


We Are Lady Parts

Such a wonderful and hilarious show! The 1st episode pulled me in instantly and to my happy surprise, it just got better and better. I hope they're planning a 2nd season!

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The Last Word

Overall, it's an interesting story about the different shapes that mourning can take. The main character (Karla) was very interesting, I really liked that she wasn't very likeable at times. Some parts were hilarious and very satisfying to watch (the woman whose mother was abusive breaking down at the funeral for example) .
However, I didn't really understand what was going on with her daughter and had a bit of trouble getting into the 2nd & 3rd episodes.

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We the Animals

I think one of the main reasons I didn't particularly enjoy this movie was that, in my country, it was branded as the "new Moonlight". And it definitely isn't. I was floored by how different those two movies were (and I blame homophobia a little for making people thinks those two movies are completely alike).
However, it is a very interesting movie, though probably not made for me. I graded it a 6 because I didn't truly enjoy it but in no way does it mean that it's a bad movie. Another person made a very good comment so I won't elaborate more.

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Alias Grace

Unapologetically Queer and it's amazing

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Mansfield Park

A really nice movie, much better than the 2007 version! I felt that it was a really good depiction of women's situations at that time. I just hoped against everything that Sir Bertram would drop dead, especially after the (unsurprising) discovery of his actions towards slaves. It did feel a bit strange to show how awful this character is and not have him face his actions but I guess it would have been too different that the original version.

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The Handmaiden


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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

A really fun movie. I loved the aesthetic. I wish they'd make a sequel!

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We, the Leroys

It's really not my type of movie but it was funny and managed to avoid the usual clichés that this type of story usually rely on. It felt pretty realistic

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It's a good movie overall because the acting and the cinematography are great but I felt that the scenario had some weaknesses. There's a lot of characters that we barely see, certain things felt a bit rushed and it left me with many questions that I feel should have been answered.
I still definitely recommend watching it, though !

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Fary Is the New Black

Some parts were very funny, but I simply didn't vibe, nor agree with the need for some of the jokes

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I was so conflicted about the 1st season, but I'm so happy that the people making the show seems to have heard criticism because it really elevated the narrative! Absolutely loved the friendship break-up between Tiff & Pete . It felt very real

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Very fun, heartfelt and engaging but it missed out something to make it truly exceptionnal for me. I highly recommend it, however

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Big Dragon

It could have been good but it just felt rushed and the plot was all over the place

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The Greatest Showman

I just couldn't get into it and I had to speed run through it lol

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Isi & Ossi

Pretty cliché and not very original but watchable

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The Wolf's Call

Good acting and interesting plot but I find the ending to be a bit unbelievable and I really, really don't understand why they broke the rhythm of the movie to push some useless romance with a female character that has no personality and is obviously only here to fit the old and overused "the hero get the girl" cliché.

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A Monster in Paris

Well, this was super disappointing. I've always liked the songs from this movie and it looked so cute, I had high expectations. In the end, I couldn't even watch all of it, because I was so bored. Maybe I'm too old, and I would have liked this better as a child

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SK8 the Infinity

After seeing so many people being crazy about it, I decided to watch it. I expected something fun and not very deep like Free! (which I remember loving when the 1st season was released) but I wasn't able to watch more than the 1st three episodes and I was bored from the start to the end... Definitely a bit let down imo.
However, it's mostly a matter of taste. The animation is quite pretty so I assume people who have interest in skating might like it more than I did.

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A Story of One's Own

This documentary tries (and succeeds) to question the decisions of French families to adopt children from other countries.
Very thought-provoking. I loved how it centered the voices of adopted adults, and would sometimes draw parallels between those stories and other older archives.
I can only regret, however, the images of dead Rwandan bodies when talking about the Tutsi genocide. It felt gratuitous.

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Skam France: Season 7
Your Name Engraved Herein

This movie was good overall but it was sometimes a bit complicated to understand the links between some scenes. I also don't understand the point of the shower scene : it doesn't look like it was consensual and I don't really see what it add to the plot.

I wish that they had ended up together! The ending isn't bad, but I think it could have been lovely to see them trying to start smth new, even if only a friendship.

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

Some jokes are funny but most have them fell flat and/or are stupidly offensive. There are some good ideas here and there but not enough to make it a good movie.

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The Secret Life of Pets 2

It's not a bad movie but like.. the bad guy has a big nose, is named Serguei and has a russian/east european accent... I wish we would see less of that. Same for the message about anxiety that is borderline anti-therapy.

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The Death & Life of John F. Donovan

The theme itself was interesting (being forced to stay in the closet because of the industry you work in) but the whole movie was... off. They made it to be more of an indivual thing (you choose to come out or not) instead of a bigger issue based on heteronormativity.
Kit Harington's acting was great, same for Jared Keeso who play his brother but everyone else seemed to just lack something. Big parts of the plot just didn't make a lot of sense and I got really bored to the point of sighing outloud which I usually never do in movie theaters (to be polite to the other viewers).
I did however really enjoy John's relationship with his brother.

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A really beautiful movie. The violence is never shown (except on one occasion) but yet we feel everything: the fear, the anger, the humiliations... The story is very simply told and yet the complexity of the victims and the villains is very well shown. I'm writing this comment a few hours after watching the movie and I still want to cry, especially after learning that it's inspired by the mother of the director.
However it was a bit disappointing that the original version is in French. I think it add a layer that prevent the viewer for getting totally immerged in the story.

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Sky High

This is the kind of movie so bad, it becomes good

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King Kong

Way too long and didn't age very well.
There's a lot to say about the racist depiction of the natives and the poor weak white woman but... this movie drained my energy

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Miss Hokusai

Interesting movie about Hokusai's daughter (and not about Hokusai himself, so don't expect to watch a biography of him!! I have no idea why people thinks it's a biography of him since the title is "Miss Hokusai"...).
The movie is about her art, but also a slice of life, showing some parts of her everyday life. I personally really enjoyed it. The animation is very pretty and I like the fact that I didn't really know what to expect of the story.
However, it's difficult to really understand the intentions of the movie since it doesn't really focus on anything and it can be rather puzzling. I advice to see the movie as a brief representation of a moment in Oei Katsushika's life and to not expect to see something with a "structured" plot with a beginning and a end.

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Me, Myself and Mum

Funny and interesting but super homophobic.

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