José Moreira




I honestly don't know why they decided to make a fourth "Expendables" movie. It is clear that none of those involved had any genuine desire to do so. That said, all the alarm sirens should have gone off when Megan Fox appeared in the trailer. At this point in her career, she really doesn't stand for quality, and she's abysmally bad in "ExpendFOURbles" as well. To make matters worse, her role isn't exactly small either.

But the biggest sin of the film is probably that not much is left of the original idea of the franchise. It was once supposed to be a retro-fest for aging action stars, but there are hardly any of those left. Even Sylvester Stallone has at most an extended cameo appearance here; otherwise, only Dolph Lundgren and Jason Statham are remaining who could be put into this star category. Actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wesley Snipes, or at least Terry Crews are no longer present. Instead, you get 50 Cent and Megan Fox—whew.

Those hoping for good action will also be disappointed. Tony Jaa and Iko Uwais are actors who could certainly offer something in this regard. However, the action is so poorly edited that they don't help either. Meanwhile, the level of violence has been raised again, but because of the lousy effects, you can't really enjoy it. Overall, "Expendables 4" is a terrible and, above all, frustrating film that I cannot recommend to anyone.

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@alfiesgd Good review, I didn't watch the trailer because I knew I was going to watch the movie, so free of any spoilers and I had the same feeling when I saw Megan Fox.

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Black Mirror: Season 6

This isn't Black Mirror.

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@katebishop black mirror is about society changes/problems - i'm assuming you are referring to the lack of technology in this season.

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Infinity Pool

Be prepared for every bodily fluid to be layed out on the screen!

Infinity Pool introduces some interesting sci-fi elements mixed in with some horrifying thematics and a rich exploiting everything subplot (we needed another one of those). Everything is there for an interesting watch until these ideas fade into the background to become a weird-ass porno trying too hard to be stylish and layered. The second half of the movie felt like it was going absolutely nowhere and it reduced it's main character to pretty much nothing, leaving the viewer with nobody to root for except Goth's performance. Mia Goth once again shows her acting chops (among other things), she's unhinged, wild and horny. Goth and Skarsgård made a captivating duo on-screen. Unfortunately even their amazing performances couldn't save this movie - or rather they were this movie. Beautiful trippy disturbing visuals, hypnotising camerawork, psychedelic score, brutal kills and stellar acting. The movie ended and I was still waiting for the plot to show up but it never did. It absolutely went for style over substance and ruined it's great potencial.

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@acoucalancha Have to agree, had some great ethic questions and critic about the abuse of rich people when going to poor people, then it went to some sort of erotic/psychedelic movie

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One Piece

Shout by Deleted

I loved the early seasons of One Piece. But recently each episode seem to be like 10 minutes long. Most anime tend to have the opening 90 seconds long, but One Piece opening is 2:30 minutes, then follow by a dialog flash back that's 2-3 minutes. One episode I timed that it didn't start until the 5:25 minute mark. Then fights last multiple episode just like Dragonball. It seem they used every trick they can to stretch the show out and provide the least amount of contents.

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@hai And 4 years later this is still true.

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One Piece

Shout by Deleted

I loved the early seasons of One Piece. But recently each episode seem to be like 10 minutes long. Most anime tend to have the opening 90 seconds long, but One Piece opening is 2:30 minutes, then follow by a dialog flash back that's 2-3 minutes. One episode I timed that it didn't start until the 5:25 minute mark. Then fights last multiple episode just like Dragonball. It seem they used every trick they can to stretch the show out and provide the least amount of contents.

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yes, for a long time that I feel it only advances 5minutes per episode. but not much we can do than complaint about it.

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