Geo Magneto


Venice, California

Reno 911!: The Hunt for QAnon

Every scene was hilarious. Patton Oswald fit right in. Even the opening scene I was like, WTF is going on? This is comedy gold.

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Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed: 1x01 Welcome Home

The Osho doc on NetFlix was much more interesting. The XViM cult documentary on Showtime was also a bit more interesting as far as religious cult documentaries go. This one is dry and the “cult leader” is a privileged bro. I guess its Discovery+ channels approach. I found it like the Fire fest doc and the “cult leader” profiled not that interesting.

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The Dropout: 1x02 Satori

I tolerated the first episode, but honestly this second episoder is pure cringe. Elizabeth Holmes is portrayed not as a grifter POS but a hip-hop loving nymphomaniac who breaks out in dance every five minutes. And the rest of the cast has suddenly become terrible versions of a Judd Apatow movie.

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The Zero Theorem

Problematic pacing but its Gilliams next addition to the Brazil universe. I should be lucky to get anything from such a prolofic director. Unfortunately, it took me 3 viewings to finish and I couldn’t shake the feeling it was “required viewing” over wanting to watch. It earned its 6 stars, it seemed hard to make.

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The Bubble

Two days since I consumed this tart parp of a shtick flik. Couldn’t remember what I watched the next day. I thought all day specifically about what I watched the night before. “What did I watch last night?” I finally remember the next night when NetFlix had it up on “Trending”, then and only then I recalled watching it. It was long and convoluted — I vaguely remember David Duchovny being the strongest performer however I know it was ensemble cast. The fact the film is being thrashed through the waste pile of my brain rot so soon should be an indicator of its value to me.

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Incredibly poor direction from a Coppolla — almost rings of she got the job because of her name. Movies’ plot is around a relevant story about a transient achieving YouTube stardom — but it seemed either rushed to be written or written by someone with little writing skill. Seemed like a first year film student film that needed a few more

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Matangi / Maya / M.I.A.
On the Road
Ricky Powell: The Individualist

Not your average puff piece about a hip-hop legend. The Rickster is not your average rapper from the 80s — he’s the photographer of all those rappers. What makes this doc pseudo-iconic (slightly a masterpiece) is where it goes.

There’s a sequence where he recorded Easy E hanging out, and you realize, “Oh snap, this dude was everywhere.”

From the beginning, you think “Oh snap the Beastie Boys…oh snap Run DMC…oh snap LL Cool J…Oh snap Lawrence Fishburne,”.

Then the Rickster takes a turn. And then another and then your left, “Oh snap, how did the filmmaker even make this?”

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Contrary to the overwhelming opinion, I believe this film to be a masterpiece. Stunning visuals invoking what many steampunk aficionado’s attempt to do add to a profound soundtrack, classically orchestrated score and very well paced plot.

Yes, Lynchs’ limitations on this is legend, however, he finished - unlike Vilanuevas boring, dull and visually unstimulated clone. 1984s Dune got us to the end of the Atreides and Muadib saga with heart, grace and Patrick Stewart. Twelve bags of popcorn.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x06 Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger

Buddhist, Nudists and Zootists : My codewords for this episode. :)

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Red Rocket

If you're a woman this is a good movie to test if your tinder date is a garbage person. If they say "It was a cool movie," chances are they are garbage people. It's Brown bunny for GenZ. The social equivalent of Vincent Gallo and Chloe Sevigny without Fiona Apple 10 years ago on repeat with a reality television star convincing an indie filmmaker (Sean Baker) to make a film entirely around his junk -- the whole movie resolves to SImon Rex's penis. Previous commentors who are stanning for this movie need to srsly ask themselves some hard questions. 1 mini bags of popcorn.

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Rare Beasts

An odd one. Bit of a pollywog stew with emphasis on the pollywog. An anxiety ridden bloke connects with a relatable but equal parts Benny + Joon’ish / Ed Scissorhandish could’a been milf. Shes got a unique relationship with her son - unique enuff to say this film got single motherhood more right than the best “straight” films on the sub. One part romantic comedy, two parts avante garde light, half a part magical realism. Cool ending too. Felt like life.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x02 Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine

High noon meets Dune. Probably the best episode of the series so far. 4 bags of popcorn.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa

This is the episode where you realize this whole Boba Fett thing is going to be embarrassing -- for everyone involved.

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Benneton ad + super hero spandex / stakes is way too high plot minus the need to care because we just met.

If Eternals was a tinder date I would call the cops before the appetizers.

