
1 follower

São Paulo, Sao Paulo

Riddle of Fire

Enchanting, wonderful, stunning. The aesthetics, the photography, the images, everything here is beautiful, the children's performances are great, it's impossible not to get caught up in the movie. The story is very cool, simple and very efficient in its development, it reminded me a lot of the adventure movies of the 80s with children. A masterpiece that leaves a sparkle in your eyes from start to finish.

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Last Night in Soho

Beautiful atmosphere and a great soundtrack drive the movie's story, which is very interesting. Some of the paths taken sound convenient and a little forced. Overall, the movie is very gripping from start to finish, with a nice feeling of strangeness and curiosity that remains throughout.

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Tom Clancy's Without Remorse

A good action movie. Nothing here is very original, there are many clichés, it's even predictable, but it has a great story development and is super dynamic, something is happening all the time, the character has charisma and manages to hold your attention.

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The Seeding

Extremely dense and agonizing, it combines a disturbing story with a stunning desert ambience.
The movie develops in an unpredictable way, always keeping the atmosphere anxious and dark. The performances are excellent, making everything more realistic, more terrifying. An incredible movie.

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The Green Knight

A movie with stunning photography, beautiful images that match the story, which is great, very intriguing and as beautiful as poetry.
The pace of the movie is slower, contemplative, it could be a little more dynamic in some parts, but that's not a problem. The movie is well worth watching with attention and admiration.

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New Life

At the beginning, the movie is intriguing, but as it develops, I felt it lacked depth and, above all, new elements; everything here seems a bit recycled from other movies of the same style. The performances are good, but nothing that stands out, there's a lack of character development. Most of the time the movie doesn't take many risks, it seems a bit uninspired.

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The movie that starts off slower, but always leaves a feeling of strangeness in the air. As the story develops, there are many unpredictable and interesting twists and turns. The movie could have a more fluid dynamic, it takes a while to reach its climax, but it's worth seeing through to the end.

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The Visit

A great found footage movie, although this one doesn't have the raw aesthetic, as the camera has a very clean, filtered image and more stable framing.
The story is very good, it's not predictable, there are some great twists and some scares throughout, and the performances also stand out, making everything more engaging.

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The story starts out interesting, but it gets much worse as it goes on. There are many facts, many completely different paths and many twists and turns, but nothing is well connected, there are so many paths that at the end you can hardly remember the beginning. The make-up and effects are also very average, nothing here generates much emotion.

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Triple Frontier

An action movie with a good cast, but with a very generic story, despite having some good moments, the movie doesn't have any great attractions that hold your attention, it lacks different elements and a better developed script, everything here is very predictable.

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Beautiful aesthetics, good performances, an intriguing story focused on psychological horror, elements that could generate a great movie, but it doesn't develop well, it's very slow and even sleepy, it doesn't stimulate involvement from the viewer.
The movie often doesn't move forward, it repeats itself more than it evolves. I really missed the character development, which could have had much more impact than is shown.

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Enys Men

What incredible photography, not only is the location impressive, but the 16mm camera, full of grain and with vivid colors, gives it a special and unique touch.
The movie is purely contemplative, with few lines and a lot of reflection, but it's not a slow movie. Tension, anguish and anxiety are all present here. There are also many striking and impactful scenes, with the character literally sharing the feeling of her isolation with the viewer.
This movie is a very special and very interesting masterpiece.

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Some Like It Rare

A comedy mixed with horror, with lots of sarcasm and a bizarre story. The performances are average, although they're not bad, they don't deliver enough to improve the story, often the repetition of exaggeration, whether in euphoria or apathy, becomes too much and leaves the movie a little tiresome and sometimes forced.

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Great performances, everyone's commitment to this movie is absurd, they elevate the story and make it more visceral, dark and dense.
The movie is a true story, a tragedy that gradually builds up during its development, resulting in striking and tense scenes, but some parts related to facts, the direction chose to leave subjective, bringing the focus to the development of characters, It is a heavy movie and arouses a feeling of anxiety and anguish all the time.

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Four Daughters

A documentary made up of testimonies and acting, a very interesting and often chaotic hybrid. At times there is no distinction between the real people and the actresses, both are a bit of everything, which helps to generate more reflections, as it is a strong film, full of dilemmas, in which this family relays its history, full of facts, tragedies and many questions that involve everything from politics, religion, fanaticism, customs to freedom. An experimental, different, real and very emotional documentary.

