


Six Minutes to Midnight

An intriguing story suffering from a weak script and apart from Lady Dench very underwhelming performances.
I love Izzard so I really wanted to like this but I can't oversee that it is riddled with clichés and sub-par acting.

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News of the World

A well told heart-warming story.
Well performed slow burn set to such beautiful scenery you'll loose yourself in it.
A nice western for a rainy day.

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The Limey

Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2021-02-21T23:54:19Z— updated 2021-03-31T03:34:05Z

Oi govnor! 'Ow the 'ell Stamp could deliver 'is lines with a straight face is a bloody mystery innit?
I get it, the completely ridiculous, way over the top slang is supposed to illustrate how he's spent most of his life in prison but I don't think I've ever ever seen a point driven home so blatantly and repeatedly ever and that's saying something as Hollywood rarely leaves anything to chance these days.

The plot is so weak it's laughable, the music in-between actual songs is a mix between daytime drama and 70s porn and the editing, especially in the beginning, is like someone trying to illustrate how it is having epileptic seizures combined with short time memory loss.

I think you either love or hate this and I definably fell into the latter category.

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The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley

A very interesting story prolonged way beyond what the actual events required and disturbingly focused on Holmes' looks.
Like a quarter of the playtime of the entire thing is closeups of her face.

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Knock Knock

An absolute disaster.
This is a remake of a 70s grindhouse feature which I actually didn't know before watching it.
The grindhouse style over-acting was kept which explains that but he opted for a completely different cinematography which doesn't make any sense as it clashes into a complete shitshow.

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Ari Eldjárn: Pardon My Icelandic

An absolute treasure trove of the prejudices Nordic countries have against each other.
Hilarious stuff and I loved every second of it.

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The Watchmaker's Apprentice

I have absolutely no interest in watch-making whatsoever, yet this is one of the most captivating documentaries I've ever seen.

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Gemini Man

A pretty basic action movie with an interesting pretence basically wasted.
Mary Elizabeth Winsteads character is added purely for decoration into a pretty mindless action driven plot with choreographed sequences that all look extremely unnatural.
There's obviously a shit-ton of CGI put into this but that's no excuse to have movement that look like video game characters on meth.

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Politics aside and from a purely cinematic standpoint this was very, very bad.
To call it slow paced is the understatement of the century, watching grass grow would be sensory overload compared to watching this.
There is no background given at all and no narration, it's just one 'artsy' shot after another, and the only enjoyable moment in the whole thing was the discussion between the Priest and Sands.
And that conversation is the only real insight to Sand's thinking at all throughout the film and that is a poor substitute for background and continuous narration.
I admire Fassbender's complete dedication to the role but one stellar performance simply isn't enough when the script really doesn't allow for anything to happen and even knowing the background and the events surrounding the hunger strike doesn't really help when you are given practically nothing.

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Dark Places

This is like bad fan fiction based on the story of the West Memphis Three but with a feminine twist.

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Cold Pursuit

Usually when there's a remake in Hollywood it's at least a slightly different take on the original because the movie is made by different people.
Here they just gave the same director the task of making the same film by letting Baldwin Americanize the script which for some reason watered it down in all the key points of the original.
In Order of Disappearance which is the movie this is based on is one of the best movies to come out of the Nordics in recent years and there is no justification for a remake at all.
The only reason this isn't complete shit is because the original script is so solid there's just a limit to how much you can mess it up.
Do yourself a favour and go watch the original, it's better in every single way.

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Leave No Trace

A slow burn but man it's worth it. A beautiful film that really hits you where it hurts.
Fosters skills are already solidified but McKenzie I'd only seen in Jojo Rabbit previously but this is an absolutely stellar performance.
One to watch out for in the future for sure.

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I just rewatched this and the fact that it still holds up as one of the greatest thrillers of the post millennium era is a testament to its greatness.
Easily Manns best work and Cruise and Foxx really shines throughout.

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Cop Car

Spectacularly bad.
The plot progression is a veritable snoozefest and the kids are so stupendously stupid it's really beyond all belief.
By the end of this I couldn't relate to any of the characters and really didn't care what happened to either of them.
Bacon plays his part well but with a script as weak as this he's not going to work any miracles.

