

Worcester, MA

Evil Genius

Shout by Tee

Interesting documentary...but did it really have to show the poor guy getting blown up. I personally believe Brian Wells was just indeed an innocent pizza guy and forced into the bank robbery by those criminal masterminds.

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@lunatee I'm glad they showed the explosion. You need to see what this man went through. It's not even extremely graphic or anything. Limbs aren't all over the place. It blew a gash in his chest and he bled out.

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Reply by Paul

So this is... uhh... this is a thing alright. It has been a little while since I watched it, but I have a pretty good memory of how terrible it really is. I mean, if you're rating a terrible movie on a scale of how terrible it is, this gets a 10 out of 5. I think I'd rather watch a high schooler's movie they made on a VHS camera.

Frankly, it might be the worst thing I've ever seen. For about 30-45 minutes it is so bad that it is fun to watch with a group. But after that it gets a little depressing that someone did this with their life.

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@saundrew It is without a doubt the worst thing I have ever seen. It's not funny bad, it's just incredibly bad. The acting is awful, all the voices sound overdubbed in the worst possible way, the plot has no pacing, the quick cuts to the news report are dumb, on and on and on. I sat, watched, paid attention to the whole movie and I still don't know what happened. I could not follow it.

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South Park

Reply by Paul

... I dunno If I'm alone in this but Season 17 felt so rushed, not just because it had 10 episodes... But as if Trey Parker and Matt Stone didn't really want to do it to begin with... Ever since season 16 the show just feels like its keeps on going downhill...

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@witwolfy Nah, man, especially with the latest seasons (at this time 20 and 21) were really good to me. Great overarching plots.

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