gabriel henrique



Lost: 2x23 Live Together, Die Alone (1)

Live Together, Die Alone: Part 1 (2006)

[Charlie plays the guitar]

Mr. Eko: Charlie! Do you know how they got the hatch door open?

[Charlie stops]

Charlie Pace: No, but if you hum it, I can probably play it.

[Charlie plays again and Eko holds him]

Mr. Eko: How did they open it - the door that says "quarantine"?

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Lost: 2x22 Three Minutes

Three Minutes (2006)

Michael: I hear you're a priest.

Mr. Eko: Yes.

Michael: Guess you believe in hell, then.

Mr. Eko: For a brief time I served in a small parish in England, and every Sunday after mass, I would see a young boy waiting at the back of the church. And then one day the boy confessed to me that he had beaten his dog to death with a shovel. He said the dog had bitten his baby sister on the cheek and he needed to protect her. And he wanted to know whether he would go to hell for this. I told him that god would understand, that he would be forgiven, as long as he was sorry. But the boy did not care about forgiveness. He was only afraid that if he did go to hell, that dog would be there waiting for him.

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Lost: 2x12 Fire + Water

Fire + Water (2006)

Locke: Are you using?

Charlie: What?

Locke: Heroin? Are you using it again?

Charlie: Kate sees a horse. Nothing. Pretty much everyone's seen Walt wandering around the jungle. But when it's Charlie, it must be the bloody drugs, right?

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Lost: 1x10 Raised by Another

If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby.

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Lost: 3x06 I Do

I Do (2006)

Sawyer: We ain't on our island. We're on another island, like Alcatraz, couple miles off shore. So unless you're a mermaid, or you got a boat, there ain't no point.

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Lost: 3x05 The Cost of Living

The Cost of Living (2006)

Mr. Eko: I ask for no forgiveness, Father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that... when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this.

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Lost: 3x04 Every Man for Himself

Every Man for Himself (2006)

Sawyer: Did you just kill that bunny?

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Lost: 3x03 Further Instructions

Further Instructions (2006)

Charlie Pace: Hair spray? Now, I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but...

John Locke: It's not for me.

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Lost: 3x02 The Glass Ballerina

The Glass Ballerina (2006)

Kate: You expect me to work in this dress?

Danny Pickett: Well, it's up to you. You can take it off if you want.

[Sawyer grins at Kate. She scowls back at him]

James 'Sawyer' Ford: [turning to Danny] How dare you?

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Lost: 3x01 A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities (2006)

Kate Austen: Why did you bring me here? Why did you make me put on this dress? Why are you feeding me breakfast?

Henry Gale: I brought you here so you'd look out at the water and feel comforted -- comforted that your friends were looking out at the same ocean. I gave you the dress so that you'd feel like a lady. And I wanted you to eat your food with a real live fork and feel civilized. I did all those things so that you'd have something nice to hold on to. Because, Kate, the next two weeks are going to be very unpleasant.

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Lost: 2x24 Live Together, Die Alone (2)

Live Together, Die Alone: Part 2 (2006)

Penelope 'Penny' Widmore: All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you always. I love you.

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The Mentalist: 1x01 Pilot

Pilot (2008)

Patrick Jane: I was thinking: why do magicians have beautiful girl assistants?

Dr. Linus Wagner: Why?

Patrick Jane: Because they're reliable distracters of attention. People will look at a beautiful girl for a long time before they look where they should be looking if they want to see how the trick really works.

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Lost: 2x21 ?

? (2006)

You must help John. He has lost his way. You must make him take you to the question mark.

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Lost: 2x20 Two for the Road

Two for the Road (2006)

Sawyer: [to Christian Shephard] Hey, I'm walkin' here!

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Lost: 2x19 S.O.S.

S.O.S. (2006)

Bernard: [to Mr. Eko] I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick.

Charlie Pace: I like you just the way you are.

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Lost: 2x18 Dave

Dave (2006)

Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes: [out of breath] Did either of you see a guy run through here... in a bathrobe... with a coconut?

Charlie Pace: No...


Charlie Pace: I saw a polar bear on roller blades with a mango.

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Lost: 2x17 Lockdown

Lockdown (2006)

Sawyer: Okay, I'll call you with the aspirin and raise you with a bottle of amoxicillin.

Jack: Do you even know what amoxicillin is?

Sawyer: You may have been to Phuket, Doc, but I've been to Tallahassee...

[off Jack's confused look]

Sawyer: Let's just say something was burning and it wasn't from the sunshine.

