


Crimes of the Future

Future people eating plastic as a societal critique is one thing but the whole thing is just a big mess of quasi philosophical nonsense completely lost by the chock value of the plentiful shots of self mutilation.
None of the leads delivers a performance at their usual level but Kristen Stewarts is absolutely farcical.
It's like she's playing Anna Kendrick parodying Kristen Stewart.
And apparently $27 million gets you props that barely would have been up to par in the 80s.
The whole thing is just spectacularly bad.

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The Power of the Dog

I get why some people would appreciate this for what it is but it definitely wasn't for me.
What I disliked passionately about this is the absolutely horrendous score.
It was like torture throughout the whole thing culminating with the 'hides' scene where the composer obviously couldn't make it any worse himself so he just decided to record a rabid rat running across the keys of a piano.

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This derives heavily from the shows Vikings and Game of thrones but I found it very enjoyable.
But I'm not chiming in the quire praising the show for the Romans speaking Latin as I think that's a novelty at best and the show wouldn't have been any worse had everyone simply spoken German (not a German speaker myself).
After all no one seems to have a problem with people speaking unaccented German at least half a millennia before the language even started to take its current form.

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They took a very difficult subject and made it fucking fabulous.

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True Detective: Season 1

The script is outstanding, the cast is spectacular, the atmosphere is captivating and the scenery is breathtaking.
This is perfection and I can only feel sadness as there will never be anything better.

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Fargo: Season 4

The Fargo-spirit is weak in this one and it just feels like a basic run of the mill gangster drama.
Whereas true Fargo had characters that where just over the top for comedic effect here we see characters that are so severely overplaying that they feel cartoonish, yet the dark humour of the previous seasons is completely lost.
Without a doubt the worst of the seasons and they have strayed so far from the franchise now they should frankly just stop.

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The Last Enemy

Very enjoyable.
Solid performances throughout and and a heavy Black Mirror vibe.

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No Country for Old Men

It's a rare thing when you manage to find a book adaptation actually worthy of the book.
The Coen brothers have turned Cormac McCarthy's modern classic into a cinematic masterpiece.
Everyone involved delivers their parts perfectly and the dialogue is spectacular.
I've read the book and watched the movie several times, still it is infinitely rewatchable and ages like fine wine.
One of the best movies to come out this century and in my opinion the Coen brothers finest hour.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2020-03-10T23:11:56Z— updated 2024-01-02T22:57:48Z

Coming from Jojo rabbit to this the only reasonable conclusion must be that Taika Waititi is a genius.
Story is spectacular, performances are solid and the scenery is absolutely majestical .

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Jojo Rabbit

Absolutely speechless. Without speech.
This was the darkest, craziest, sickest, most glorious and magnificent thing I've seen in ages.
Even the children's performances are completely outstanding and the whole thing just flows seamlessly between laughter and tears.
I will actively be looking for an excuse to watch this again.

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In Bruges

A masterpiece of dark comedy and a personal favourite.
Snappy dialogue, excellent chemistry, great acting and a setting so sublime it's like a PR stunt for Bruges.
I actually visited because of this movie and can confirm that everything Gleeson says about the town is factual.
I knew I was awake but it felt like I was in a dream.

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A Vigilante

This just wasn't very good at all. It has the aura of a made for tv Lifetime feature.
Extremely predictable.

Somehow there's a punching bag mounted in every motel room she stays in and that's really the only premise the audience gets for her being a total kung fu badass.
It's like they realize how they couldn't possibly justify how she suddenly went from panic attack abuse victim to Ms Wick so when she finally confront her abuser they simply cut to him being choked out on the floor despite he being twice her size and her having one of her hands broken.

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6 Underground

Someone made a choice here:
[ ] Action movie
[√] Action movie (simplified)

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Holds up pretty good for a twenty year old sci-fi.
By Paul WS Anderson's standards it's a masterpiece.
But the music is just awful, it's like the Starwars score made by a tone-deaf person.
Predictable story but nice enough entertainment for a rainy day.
Oddly enough this supposedly takes place in the same universe as Blade Runner but don't get your hopes up, apart from the odd reference and place names there are absolutely no similarities.

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Sharp Objects

It's 6AM, the sun is coming up and I'm just in a state of shock after binging the entire series.
This was the bleakest, darkest and most beautiful thing I've seen since the first season of True Detective.
If Adams doesn't get an Emmy for this then there truly is no justice in the world.

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The Man with the Iron Fists

Absolutely horrible in every single way.
This movie may in fact be a crime against humanity.

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Charlie's Angels

This is so awful it's embarrassing.

Banks has written a script so bad not even Patrick Stewart can deliver his lines convincingly.
Either the costume designer for this had a stroke or Banks simply raided her wardrobe from The Hunger Games franchise and the score is so insufferably dreadful the musical director should be beaten to death with his/her own limbs.
The whole thing is so juvenile I really think they missed the mark rating in at PG13 as that excludes most of the target audience.

