Andrea Maderna


Paris, France

Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2

Lots of great moments, both in terms of action and storytelling, a wonderful take on the Punisher (he's got most of the great scenes) and a decent Elektra, but there's not enough stuff to fill 13 long episodes and as a result it feels stretched. And too many fights against anonymous enemies I couldn't possibly care about: they become tiresome and when the action that really matters came up I couldn't bear it anymore. Plus, it lacks focus and a strong antagonist, even though I gotta admit that following up the wonderful Wilson Fisk from season 1 was a tough task.

It's still a good series, really watchable, with strong production values and a couple of really great episodes at the beginning and near the end, but the rest would have been much better if the season was shorter, maybe around 8/9 episodes. And dear God, people, cheer up! Foggy is the only character that feels human, while being surrounded by depressed sociopaths.

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Broad City: Season 3

The usual laughfest, but now with more storyline.

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Louie: Season 1

Basically, this is Louis CK using his jokes as the foundation for fun vignettes. It' really funny, but there's also the hint of something much deeper that will come out in the following seasons.

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Louie: Season 2

This is where it starts to really get better, with more experimentation and a tiny hint of the dramatic storylines that will be in later seasons.

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Louie: Season 4

This is probably the best season of TV I've seen in a very long time. An astonishing bunch of episodes that mixes drama and comedy in an organic, deep, unpredictable and striking way. I've been laughing my ass out while I was crying. Amazing.

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The Last Man on Earth: Season 2

An amazing step forward from season one: it's still really funny, but it gets much better when it mixes laughs with some surprisingly deep and touching reflections on loneliness, survival and the need for others. Jason Sudeikis is great and the season finale is amazing.

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The Good Wife: Season 7

It's not as good as the astonishing season five but it's a return to form after a troubled sixth year and it's a strong and bold finale for what is probably the best network series of the last... I don't know... fifteen years?

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Downton Abbey: Season 2

The first episode is not that good but then the season takes off and it's still very entertaining, even though it's much less fun and much more focused on the tragic side of things.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 11

This season is fucked up.

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The Americans: Season 3

This is amazing, with every season it gets better and better. Deep characters, tense drama, great plot twists and raw emotions all the way. And the final cliffhanger is just... wow.

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Crisis in Six Scenes: Season 1

Funny and clever, it's classic Woody and the characters are adorable, but honestly I hoped for something more.

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The Night Manager: Season 1

He's cheesy as hell and the honorable woman is clearly out of his league, but the night manager is a fun chap.

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American Horror Story: Season 5

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2016-11-30T09:26:28Z— updated 2016-12-06T10:27:28Z

The formula feels a bit tired by now, but it's still quite fun, even though going from Jessica Lange to Lady Gaga, well...

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Blunt Talk: Season 2

The actors and the characters are adorable and certain bits are really funny but it's quite inconsistent. The crescendo through the last four episodes is really good, though.

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The Expanse: Season 1

It kinda reminds me of Battlestar Galactica and it's not as good as its amazing first season, but this is a really good sci-fi series, with interesting themes, some nice characters and a well thought out plot. Sometimes the writing gets a bit cheesy, the acting is not always consistent and in a few scenes the lo-fi visuals don't really work, but I'm nitpicking. This is good.

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The Strain: Season 3

A really good third season, fun and gripping from the beginning to the end. This is a real step up from the highs and lows of the firs two years.

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Mad Men: Season 7

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2017-02-22T09:22:58Z— updated 2018-10-23T20:42:47Z

Less gripping drama and thrills than season 6, but a great final season, that takes its time to close all the storylines the right way and has got a very nice and warm "goodbye" feel. Sorry for Birdie, though.

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The Walking Dead: Season 7

A great season opener followed by a disappointing first half of a season. But I did have fun with the second half, with some over the top stuff (the cable between cars, the kinda Mad Max tribe, the flying sword... it felt like they borrowed stuff from Z Nation), a bit more dynamism in going around with the different communities and some nice twists. The final death was very predictable, though the battle was fun, even if not particularly well executed (as always with action in The Walking Dead). Overall a watchable season, with some nice ideas (the Eugene conversion is fun, Daryl and Carol meeting again was cool, Morgan losing it was great, I like the more trashy ideas, Negan is fun but underused), but I hope that next year they really ramp it up with the war. Even though I fear that the "war" will be four episodes of actual fighting and twelve episodes of mediocre actors stumbling on bad dialogues.

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Z Nation: Season 3

The first half of the season is kind of a mess, maybe too ambitious from a plot standpoint, clearly lacking the rythm and the inventions of the first two years. But then it comes together, the fun comes back and the last few episodes are really great, with an amazing season finale and a great cliffhanger.

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Catastrophe: Season 3

That little hand at the end of episode five.

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Arrow: Season 4

Kinda like season two of The Flash, this starts really well, has a great mid season cliffhanger and then loses its momentum in having to fill too many episodes with not enough story. It's still fun, though, more fun than season 3, mainly because of the less crybaby attitude of Oliver Queen and the over the top villain. Actions is always good, the closing stretch of episodes is really engaging and, amazingly, it looks like a couple of deaths will stick. But I have to say the flashbacks are atrocious. It's not a full return to form but it's a fun season.

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Master of None: Season 2

Aziz Ansari pulls out his inner Louie and gives us an amazing, funny, challenging, stylish, deep season of TV. Wow!

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Flaked: Season 2

It feels more confident than season one, with a better rhythm and more consistent overall quality. It's nice that it does not necessarily look for a fairy tale ending, but episode 5 is the only real standout.

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The Last Man on Earth: Season 3

Not as strong as season 2, this is already starting to feel a bit too formulaic, but there's a couple of really nice episodes and the final stretch is quite good.

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Masters of Sex: Season 4

It's a pity that the show got canceled, because the upcoming personal and professional failures would have been quite interesting to watch in this fictionalized way (and the Betty storyline deserved more closure). That being said, the series finale is great and the whole season is quite good, a return to form after the disappointing season three, though maybe not as good as the first two years. I'm gonna miss it.

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Hap and Leonard: Season 1

A great adaptation that gets basically everything that counts right. The cast is perfect, the feel is sweaty, dialogues are spot on and it's a lot of fun.

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Hap and Leonard: Season 2

Another great adaptation (even though I kinda miss the dialogue about penises size between Hap and Florida) and a more emotional story than season one. It's fun, tense, thematically strong, visually interesting (even though Jim Mickle is clearly missed) and very well written. The cast is fabulous and the atmosphere is great. I can't wait for season three.

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Orange Is the New Black: Season 5

It's not as focused and balanced as season four, sometimes it drags, and the jumping around betweend drama and comedy is messier than usual (even though I generally still love it). But season four was almost perfect, so... That being said, when it works, it's still up there with the best TV around, brave, important, deep and smart. And funny, which in my book is never an issue. Because, you know, life is funny, even stupidly funny, even when it's not. And the final episode, once again, is great.

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American Gods: Season 1

Fun, smart, ambitious, maybe a bit pretentious, beautifully shot and crazily over the top, it's most of all a showcase for the great Ian McShane and the very good bunch of character actors that surround him. Sadly, Ricky Whittle is not on their level but I can live with it.

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Easy: Season 1

Well, it's a Joe Swanberg TV Show.

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