Gabriel Justus


Florianópolis, Santa Catarina


This film had everything The Batman was missing

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@jimdarko i agree, it had everything needed to be a bad movie

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Stranger Things: Season 4

Sort of lame that season 2 has 9 episodes. Yet the last season will only have 8 ?

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@jim222001 the episodes are MUCH longer in season 4

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Belle... A collection of music videos glued together by a really badly written narrative.

Belle is one of the weakest animated movies i have seen in the past few years, and that makes me really sad, as a fan of the director i went into this expecting an 8 or an 9, but what i got is a 5 at best.

Belle has a interesting idea, with its reworking of the "beauty and the beast" and its child abuse themes... But it fails to build on its characters and to explain basic premises of its own world, making it for a very boring and bland experience.

Most of the things we thought would be relevant were completely ignored and absolutely useless, we asked ourselves watching "did she get some disease and now is unable to sing in the real world and that is why the U is an escape?" No, they never address this, she just fails to sing and vomits once because the movie wanted to i guess? They keep all her "friends" completely irrelevant and underdeveloped until the last quarter of the movie, so i basically don't care about any of them in the end, they never explain the socio economical structure of the U world... How does this work? They say the avatar is made automatically based on people physiognomy, but the avatars are crazy different in form and species, how can that be made from ones physiognomy? How is the invitation system decided? Who is invited and why? Why even have an invitation system instead of selling the app or freely distributing it if that ends up irrelevant to the story? Why show us a very interesting singer character on the start that rivalizes our belle if you are just going to forget her for the whole movie? How to know which avatars are AI controlled and which are actually people? Is it possible do die in U? If not, what is the relevance of all the conflict we see?

Belle raises too many questions and answer very little, it presents us with an beautiful and interesting virtual world but tells us NOTHING about it and how it all works, it presents us with futuristic technology in a world that seems stuck in the 2000s, it gives us many bland and uninteresting characters with only one personality trait each and develops none of them... There are so many problems, so many drawn out scenes... That it all gets boring and tiresome...

And.... That makes me really sad, the music is GREAT, the visuals are BEAUTIFUL, the music scenes are AMAZING... But they are few and far in between and the rest of the movie... Is not interesting, they present us a nice duality of belle and the beast, but their interest in one another is so out of nowhere and forced that it doesnt feel even a little bit real or natural... There is a great scene that develops the characters and emotional connects, but it is only in the last quarter of the movie... When it has already lost all my interest and attention... and the plot of child abuse is ok and very important... But it feels shoved in... The main plot... Feels shoved in... Oh, and how they find the boy... Well, that was just the worst "investigation" bit i have ever seen...

I really wanted to like this movie, but there are just too many unanswered questions, just too little character development, and a plot that is just generic and bland enough to lose my attention... The visuals and music alone are not enough...

At the end, i feel like they made some really great music videos and didnt want to release it as just animated music videos, so they wrote a really bland movie around it and shoved a controversial and important theme(child abuse) to appeal to peoples hearts in an effective but kinda cheap way.

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@dastenhero the problem gets even worse when objectively better anime moves get worse reviews, "words bubble up like soda pop" and "bubble" are literally better movies in every way possible except maybe music, and they get such low grades because their plot is not "amazing", yeah... Its not amazing, but its a good and concise plot, not the mess that belle gave us, the critical acclaim belle is getting really infuriates me

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The Possession of Hannah Grace

Sure, it's no Jane Doe. It's not even Emily Rose. But there are worse possession movies out there, so while this isn't original or even particularly scary, this isn't (despite the reviews on this page) scraping the bottom of the exorcist's barrel.

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@lee-brown-barrow its not complete trash, but it is very far from good... The plot has no explanation for anything, the movie just happens

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The Possession of Hannah Grace

Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2020-07-09T17:18:43Z— updated 2022-03-24T23:33:31Z


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@jarvis-9477279 a copy pasta right? You cant be serious

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Army of the Dead

Like most others, I was looking forward to this one. Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake took zombies to a whole new level, so I had hopes he would push the genre again with this one. Sadly, everything here is unoriginal and mediocre. Snyder really needs some new writers. This story contained every cliché and trope imaginable. It was predictable and tedious. The obvious bad guy in the team, the annoying, selfish character that gets others killed, the predictable ending, etc. We even started pointing out exactly who was going to die next because it was apparent. We literally said aloud, "Oh look they're only bringing that guy for bait." and "Uh oh she pissed off the bad guy, she's going to die next." Sigh... Oh and before you try to convince me that "smart zombies" or "tiger zombie" are original, please go watch some other zombie movies. We've already seen both of those things. We've even seen pregnant zombies.

