Danny Ganz


Greenlawn, New York

Cougar Town

This show is entertaining because you get to see Courtney Cox ruin her face through liberal amounts of plastic surgery.

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Go in with low expectations like we did, and you'll leave happy. It's a fun little movie, helped by wonderful chemistry by all the cast.

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Sucker Punch

It pains me to give this movie such a poor grade because it really is so well done. Zack Snyder has such a firm grasp on his look, he's carved out his own genre of movie. He's also proved that a movie cannot survive on looks alone.

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Couples Retreat

Wow. What a horrible, unfunny movie. Really, no interesting characters, no compelling plotlines. Anything remotely approaching a joke is telegraphed miles away. Really sad.

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The Newsroom

Wow, what a disappointment. HBO and Sorkin, it should be out of the park. In reality, there is no one likable or interesting. I'm watching Sports Night at the same time, and it is so much better. They could have just taken all the scripts from that show, made them about news, and it would have just worked. This is awful.

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The Newsroom

Shout by Danny Ganz

Every week, the show (set in 2010) clumsily incorporates some real life news into the episode, and they always seem to get the tough calls right because they can benefit from the gift of hindsight. It's a neat gimmick, but on the screen it's handled so poorly as to be a distraction.

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You'd never see this movie coming. Very daring, and very entertaining.

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White House Down

Saw most of it on cable the other night. A sad clone of Die Hard, with awful CGI graphics. Terrible movie, needlessly complicated plot.

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Drunk History

As good as the show is, I'd originally thought that the storytellers were actual historians and college professors who were trying to give their lessons while drunk. It loses a bit to find out that they are just comedians reading from a script. Still, the reenactments are consistently hysterical, and I love to watch the actors trying to time their lines.

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Silicon Valley: 2x02 Runaway Devaluation

The episode was very good, but the ending was the greatest ending in the history of television. Never watched a show to the end of the credits before, and I likely never will again. Thumbs up!

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The Interview

More of a disappointment than anything approaching a good movie, I'm still glad that I got a chance to watch it in light of the hack attack forever attached to the release, and the fact that stars Seth Rogen and James Franco are still able to experiment with different goofy roles. That being said, I had to turn it off about halfway through. Pretty bad.

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Don Jon

What a surprisingly sweet movie. Very pleasant surprise.

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Community: 6x13 Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television

I farted when you mentioned the fourth season, it's kind of an inside joke.

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Louie: 5x03 Cop Story

Michael Rapaport has the greatest guest spot since Doug Stanhope back in Season 2.

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Mystery Men

So much talent, such a disappointment. What a shame.

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Louie: 5x07 The Road (1)

I loved the return to the surreal episodic format of the first season, and the road is the perfect place for it. Tough to beat this episode.

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The Man in the High Castle

Can I give my one big (spoiler free) pet peeve about this show? I mean, they've been demonstrating how superior the German technology would be, with supersonic jets and more efficient subways scooting across Brooklyn, but why is everyone able to dial long-distance calls so easily? It is still the 1960's, and I cringe when someone in New York picks up the phone and dials directly to what is basically another country in San Francisco, across the entire Neutral Zone.

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American Ultra

ugh, such a disappointment. It had some novel ideas, I loved the stoner Jason Bourne concept, but I didn't love wasting time with giving Jesse Eisenberg the idiot ball to advance the plot, or flat wasting the comedic talents of Tony Hale. Yes, it was fun and entertaining, but it had the potential to be more, and that's why you shouldn't waste your time.

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: 2x05 Kimmy Gives Up!

Kimmy's crushed look when Dong casually hands her the seventy eight cents from the fountain was perfectly done, devastating, but understated. Had to watch it again to figure out why it's so effective, it was the music. When you watch it again, it never breaks the cheery music. Loved it.

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Veep: 5x04 Mother

Catherine has been really in her groove, I particularly loved her pathetically loud wail at the hospital. It was perfect, annoying, but still sympathetic. Great job!

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Horace and Pete

Has anyone else noticed that this is like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia played straight?

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Black Mirror: 3x02 Playtest

One thing that's been lost with the (well deserved) rage over the weak sauce ending is how cool the VR whack a mole game was! Best use of VR gaming since Her.

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Very soft sci-fi show, while it has a neat premise, the execution is just not there. I only made it to the third episode before bailing. Maybe it's not that bad, but there are so many better things on my watchlist, this show doesn't make the cut.

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The Night Of: Season 1

"...[T]here’s a vanishingly fine line between being masterfully unsatisfying and being straight-up unsatisfying."
-AV Club

That's how this show felt, at times, it was an amazing procedural and amazing narrative about the unfairness of the justice system. At other times, it was the worst. At both. I suppose I should give it a higher rating, it was made to be upsetting, but I feel like it wasn't just the characters who ended up deserving better, it was us too.

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Marvel's The Punisher: Season 1
The Orville: 1x01 Old Wounds

I went in with very low expectations, scared off by the scathing reviews and my distaste for Family Guy. This episode blew away those lowered expectations, with Seth MacFarlane showing admirable restraint on his adolescent sense of humor (though there is still plenty of room for improvement), and spending quite a bit of time on excellently reproduced 90's style special effects. While it's not as good as I'd hoped, it still fills the TNG-sized hole in my heart far better than the mindless ST:Discovery.

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The Orville: 1x03 About a Girl

The first episode of the show that really approaches greatness. It's sad that the measure of the show is measured by how little Seth MacFarlane is involved, but I have a feeling that he'd take it as a compliment. Either way, this episode pushed it firmly ahead of ST:Discovery for me.

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The Orville: 1x05 Pria

I noticed that this episode was directed by Jonathan Frakes, of course, Commander Riker from TNG. With ringers like that on board, it's no wonder that the show is this good.

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The Orville: 1x12 Mad Idolatry

I laughed in spite of myself at the outcome of the game of Latchcomb.

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The Orville: Season 1

It's astonishing to know that even with so many outlets for TV production, including the vaunted Netflix algorithm that seems to know what viewers want before they even want it, it took frigging Seth MacFarlane to give us this terrific piece of TNG fanfic. I can't believe that I almost let this show slip past me.

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