gabriel henrique



Seinfeld: 1x01 The Seinfeld Chronicles

Let's face it, a date is a job interview that lasts all night! The only difference between a date and a job interview is that not many job interviews is there a chance you'll end up naked at the end of it.

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Lost: 1x04 Walkabout

Don't tell me what I can't do.

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Lost: 2x23 Live Together, Die Alone (1)

Live Together, Die Alone: Part 1 (2006)

[Charlie plays the guitar]

Mr. Eko: Charlie! Do you know how they got the hatch door open?

[Charlie stops]

Charlie Pace: No, but if you hum it, I can probably play it.

[Charlie plays again and Eko holds him]

Mr. Eko: How did they open it - the door that says "quarantine"?

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Lost: 2x22 Three Minutes

Three Minutes (2006)

Michael: I hear you're a priest.

Mr. Eko: Yes.

Michael: Guess you believe in hell, then.

Mr. Eko: For a brief time I served in a small parish in England, and every Sunday after mass, I would see a young boy waiting at the back of the church. And then one day the boy confessed to me that he had beaten his dog to death with a shovel. He said the dog had bitten his baby sister on the cheek and he needed to protect her. And he wanted to know whether he would go to hell for this. I told him that god would understand, that he would be forgiven, as long as he was sorry. But the boy did not care about forgiveness. He was only afraid that if he did go to hell, that dog would be there waiting for him.

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Lost: 2x12 Fire + Water

Fire + Water (2006)

Locke: Are you using?

Charlie: What?

Locke: Heroin? Are you using it again?

Charlie: Kate sees a horse. Nothing. Pretty much everyone's seen Walt wandering around the jungle. But when it's Charlie, it must be the bloody drugs, right?

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Mad Men: 1x01 Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (2007)

Don Draper: The reason you haven't felt it is because it doesn't exist. What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons. You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one.

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Lost: 1x10 Raised by Another

If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby.

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The Leftovers: 1x02 Penguin One, Us Zero

Penguin One, Us Zero (2014)

Lucy Warburton: Jesus, I never should have told you to watch the fucking 'Wire.'

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That '70s Show: 2x11 Laurie Moves Out

Laurie Moves Out (1999)

Michael Kelso: I'm havin' a horrible day. Laurie's gone, and Jackie's all suspicious of me. And I'm gettin' no lovin'. None. I can't be me without lovin'.

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That '70s Show: 2x10 Red's Birthday

Red's Birthday (1999)

[to Bob and Midge]

Reginald "Red" Forman: So, you two are going to save your marriage by dating strangers. Great.

Midge Pinciotti: When you say it like that, Red, it sounds stupid.

Reginald "Red" Forman: Okay, Midge, say it so it doesn't sound stupid.

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That '70s Show: 2x09 Eric Gets Suspended

Eric Gets Suspended (1999)

Hyde: Forman's first suspension. I'm so proud.

Michael Kelso: Whoa, back up. Why'd he get suspended?

Donna Pinciotti: Because he's stupid.

Michael Kelso: [terrified] They can do that?

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That '70s Show: 2x08 Sleepover

Sleepover (1999)

Steven Hyde: So, what do I do here, anyway?

Leo: Well, I don't expect a lot, man. Like, pretty much, if the hut doesn't burn down, it's been a good day. And even if it burnt down, man, it's cool, 'cause I got three or four more of these little huts somewhere.

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That '70s Show: 2x07 I Love Cake

I Love Cake (1999)

Donna Pinciotti: I love you, Eric.

Eric Forman: [looks shocked] I love... cake.

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That '70s Show: 2x06 Van Stock

Vanstock (1999)

Rod Roddy: Will Red get a job? Will Jackie ever find out about Kelso and Laurie? Will we ever find out where Fez is from? Will Hyde ever find his topless Cinderella? And whatever happened to Midge's daughter, Tina? Will Eric and Donna ever consummate their illicit teenage love? And what about Chuck and Bob? Oh, wait. They're not on this show. Confused? You won't be after this week's episode of "That '70s Show"!

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That '70s Show: 2x05 Halloween

Halloween (1999)

[Fez is dressed up as Batman, for Halloween]

Jackie Burkhart: Donna, you know who protected me back there? Fez.

Donna Pinciotti: He had to. He's Batman.

