behind it. Sometimes it takes our community to get on the bandwagon a little longer, but any potentially good sci-fi show has a chance of becoming a cult favorite in the community, leaving networks and streaming services better for it if given the chance.

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The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

There’s a vast disagreement regarding this season on both sides of the spectrum, but in my opinion, I highly enjoyed this season far better than the first, and I didn’t have very many qualms with the first. Character development was better this go around and the interactions between siblings were far more enjoyable, as well. Personally, I felt this was a win for both the cast and writers this season.

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