Frankly, even with all that, the part I hated the most was the whole Kate storyline. It really should have been removed. It added nothing to the story, except time... lots and lots of time. They could have spent all that time developing the other characters so we actually cared about them and working on their frights, of which there were zero. It's hard to find something scary when you know exactly what's going to happen.

The acting was so, so bad. I'm not sure if it's because the cast had 1-dimensional characters to work with or not but they were all subpar. It was like someone took a pile of firewood and dressed each log up as a different character and then filmed this movie. None of them had any chemistry with each other. The worst, though, was Ella Purnell who played Kate. I know I'm harping on that character but, man, everything about her was just dreadful. A 20-something who acted like a petulant child screaming and throwing fits and misbehaving throughout the whole movie. The actress gave the character no subtly or likeability. She was just obnoxious and annoying from the moment you first saw her to the end. We spent the whole movie begging the zombies to eat her so we wouldn't have to see her any longer. Sadly, she gets the final girl treatment even though she wasn't even one of the main characters. Why not Lilly instead? She was at least trying to redeem herself.

The effects were the best part, but Snyder does love his effects. The best one is the fact that Tig Notaro was inserted into all her scenes after the fact because she replaced someone else who had filmed all his scenes already. You only really notice it because the pronouns weren't completely updated in the audio so one minute the character is a she and the next a he. But effects do not make up for a terrible movie.

If you just love zombie movies and have 2 hours to kill then give it a go, otherwise, just go rewatch the Dawn of the Dead remake and pretend you've never heard of this one.

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snyder was the writer...

honestly, i think snyder needs a whole new career, he has done so much crap that i am starting to feel like he cant do anything good anymore

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Army of Thieves

Entertaining enough to have fun with this movie.
Enjoy and have fun. 7/10

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if its a 7/10 why did you give it a 10/10? just curious

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Cowboy Bebop

The problem with Cowboy Bebop The Series and why a good series feels bad:

The original Cowboy Bebop anime is a masterpiece, one of the best pieces of animation ever made, with its unique style, great animation, memorable characters and great writing, it won its place on the list of the best entertainment to ever exist, the problem with the new netflix series is that it is... Good, just good... when you make something based on a masterpiece and that something turns out to be only good... You failed.
The minimum fans were expecting and the minimum they would accept is something either exceptional or unique, being good is just not enough.

I would say that because it is a live action series and not an animation, it is impossible to make it truly unique and to stylize it, but Blade Runner 2049, Mad Max Fury Road, Altered Carbon and many others would prove me wrong on that statement, so its just a matter of what does this series lacks, and i think i narrowed it down to a couple factors:

1 - The characters: One of if not the most important thing about the original Cowboy Bebop is its characters, and while the characters in the netflix series are not bad, they are not as good.
Spike feels like he is just an asshole with good intentions, he doesn't feel like the laid back guy with a broken heart who hides away his pain with witty remarks and justified violence.
Jet feels too stiff with his movements and line delivery, he feels like the actor is trying his best to look tough and invulnerable, even when he talks about his daughter he feels more like he is angry about it instead of desperate to make her happy, the original Jet is a really tough and imponent figure, yes, but he also has a heart made of butter and is always caring and kind, even when he jokingly insults someone it is always followed by his trademarked laugh.
and finally Faye, she feels so distant from her original character... The Faye we get here seems really lost and desperate, seems like she is making joke after joke trying to look cool and not trying to hide her feelings and worries like the one from the original anime, Faye in the original sounded much smarter and more grounded, while still emotional and witty, this one feels more like the secondary character that is there to make the others look cooler.