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That '70s Show: 2x04 Laurie and the Professor

Laurie and the Professor (1999)

Steven Hyde: [irritatedly, as Laurie appears to win a round] This is completely unsatisfactory! In fact...

[points at Eric]

Steven Hyde: YOU SUCK!

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That '70s Show: 2x03 The Velvet Rope

The Velvet Rope (1999)

[on the way to the club in Chicago]

Fez: People are so friendly around here. Two women on the corner just offered to have sex with me.

Steven Hyde: Yeah, for money, Fez.

Fez: I could not ask them for money.


Fez: Or, could I?

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That '70s Show: 2x02 Red's Last Day

Red's Last Day (1999)

Michael Kelso: [as Laurie sits astride his lap] Laurie, I don't think you should be sitting on me. I don't think Jackie would like it.

Laurie Forman: I think you like me sitting on you, Michael. In fact, I know you do!

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That '70s Show: 2x01 Garage Sale

Garage Sale (1999)

Kitty Forman: [about Hyde's brownies] Well, I know Steven put the special ingredient in.

Eric: I told him not to!

Hyde: [At the same time] Special ingredient?

Kitty Forman: Of course! Love!

Hyde: Yes, ma'am, Mrs. Forman. There's a whole big bag of love in here.

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That '70s Show: 1x25 The Good Son

The Good Son (1999)

Donna Pinciotti: So, my parents are, like, fighting all the time, and they want me to choose sides. But I can't, because they're both idiots.

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That '70s Show: 1x24 Hyde Moves In

Hyde Moves In (1999)

Red Forman: [Red is worried Kitty may be exceeding their limited finances] Pork chops? I thought we agreed to stick to a budget. Pork chops aren't cheap.

Kitty Forman: Well, ya know, on the way to the market I tried to run over a cat, but they are just so darn speedy!

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That '70s Show: 1x23 Grandma's Dead

Grandma's Dead (1999)

[Eric talks to his Grandma]

Eric Forman: I don't think being nice for a whole day would kill you.

[Grandma falls over and dies]

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That '70s Show: 1x22 Punk Chick

Punk Chick (1999)

Kitty Forman: Now, Jackie, have you ever made a pie before?

Jackie Burkhart: No, I don't really cook much. I just plan on getting by on my looks.

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That '70s Show: 1x21 Water Tower

Water Tower (1999)

Red Forman: [to Eric] Are you on dope? Are you?

Kitty Forman: Because, because we can help get you clean. There's counseling, hospitalization...

Red Forman: My foot kicking your ass.

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That '70s Show: 1x20 A New Hope

A New Hope (1999)

Eric Forman: Hi, Mr. Pinciotti... Hey, Dad, could you show me some fighting moves?

Red Forman: Who're you fighting?

Eric Forman: David Milbank.

Bob Pinciotti: David Milbank? Doesn't he have scoliosis and asthma?

[Looks Eric up and down]

Bob Pinciotti: You could take him.

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That '70s Show: 1x19 Prom Night

Prom Night (1999)

Edna Hyde: They're all gonna laugh at you!

Steven Hyde: Shut up, Ma! You're making the night too damn special!

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That '70s Show: 1x18 Career Day

The Career Day (1999)

Dr. Ashley: All right, let's start Mr Harris on a full course of penicillin.

Kitty Forman: Oh, um, Doctor, you might want to consider erythromycin.

Dr. Ashley: [patronizing] And why would I want to do that, Nurse?

Kitty Forman: Well, it's just that, uh, Mr Harris is allergic to penicillin, and I thought erythromycin might make him a touch less dead.

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That '70s Show: 1x17 The Pill

The Pill (1999)

Donna Pinciotti: Jackie, I went on the pill.

Jackie Burkhardt: Oh, my God. You are gonna be so popular!

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That '70s Show: 1x16 First Date

First Date (1999)

Reginald "Red" Forman: Damn good thing I went with him. He wanted to buy a leisure suit.

Eric Forman: Come on, Dad. Leisure suits are cool. Everybody wears them.

Reginald "Red" Forman: Leisure suits are for dumbasses. Believe me.

[Bob walks in wearing a leisure suit]

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Lost: 3x06 I Do

I Do (2006)

Sawyer: We ain't on our island. We're on another island, like Alcatraz, couple miles off shore. So unless you're a mermaid, or you got a boat, there ain't no point.

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