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Ready Player One

Being an old fart I got most of if not all the references made in the book.
Almost none of them made it into the film, in fact the film can at best be described as derived from or inspired by the book.
I don't really remember Halliday as being portrayed as a retarded person in the book which he is in this film, I believe you can actually be fairly competent with computers without lacking basic social skills.
And the whole dynamic between Watts and Cooke is weird as hell when you realize that a girl who's actually model grade material is supposed to be average looking deformed by a horrible birthmark.
How shallow do you have to be for that to make sense?
The book version of the Oasis is not a game, it is much more than that.
I can't believe Cline signed his name on this script, on its own I guess it's fairly entertaining all though somewhat juvenile but as a book adaptation it's absolutely horrible.

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The King's Man

As they surprisingly couldn't cast Olivia Colman even though she's in absolutely everything else even remotely British they seem to have cast Gemma Arterton to play Olivia Colman playing Polly Wilkins.

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This was unbelievable weak considering what could have been done with a villain wielding superman powers.
Spectacularly bad acting throughout.
Just like a pre-set clock BB turns evil the second he hits puberty and gets ordered by his space overlords to take over the world.
And as we all know the best strategy if you want to take over the world is to kill your immediate family.
No, what's supposed to go for plot here is completely laughable and with such a terrible performance by the lead this never gets scary at all.

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War on Everyone

If your sense of humour is even the slightest nuance lighter than pitch black, this movie is not for you.
If you are easily offended, this movie is not for you.
If you are appalled by senseless violence, this movie is not for you.
For the rest of us this is absolutely brilliant.

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The Italian Job

This did not stand up well to the test of time.
It starts out pretty well but it just gets more and more slapstick as it progresses, I know Benny Hill is in it but sometimes it's like he wrote the script too.
And the music it just about the worst I've ever heard, the score is simply terrible.
Considering the contemporary music available in that era it's a completely epic fail.

Still worth a watch for the cars but keep your expectations low.

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The Unthinkable

Actually very entertaining in a bleak sort of way.
Nice to see we're giving the Finns a run for their money when it comes to darkness in cinema.
Considering the usual quality of Swedish movies it had the potential to be a real masterpiece.
The soundtrack could have been better, it doesn't really match the overall bleakness of the scenography but the worst part is without a doubt the total disaster of the last three minutes when they somehow try to make some sort of happy ending. This movie was never going to have a happy ending, it was obvious from the outset. It almost managed to ruin the whole thing, what on earth were they thinking?
Do yourself a big favour and just stop watching the second the movie fades out, trust me on this: nothing about the last three minutes will add anything to the story or make the movie any better, quite the opposite.

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A true story

It would have been more tasteful to call it based on a true story as they have been pretty heavy handed with regards to what actually happened but I guess that's Hollywood for you.
Excellent acting throughout even by the kids but it felt like the pacing was all over the place which all in all made it a pretty slow burn.

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Casting-wise it is pretty much flawless and every single one delivers stellar performances and Nolans script derived from American Prometheus is spectacular.
However the cinematography is absolutely appalling and I have a hard time believing that an non stroke impaired Van Hoytema followed up Interstellar and Tenet with this absolute mess.
It is constantly switching between different aspect ratios and black and white vs colour all within the same timeframe.
It illustrates nothing. It accomplishes nothing. Just... why?
The sound levels switches seamlessly between barely audible dialogue to EARSPLITTING BOMBASTIC MUSIC enough to actually simulate an atom bomb going of in your eardrums every fifteen minutes worthy of a horror B-movie aiming for a jump scare.
As much as it pains me as a fellow Swede composer Ludwig Göransson completely missed the ball on this with a musical score so out of place it's like he wrote it for a completely different movie than the one I just watched.
As these factors where so extremely palpable throughout the entire film it turns what could have been a great film into a good one simply because Nolan's at his lowest is still ridiculously high.

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Fast X

Absolutely terrible in every single way.
These movies are so completely over the top now that it's like a live action cartoon.
They really should go for a PG rating next time as adults will struggle with a plot so juvenile it would not have been out of place in a 60s Batman episode.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

It's kinda silly, a bit predictable but also visually stunning, well acted and funny. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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This went from Wow, that first episode was great to Welp, the second was definitely not as good as the first all the way to Well, that third episode was complete dog shit.

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The Snowman

I will never forgive Alfredson for taking one of my favourite books and turning it into a complete disaster.
With this cast and Alfredson directing it had all the makings of a classic thriller.
Alfredsons excuse:

Our shoot time in Norway was way too short. We didn’t get the whole story with us and when we started cutting we discovered that a lot was missing. It’s like when you’re making a big jigsaw puzzle and a few pieces are missing so you don’t see the whole picture.

So a lot of the story didn't even get filmed. They tried to save it in editing. They failed.

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Mare of Easttown

Stellar performance by Winslet who probably does the best role of her entire career and that's really saying something.
Pulls you in from the very first episode and ends every single one in a cliffhanger that never unravels entirely as you would expect.
This will leave you beaten, bruised and heartbroken.
One not to miss.

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