2 - The styling: The sceneries in the series are really good, and the clothing, weapons and everything else also look ok, the problem is... Nothing feels unique, the camera angles look boring and used a million times before in any other series, the color grading is very normal and bland... nothing really tried to be unique, they only tried to reproduce the places and clothes from the original on the real world, but they completely forgot the styling that makes it unique.
The series would be vastly improved with more bold color grading and more creative camera angles and photography direction, maybe even some creative uses of vignettes, ANYTHING that would make it feel more unique and memorable.

So, after all that what is my verdict? How i feel about the series? Its a good series, i had a lot of fun watching it, but i cant help feeling like i just want to go back and watch the original for the 100th time after finishing this... And deep down i know that in some years, maybe even some months, my only memory from this series is that it exists, and not anything more than that, in the end, its not unique enough to be great or memorable, is just a good show based on an absolute masterpiece, a new forgettable version of a series that most of us will remember and love for the rest of our lives.

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@pedrobarragan237 they actually try with the camera angles, they just dont try enough, dont experiment enough... This could be better, it could be worse, i like it for what it is and will watch another season if it ever gets made, but in the end, it just made me appreciate the original even more and want to go back to it

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Cowboy Bebop

The problem with Cowboy Bebop The Series and why a good series feels bad:

The original Cowboy Bebop anime is a masterpiece, one of the best pieces of animation ever made, with its unique style, great animation, memorable characters and great writing, it won its place on the list of the best entertainment to ever exist, the problem with the new netflix series is that it is... Good, just good... when you make something based on a masterpiece and that something turns out to be only good... You failed.
The minimum fans were expecting and the minimum they would accept is something either exceptional or unique, being good is just not enough.

I would say that because it is a live action series and not an animation, it is impossible to make it truly unique and to stylize it, but Blade Runner 2049, Mad Max Fury Road, Altered Carbon and many others would prove me wrong on that statement, so its just a matter of what does this series lacks, and i think i narrowed it down to a couple factors:

1 - The characters: One of if not the most important thing about the original Cowboy Bebop is its characters, and while the characters in the netflix series are not bad, they are not as good.
Spike feels like he is just an asshole with good intentions, he doesn't feel like the laid back guy with a broken heart who hides away his pain with witty remarks and justified violence.
Jet feels too stiff with his movements and line delivery, he feels like the actor is trying his best to look tough and invulnerable, even when he talks about his daughter he feels more like he is angry about it instead of desperate to make her happy, the original Jet is a really tough and imponent figure, yes, but he also has a heart made of butter and is always caring and kind, even when he jokingly insults someone it is always followed by his trademarked laugh.
and finally Faye, she feels so distant from her original character... The Faye we get here seems really lost and desperate, seems like she is making joke after joke trying to look cool and not trying to hide her feelings and worries like the one from the original anime, Faye in the original sounded much smarter and more grounded, while still emotional and witty, this one feels more like the secondary character that is there to make the others look cooler.

2 - The styling: The sceneries in the series are really good, and the clothing, weapons and everything else also look ok, the problem is... Nothing feels unique, the camera angles look boring and used a million times before in any other series, the color grading is very normal and bland... nothing really tried to be unique, they only tried to reproduce the places and clothes from the original on the real world, but they completely forgot the styling that makes it unique.
The series would be vastly improved with more bold color grading and more creative camera angles and photography direction, maybe even some creative uses of vignettes, ANYTHING that would make it feel more unique and memorable.

So, after all that what is my verdict? How i feel about the series? Its a good series, i had a lot of fun watching it, but i cant help feeling like i just want to go back and watch the original for the 100th time after finishing this... And deep down i know that in some years, maybe even some months, my only memory from this series is that it exists, and not anything more than that, in the end, its not unique enough to be great or memorable, is just a good show based on an absolute masterpiece, a new forgettable version of a series that most of us will remember and love for the rest of our lives.

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@bcstorey you have every right to disagree, i dont know if you loved this series or hated it since you didnt give it a score, but i can see arguments for both sides, this is just my thoughts on it, coming from someone who loved the original anime and went into this with as open of a mind as possible

Also, sorry if its a bit messy, english is not my first language, so i can get a bit lost when translating my thoughts while writing

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The Visit

This is just stupid. The only thing I found amazing about the whole thing was that I watched it all! I kept waiting for something intriguing to happen... and it just ended.

