Geo Magneto


Venice, California

Big Business

I havent enjoyed a film like this in a long time. Really, Lilly Tomlin and Bette Midler and the whole cast were so great. Great film!

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Bill & Ted Face the Music

This movie made me soooo happy!! Amazing return of two of the greatest dudes in cinematic history. A breath of hilarious, scientific, good vibes — George Carlin is smiling down:sunglasses:

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Marvin & Tige

The compassion between Cassavetes and the kid in this film is amazing, check it with an open mind if you’re a mans man type. I guarantee you've never seen this level of relationship between men in any other movie, especially with a kid. Some great dialogue with cassavetes and the kid, a few extremely moving scenes, and a nutty soundtrack at times. Any fan will see this as a lost gem from his “Woman Under the Influence”,”Gloria” era. Anybody who has no idea what to expect, they don't make movies like this anymore.

Remember, Cassavetes made the first interracial indie film “Shadows” in a the 60s. In a sense, Marvin & Tige is a what if Cassavetes character in Shadows hit middle age as a vagabond. And then meets the other vagabond, who happens to be a kid. Won't spoil the film and explain the whole premise of why the kid is homeless but, man oh man, this is the type of movie that comes once is huge blue moon.

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Balls of Fury

Chris Walken shines as Doctor Fang in one of his best roles as a working actor next to his groundbreaking portrayal as Nosferatu in Brainstorm. Film theorist Gary Gnu names Balls of Fury as peak Hollywood comedic cinema broiling together chickens and tadurkens in within the global arena of ping pong. And thats just the beginZ - Stryker T Rambz the protag pulls a stellar creme de la dentre with a dramaturge the likes of a modern Lawrence of Balboa. If you’ve missed this stunner catch it while you’re still in the marmalade because time waits for no one, let alone you jersey boy sanchez.

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Matangi / Maya / M.I.A.
The Projectionist
White Noise

Love the sense of space this movie creates. The dialogue about architecture in Columbus is super interesting too. Architecture fans gonna love this movie. Not many like it. What makes it though is the small details like how the shots are composed and the actors contrasting situations. It feels overall like the entire film forces you to examine opposites in yourself and where you’re stuck. I’m saying this because Cho’s character is having to face his dad not being their for him but now having to be present for his father in a coma. And Haley Richardsons character must leave her mom to become somebody in a life.

Don’t get this movie wrong! It tackles huge shifts people need to make in life with a gentle slow hand.

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Ricky Powell: The Individualist

Not your average puff piece about a hip-hop legend. The Rickster is not your average rapper from the 80s — he’s the photographer of all those rappers. What makes this doc pseudo-iconic (slightly a masterpiece) is where it goes.

There’s a sequence where he recorded Easy E hanging out, and you realize, “Oh snap, this dude was everywhere.”

From the beginning, you think “Oh snap the Beastie Boys…oh snap Run DMC…oh snap LL Cool J…Oh snap Lawrence Fishburne,”.

Then the Rickster takes a turn. And then another and then your left, “Oh snap, how did the filmmaker even make this?”

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They Cloned Tyrone

Concept : 8.7, Acting : 9.4, Rewatch value : 10, Overall Vibe : 9.2, Lack of Jonah Hill/Seth Rogan/Michael Cera/The guy with the shnoz : 10, Cinematography: 10, Lack of Tommy Lee Jones : 9.6, Lack of Al Pacino : 4

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Madonna and the Breakfast Club

Was surprised how great this was, the dramatizations of Madonnas life were :100:, felt like her and the time. Great stories from her early roommates and bf’s!

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Reno 911!: The Hunt for QAnon

Every scene was hilarious. Patton Oswald fit right in. Even the opening scene I was like, WTF is going on? This is comedy gold.

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Clouds Are Not Spheres

What’s a fractal? Why is Mandelbrot, their founder, on the run from a Mexican drug cartel? Who is Ennio Montoya? These questions and others are not fully answered since half of them are discontinuous geometries.

In this fantabulisimo documentary about fractals we first learn about Mandelbrot's youth. His grooming under the tutelage of a formalist uncle and his escape to eccentric mathematicians.

Told primarily by the man himself intercut with narrator, Martin Shaw, who seems like he’s on a 2 hour fractal safari. The movie runs like a scripted autobiography.

