
1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

Meet the Fockers

I loved "Meet the Parents", but this movie was funnier IMO. Probably because of Dustin Hoffman and Barbra Streisand, they were hilarious.

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Step Brothers

One of funniest movies ever. My side hurt really bad when I watched it the first time. Always makes me laugh my butt off. So many good one-liners.

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Mad Max

Check to see how much it cost to make this movie. $200K. You try to make a movie this good with that much money with car crashes and explosions. They paid Mel like $15K australian. The Road Warrior was way better, but they had a bigger budget.

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Military robot become self aware, a group of humans try to save it. He names himself Johnny Five oops, Chappie. This is the same story as Short Circuit, just 29 years later.

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The Rock

One of my favorites. Cast was awesome. General Hummel played by Ed Harris was excellent. Sean Connery was badass.

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Gone in Sixty Seconds

Good remake. A lot of great actors in this movie, but sorry to say that Eleanor makes the movie. I understand Nicolas Cage drove a lot of the chase scenes himself, which is awesome

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The Great Outdoors

Excellent movie IMO. John Candy and Dan Aykroyd. Need I say more. There is extra scenes that are rarely seen. Lots of "Suck My Wake" scenes. It was filmed up at Bass Lake in the California foothills near Fresno.

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