Gabriel Justus


Florianópolis, Santa Catarina

Day of the Woman

Just rape porn with almost no plot and scenes that go on for too long without any payout... May have been ok for the time, its a steaming pile of garbage nowadays

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The concept is not bad, but everything else is

Shitty directing, shitty acting, shitty casting, shitty photography... Only thing that was done well in the movie is the makeup and props, everything else is bottom of the barrel quality.

A wasted opportunity in my opnion, at the FINAL SCENE the movie was so lazy that a shot was left in the movie where the camera shakes so much i got a bit nauseous, the shot was clearly meant to be a perfectly still one with no camera movement

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The School for Good and Evil

far from the worst thing i have ever watched and i like the idea and themes, but it could have been done much better, it feels really rushed and the ending is absolutely not rewarding in the least. i actually feel like the ending is almost a bit homophobic and romanticizes poverty, but i may be reaching a bit on that front.

i didnt love the movie, but i for sure dont hate it, i may watch the sequel if it ever comes out.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

in my opnion this is the best movie marvel has put out yet, and right after a row of 5-6 ones that varied from "meh" to "complete pieces of shit", just amazing

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Avatar: The Way of Water

Went to the cinema just expecting a movie with awesome CGI and visuals... But i got so much more, the movie was fun from start to end, the universe is so interesting, the characters likeable, and the story while not amazing is good, also, action scenes are INSANE, so much better than the first movie in every regard

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Mediocre, starts really well with character building and all the sex movie stuff and really woke stuff, but when the "slasher" part starts... Its absolute shit, no motivation for the killing, really boring deaths, not much to be seen... The movie could be much better if it wasnt trying to be a really mediocre slasher movie.

This is a classic case of a movie that has no idea of what it wants to be and then hides itself behind the idea of being "innovative" or "cult" to get people to give it a free pass

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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

The greatest telling of this story and probably one of the best movies that came out this year

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Jurassic World Dominion

The first movie i have ever dropped in my life... This shouldnt even have an hour... 2:30 is absolutely unbearable

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Resident Evil

5th episode in and... better than the movies, but still could be so much better... The acting is absolute dogshit and the plot while "fun" could do with a lot of work, but i can see that the respect for the original media is here, the references are good.

Not what i wanted, but still so much better than that garbage fire that was "welcome to raccoon city"

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Ms. Marvel

quite good first episode, its a very "teen" series, but fun and with an absolutely awesome attention to details connecting her mind with the world we see, it reminded me of something like "mitchells vs the machines" with the stop motion youtube video and the overlays on the world. Its not my favorite series from marvel, but i am quite happy and anxious to see the next episodes.

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Great movie, not a masterpiece by any means, but the music by eve is great and the 3d visuals with 2d animations is really well blended, the story is not anything to write home about but does the job and kept me interested throughout the movie, the movie felt like a longer music video from eve and that is a good thing in my opnion

I can understand people not liking it, since as i said, its not a masterpiece, just a good movie, what i cant understand is people liking the complete trainwreck that is belle and then not liking this movie, that is better than that in literally every way possible.

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The Visit

this movie is so bad, 90 minutes of boring shit with a predictable ending, a unrealistic mother, really dislikable children and the worst rapping i have ever heard

so much of this movie is badly written and non-sensical, the scenes drag on for too long, the entire plot could have been told in 20 minutes and it would have been a better movie

night lost his touch, he hasnt done anything good in ages, he should just stop and let his career die instead of dragging her corpse on and on trying to revive it

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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness

animation and graphics are not great, worse than the game at various points, the story is ok, not great, but ok,it gives us a look on the origins of tricell and a bridge between the events from RE4 and RE5, which is cool...

i dont feel like it was a waste of time watching it, but i sure wouldnt watch again and would feel no different if it never existed to begin with, it may be cannon, but its a really useless piece of the cannon lore, so there really isnt any need to watch it if you are just looking to have a better understanding of the events in the franchise, treat it as an extra something and you will get some entertainment from it, treat it as a important cannon piece... and you will be disapointed.

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Pom Poko

so many minutes, so many raccoons, so much boring, too many balls...

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