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An Elephant Sitting Still

The definition of melancholy. A dense, pessimistic, claustrophobic movie. Everything here is sad and contemplative, with cold images and a minimalist soundtrack that has an almost funereal tone. This movie is a very difficult and sensitive experience to watch.
Aesthetically, it's a movie that favors long sequence scenes, scenes that are difficult to pull off because they involve changes of environment and even long conversations and interactions, all with great performances from the entire cast, the lighting is natural, everything here is dark, organic and very raw, showing the creativity and talent of director Hu Bo.

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Saint Maud

What an intense movie, it manages to be frenetic and introspective at the same time, full of dense scenes and the uncomfortable tension is present the whole time.
The performances here are stunning, the story is great, full of questions involving religion and mental health. The director always keeps the camera moving and very close, which gives it a sense of anxiety that borders on the chaotic. A great horror masterpiece.

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Pure anguish, the director chose not to use lines of speech, the movie is entirely made up of expressions and actions, which makes the sensation of anguish even greater, as everything seems to be stuck in the throat. Combining this with a bizarre and chaotic story, it creates an uncomfortable and psychologically heavy movie.

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The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial

A hardcore courtroom movie, where the whole plot is developed inside the courtroom, as if we were spectators at the trial. Everything in the movie takes place through stories, reports and questions, there are no external scenes or visual references, which makes the movie more difficult for audiences who want more scenes and dynamics, but more enjoyable for those who like a script based entirely on a great text and fabulous performances that enhance the movie. Even though it's based on reports, it's a gripping movie with some very tense moments.

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The Iron Claw

Amazing, a very striking movie, very well done. The story is real and here everything is shown in a very organic way, very close, very raw, as if we were there with everyone. This feeling is also reinforced by the stellar acting of the entire cast, it's absurd how true and how close we feel to this story.

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Little Bone Lodge

The story is interesting, it manages to grip the viewer, the movie has some great twists and turns and the performances are very good. At times there are scenes that I think get in the way of development because they go overboard, over-dramatize, and this ends up taking the focus off the story.

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Swarms of spiders and everything is very well done, incredible scenes that take your breath away, I like the camera movement that makes everything more scary in the scenes that have more action. The cast has well-developed characters and a cool story, but it could have been a little more dynamic in its development, the movie ends up being a little longer.

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As Above, So Below

One of my favorite found footage horror films. I love the claustrophobic atmosphere, the tension and the countless puzzles that appear throughout the movie, as well as the historical and philosophical references.
The ambience is spectacular, as it is filmed in the catacombs of Paris. The performances are great and the characters awesome. A unique masterpiece in this style.

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One of the most tense thriller movies I've ever seen, everything here stimulates the heavy atmosphere that surrounds the story. I really liked the director's choice of cold, dark tones, with lots of contrast, which makes the movie even denser.
The incredible performances elevate the story even further, and are largely responsible for the tension transmitted.

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Interesting, the story has different plot elements, it's a horror movie that also involves discoveries. It has good performances, a good atmosphere, a lot of tension and some good scares, it just could have invested a little more time in the conclusion.

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A short film with an intense, impactful story. The twists and turns leave surprises and reflections beyond the movie. The aesthetics are beautiful and the performances are good.

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The movie starts out intriguing, with good performances and good hooks for developing the story, but it ends up not using this very well, the movie is slow, even a little tiring to watch, failing to pass on the tension needed to grip and surprise.

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Monkey Man

Awesome, everything here is very well done, very careful with the details. The story is great, very well scripted, the scenes are breathtaking, choreography, sequences, angles and cameras very close to everything, always giving the impression that we are inside the movie. The performances are great, the characters are striking and well-developed, and the presence of many cultural elements helps to give this masterpiece a unique tone.

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On the Third Day

The story has an interesting beginning, and it looks like we're about to enter a dense police thriller, but the script choices for the story's paths, for the movie's solutions and explanations, are very unfortunate, and they go downhill.

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Possessor Uncut

A thriller with science fiction, but much closer to the real environment we live in, nothing futuristic, but more minimalist.
The story is very good, very well constructed, dense, strong and impactful. The only thing I missed was more development of the main character, who is very interesting, as are the situations shown in the movie.

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