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Lost: 2x16 The Whole Truth

The Whole Truth (2006)

Henry Gale: This must be my reward for good behavior, huh? I guess I earned myself some good will for finally drawing that map for Ana.

John Locke: What map?

Henry Gale: To my balloon.

Dr. Jack Shephard: [to Locke] Did you...?

John Locke: No.

Henry Gale: Wow, you guys have some real trust issues, don't you? Guess it makes sense she didn't tell you. I mean, with the two of you fighting all the time. Of course, if I was one of them -- these people that you seem to think are your enemies -- what would I do? Well, there'd be no balloon, so I'd draw a map to a real secluded place like a cave or some underbrush -- good place for a trap -- an ambush. And when your friends got there, a bunch of my people would be waiting for them. Then they'd use them to trade for me. I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them, huh?


Henry Gale: You guys got any milk?

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Lost: 2x15 Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave (2006)

Kate Austen: I need a gun. And you don't get to ask why.

James 'Sawyer' Ford: Well, Thelma, seeing as I got all the guns, I do get to ask why.

Kate Austen: No, you don't.

James 'Sawyer' Ford: Yes, I do. Watch. Why?

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Lost: 2x14 One of Them

One of Them (2006)

Sayid: Jack asked me how I knew -- knew for sure that this man was lying. How I knew for sure that he was one of them -- one of the Others. I know because I feel no guilt for what I did to him.

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Lost: 2x13 The Long Con

The Long Con (2006)

Charlie: Sawyer, this idea, all of this, what we did, what made... How does someone think of something like that?

[Sawyer has a flashback]

Sawyer: I'm not a good person, Charlie. Never did a good thing in my life.

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Lost: 2x11 The Hunting Party

The Hunting Party (2006)

Tom Friendly: How long you been here on the island?

Jack: Fifty days.

Tom Friendly: Ooh, fifty day? That's, what, almost two whole months. Tell me, you go over a man's house for the first time, do you take off your shoes, d'you put your feet up on his coffee table, d'you walk in the kitchen, eat food that doesn't belong to you, open the door to rooms you got no business opening? You know, somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said, "Since the dawn of our species, man has been blessed with curiosity." You know the other one about curiosity, don't you Jack? This is not your island. This is our island. And the only reason you're living on it, is because we let you live on it.

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Lost: 2x10 The 23rd Psalm

The 23rd Psalm (2006)

Mr. Eko: The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me. Thy rod, thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord, forever. Amen.

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Lost: 2x09 What Kate Did

What Kate Did (2005)

Mr. Eko: Hello. I have something I think you should see. If you don't mind, I will begin at the beginning. Long before Christ, the king of Judah was a man named Josiah.

John Locke: Boy, when you say beginning, you mean beginning.

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Lost: 2x08 Collision

Collision (2005)

Sayid: [to Ana Lucia, who has just handed over her pistol to him] What good would it be to kill you, if we're both already dead?

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Lost: 2x07 The Other 48 Days

The Other 48 Days (2005)

Ana-Lucia Cortez: What? You talking now?

Mr. Eko: It's been forty days.

Ana-Lucia Cortez: You've been waiting forty days to talk?

Mr. Eko: You waited forty days to cry.

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Lost: 2x06 Abandoned

Abandoned (2005)

Shannon: So, does all this - the tent, flowers - mean that we're serious now?

Sayid: Quite definitely not. I do this for all the girls I meet on deserted islands.

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The Beverly Hillbillies: 1x01 The Clampetts Strike Oil

The Clampetts Strike Oil (1962)

Jed Clampett: I know it don't sound like much, but Mr. Brewster seemed to set great store by the fact he's going to pay me in some new kind of dollar.

Cousin Pearl Bodine: There ain't no new kind of dollar.

Jed Clampett: Well it was new to me. I've heard of gold dollars, silver dollars, paper dollars, but he said he's gonna pay me in a... what'd he call them, Granny?

Granny: Million dollars.

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Ted Lasso: 1x01 Pilot

Pilot (2020)

Ted Lasso: The harder you work, the luckier you get.

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Lost: 2x05 ...And Found

...And Found (2005)

Sun Kwon: I don't think I've ever seen you angry.

Locke: [chuckles] Oh, I used to get angry all the time. Frustrated, too.

Sun Kwon: You're not frustrated any more?

Locke: I'm not lost any more.

Sun Kwon: How did you do that?

Locke: The same way anything lost gets found - I stopped looking.

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