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i find amazing how many people actually liked this crap, i ask myself if it is the "night" effect, everything he does, no matter how shitty it is(and they are all shit) always has fans

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The Visit

Sorry, but can I please have the time I wasted on this back? The only reason I kept watching was because I hoped the movie would somehow get better.
To everyone who is thinking about watching this: I would rather eat Glass than watch this movie again.

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or watch glass... which is another piece of shit night movie

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Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

What? No Milla Jovovich? Wouldn't be the same.

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thanks god it wont be the same

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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness

I waited months for this, I was so excited! But I guess my expectations were too high... Since sadly enough it turned out to be a bunch of meh... ! It was alright...

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just a really meh and useless piece of the cannon, it was just meh, but at least was not horrible non cannonic bullshit like the movies

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Color Out of Space

Damn, i don't believe what i just watched. This is some crazy movie, and i love it! Definitely deserve better grade!

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too many people that only like dumbed down movies that explain even why the actor is eating an apple instead of respecting the viewer intelligence, thats the reason of the low score

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Color Out of Space

Reply by Karmalakas

liked the movie it was refreshing to se a more psychological horror also love weird gene splicing thing

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@muchietv, psychological horror? Somehow I missed that part. All I saw was cliche ugly creatures, exploding body parts from single shot and blood.

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then you really watched it wrong

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Color Out of Space

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Color Out of Space’:

  1. I cannot — for the life of me — understand how this has such a high Rotten Tomatoes score. There was absolutely nothing redeemable about it. I am exceedingly perplexed.

  2. I gave it a single extra point for some grotesque ‘The Thing’-like moments. And because there has to be worse movies than this. Right?

  3. Where was the plot here? From the narration in the beginning to the one at the end, nothing connected each moment to the next. Random weirdness, even when it includes Nicholas Cage, is not entertainment. I just wanted it to end.

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it can be seen that you know nothing about the original work, the idea behind color out of space is that the color is so incomprehensible and alien to our world that it warps and distorts everything around it, plants, animals, the human mind, even the human form, its not meant to be understood because in its core its exactly the opposite, something completely impossible to understand, the movie captured the feeling from the original work quite well, while not being perfect, it absolutely deserves its rotten tomatoes score, its a lovecraft movie for lovecraft fans

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Color Out of Space

Color Out of Space is like your stoner step brother's scent: you're gonna forget all about it as soon it's gone.

Color Out of the Lines is Mandy for middle schoolers. Take a Stephen King-ish story and film it with the saturation turned up to 11 and you have a decent direct to streaming effort that no one will be talking about in 7 hours.

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this is lovecraft my dude

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Three lackluster episodes sprinkled with cliches and tired concepts (except maybe "family" antagonists). At least the other DCU TV properties embrace their camp and play into it. This is just bad; trying to be edgy and dark.

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the worst part for me its how dark it is... ON THE SCENES, like, holy shit, have you guys ever heard of lights? they are this magical thing that ILUMINATES SHIT

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: Season 1

I really like it at the beginning, but at the 10th episode I was mad. I can get why Jessica didn't kill Killgrave before, but at first just made her look like a fool, having all that moments that she could kill him any time, even after she hadn't the "Hope" excuse anymore, like, she just did it so fast on the last episode, WTF she didn't do it before???
And using headphones?? Really?? It wasn't like "breathing the same air", it wasn't a virus???
I really hope that the story gets better on the second season, the actors played the roll so well and this has potential to be a huge super hero story.
Please Netflix, don't screw with this hero!

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it was a virus, but to obey orders you still have to be able to listen to them, but yeah, i agree with the "her not killing him when given the chance" part

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1

Shout by m00nwiz

The red suit?! Totally disappointment.
Come on guys, Marvel's heroes suits are part of who they are, don't mess one of the best suits ever. I wanna feel like that's a red devil out there. This Robocop colored version of the suit is awful. First black suit was more scary than this robot crap. How hard can it be to copy the suit from the movie?!

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you really are basing your opnion on the movie suit? that movie is bullshit, one of the worst superhero movies ever made

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Better Call Saul

Shout by Deleted

The best spinoff out there!

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this is a spinoff? to what?

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