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It's like someone was told the actual story while in the early stages of an epic bender and then fourteen whiskey shots in he decided to scribble down what little he remembers on napkins with crayon.
Waking up the following morning with a hangover like the spawn of satan and with a pocket full of smeared napkins he writes the script for this movie and actually manages to get someone to fund it.
But still, regardless of how far from actual events this actually is it is surprisingly bad with actors like Hawke, Strong and Rapace really delivering sub-par performances and regarding casting it's hard to imagine a worse choice as Olof Palme than Shanti Roney.
If you're interested in what actually happened, read a book and if you're looking for a heist movie you'll be hard pressed to find a worse choice than this.

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Since the complete degeneration of the F&F franchise my expectations where low but still it managed to disappoint.
Halfway in I though to myself: well at least they're not doing the completly over the top ridiculous car stunts.
Cue the car stunts.
Two thirds in I thought: well at least the script doesn't seem to be written by a couple of fourteen year old on weed.
Cue the American wrestling and total demise of any coherent plotline.

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Black's Game

Very forgettable.
It tries to be an Icelandic Pusher but fails.
There just isn't enough plot to drive the movie forward and Disco Stu (Damon Younger) cast as the ultimate badass gangster isn't believable at all.
A movie needs more than occasional violence and shots of people smoking.
Come to think of it I really don't think I've ever seen so much smoking in a movie before, if one was to do a drinking game and take a shot ever time someone lights up a cigarette it would be suicide by alcohol poisoning for sure.

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Miss Meadows

The concept of a psychopath vigilante Mary Poppins is spectacular.
But they really don't utilize the concept very good at all apart from the fact that I would call this a very dark comedy and not a drama.
Within that genre there are plenty of other movies that does it better.
Falling Down (obviously), Violet and Daisy and God bless America are few that immediately spring to mind.

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Scorched Earth

Nice enough B-movie for an acid rainy day.
An homage to the spaghetti westerns of the 60s and 70s that doesn't take itself to seriously.

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All Things To All Men

That might be the most incoherent excuse for a plot I've ever seen.

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Becoming Astrid

Absolutely magnificent.
Alba completely nails the role as Astrid and there are stellar performances throughout.
The story grabs you by a chokehold from the first frame and never lets go.
One of the best Swedish films I've ever seen.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls

Jack Black as an eccentric man witch is a given, he can basically just play himself and he'll be fine but Blanchett is so great as a weaponized Mary Poppins it's sublime.
Vaccaro was scripted to be annoying but the fact that he's the worst child actor I've seen in a very long time makes it so, so much worse, he is cringingly bad.
Overall still very enjoyable.

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They Shall Not Grow Old

If I hadn't been in a state of shock throughout most it I most likely would have cried.

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Holy shit this was good.
Screw Bad Moms and Oceans 8, this is female empowerment and girl power at it's best, girl stopping power.
Garner as Riley North is such a convincing badass she makes John Wick look like a boy scout.

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First Man

The casting was excellent and superb acting all around.
"At the edge of your seat" is an overused expression but this one literally had me leaning forward on several occasions which is really saying something considering everything that happens is already known.
Surprisingly the predictability of it all really takes nothing away from the story and when the climactic words The Eagle has landed where spoken I could feel the hairs standing out on the back of my neck.
The only thing keeping this from getting a solid 10/10 is that the soundtrack could have been better.
Bring out the popcorn and strap in, you're in for a wild and amazing ride.

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Hold the Dark

The cinematography is fantastic and it starts out great.
But the plot just gets gradually worse until the grand finale that makes absolutely no sense at all.
This movie is kind of like a fashion model, strikingly beautiful on the outside but beneath the surface there is nothing to catch your interest at all.

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Chernobyl Diaries

Horrible acting all around.
Past the city sign there is not a single second of footage in this film that is actually from Pripyat and the famous themepark location with the bumber cars and the ferris wheel is recreated very badly.
Plot is bad execution is even worse.

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Performances are laughably unconvincing and the fact that Northam actually won a best actor for this at a film festival is probably the most unbelievable and amazing things about this.
The Special Effects is special like Special Ed is special and most likely they dug up Ed Wood and had him in charge of it 'cause this about ten bucks short of visible fish-line.
The whole thing is like how they envisioned the future in the 1940:s or 50:s, if there actually is such a thing as a retro future please kill it with fire before it spreads.

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Temple Grandin

Absolutely brilliant in every single way.
An epic performance by Danes and strong support actors delivers an amazing true story.

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