If Marvel was trying to follow up literally decimating their brand with Thanos’ snap, they managed to bullsh:t us with another “holy sh:t the universe is gon explode” plot, this time with a literal bunch of randos.

Watch for the Kumals lulz only, he’s hilar.

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No Sudden Move

Maybe I wasn’t in the mood but Director Stephen Soderbergh managed to put me asleep like fifteen times. This movie should be called “Lots of Sudden Moves”, because it drags on like Trump after a fair and legal election.

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Marvin & Tige

The compassion between Cassavetes and the kid in this film is amazing, check it with an open mind if you’re a mans man type. I guarantee you've never seen this level of relationship between men in any other movie, especially with a kid. Some great dialogue with cassavetes and the kid, a few extremely moving scenes, and a nutty soundtrack at times. Any fan will see this as a lost gem from his “Woman Under the Influence”,”Gloria” era. Anybody who has no idea what to expect, they don't make movies like this anymore.

Remember, Cassavetes made the first interracial indie film “Shadows” in a the 60s. In a sense, Marvin & Tige is a what if Cassavetes character in Shadows hit middle age as a vagabond. And then meets the other vagabond, who happens to be a kid. Won't spoil the film and explain the whole premise of why the kid is homeless but, man oh man, this is the type of movie that comes once is huge blue moon.

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The Projectionist
Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage

I came for Kroll — yet even he couldnt float whatever turd of a screenplay the hipster chudfarm trauma sharted this 2016 charred coyote dung out from. A solid 1.4 stars

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Disappearance at Clifton Hill
Clouds Are Not Spheres

What’s a fractal? Why is Mandelbrot, their founder, on the run from a Mexican drug cartel? Who is Ennio Montoya? These questions and others are not fully answered since half of them are discontinuous geometries.

In this fantabulisimo documentary about fractals we first learn about Mandelbrot's youth. His grooming under the tutelage of a formalist uncle and his escape to eccentric mathematicians.

Told primarily by the man himself intercut with narrator, Martin Shaw, who seems like he’s on a 2 hour fractal safari. The movie runs like a scripted autobiography.

Good editing, montages and best of all fractal art leaning more on the connection with complex mathematical concepts like p0 = z, pn+1 = pn2 + z which if you plug-in to a casio will reveal the location of that Mandelbrotian Mexican treasure.

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The Five-Year Engagement

Some original good laughs. Russian women probably will hate the American relationships but if you’re a proud native non-maga normal decent human who doesnt get off traumatizing children this is a sleeper hit. Also, Mindy Kalin and Kevin Hearts cameo roles are wound in well enough they feel like the Soviet Union collapsed and never came back. If you’re reading this I have news for you - reevaluate your whole life.

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Buying the Cow

Boom bomp on the flish flap makes your coonswoggle do the boondoggle. Read more of this and other comments on my phat 90s rucksack, pauper boy!

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Movie film is satire of shock and repulsiveness that evoke giggling not as a solution for what troubles us, or even a brief analgesic, yet a nearby first cousin of the inclination you get marry — sharp agony followed by alleviation — when a Band-Aid has been ripped off open saudi. Yakshimash.

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This is a great 2am sunday night, no job having, gastritis settling in from years of hard living but drinking cumin tea to see if it heals time passer film. So far so good - cumin tea matches his deerskin coat. Belched once. The french are colonizing bastards.

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Long Shot

Seth Rogan is a mini-harvey-weinstein who annoys the hell out me, like covid. Every second Seth Rogen opens his wannabe cool bearded poser mouth I ask myself where are the other thousand actors that could’ve done this role 1000 times better. Then I realize he’s monopolized great roles because he keeps being given opportunities for good movies that should have other leading men. All of Rogans films are factories for his agent to push him into every single good potential comedy, while not being funny.

I would of loved this movie in theory — a brooklyn writers gets a gig for the secretary of state and sleeps with her — if not for Seth Rogan infecting it. The inauthentic nature of a Secretary of State falling for a moronic actor lends itself to these conclusions; Charleze took a payday to wh0re herself to Rogan, He devised this idea to hook up with Charleze because he’s a mini-Weinstein, and/or Studios have a totally zero diversity pool with a hard on for what they think could of saved Hilary.

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Cobra Kai: 2x10 No Mercy

I can’t really follow up this final episode of cobra Kai with anything else. It was so intense, and I mean like in every way, that I might need to binge view the office now because nothing can follow up how good this was. I almost feel like this final episode will be remembered like the original karate kid

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