Good editing, montages and best of all fractal art leaning more on the connection with complex mathematical concepts like p0 = z, pn+1 = pn2 + z which if you plug-in to a casio will reveal the location of that Mandelbrotian Mexican treasure.

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First Reformed

Jeebuz Christmas what a flik. Ethan Hawke is fantastic sauce as a preacher caught between his faith and his corporate polluting Church. Brings up good points about corporate polluters being big funders of Churches in the US and should get an Oscar or Academy nomination which it wont because those same corporate polluters would rather you not see this.

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Rare Beasts

An odd one. Bit of a pollywog stew with emphasis on the pollywog. An anxiety ridden bloke connects with a relatable but equal parts Benny + Joon’ish / Ed Scissorhandish could’a been milf. Shes got a unique relationship with her son - unique enuff to say this film got single motherhood more right than the best “straight” films on the sub. One part romantic comedy, two parts avante garde light, half a part magical realism. Cool ending too. Felt like life.

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Let the Sunshine In

Meandering french alcoholics binded by deep voids they fill with sexual proclivities perform hilarious long scenes of dialogue overwrought with inane existential banter dripping with dark comedic pathos. If you dig Truffaut, Jarmusch or Venders you’ll love it.

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Watch it for George C Scott dressing up as a porno director.

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Worth it for Dunsts mellifluous mounds of memories. The scene she rolls 10
phat boys in her bra is the new American tradition amongst the gals. Very representative of the inner world of a blonde with a house and sh:t ton of ganja. If your life is 24/7 puff puff and you lost your mission in life, check out this sleeper hit. Underestimate d!

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Buying the Cow

Boom bomp on the flish flap makes your coonswoggle do the boondoggle. Read more of this and other comments on my phat 90s rucksack, pauper boy!

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Two Men in Town

"Two men in Town" is what happens to a good idea and great actors that could of easily been an Oscar winner break-out film but turns to a dud because of bad direction. Whitaker plays William Garnett a cop killer straight out of prison who struggles with his anger issues while people in this tiny New Mexico town mess with him. His attempts to build a life are snafued by Harvey Kietel, the sheriff, who has other plans for him due to some bizarre mixture of vengeance and islamophobia. Brenda Blethyn with a Tennessee accent was great and lightens up the movie wherever she is. Forest Whitaker and Kietel could of played their roles better but it was good enough to watch once. That's the good part.

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The Leisure Seeker

Well made, good laughs, tough subject.

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The Zero Theorem

Problematic pacing but its Gilliams next addition to the Brazil universe. I should be lucky to get anything from such a prolofic director. Unfortunately, it took me 3 viewings to finish and I couldn’t shake the feeling it was “required viewing” over wanting to watch. It earned its 6 stars, it seemed hard to make.

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There's little reason to try and beat Bowies Tesla (Christopher Nolans "The Prestige" 2006) but Ethan Hawke doesn't even try. I expected better from him. This was either made by the hands of a depressed director or an unqualified producer -- or an AI deepfake movie making program. It feels like somewhere within the tesla coil of this film production schedule a major aspect got gutted from an original version and boiled down, like a transylvanian bat, to this tortured piece of crap. Think Welsch Rabbit in a Duck Soup.

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I Love My Dad
Because I Said So

At around the twenty minute mark skip to the fifty minute mark and its watchable. Diane Keaton as a wild mom is great, the 20-50 section is too repetitive seems fillery.

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Eighth Grade

Profound to 13 year old girls, potential snoozefest for the rest. It’s a YouTube directors third film where the plot points are either her interactions on her devices surrounded by her sexual awkwardness in her three dimensions (would would make sense if your attention is always in a 3.5 inch glowing box.) What it does do well is capture the pure ineptness the crisis social media addiction has caused in middle america with a polished production value however it falls short in creating any sympathy for the protagonist beyond a sweet moment at the end when she quits YouTube, doesnt give the creep a bj, tells her dad shes aware of how inept she is and stutters yells at the popular girl for being mean.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Squandered opportunity to make a Freddy Mercury biopic - Malek is great and there are moments but overall leaves a hollowness probably due to the fundamental crux of the story not being followed through on, that of the joy that is the song Bohemian Rhapsody. This is a documentary dressed up as a biography with bits of inspiring moments. Those moments should of been the focus and magnified.

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