Danny Ganz


Greenlawn, New York


This show is streets ahead.

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@zepfan Pierce, stop trying to coin the phrase "streets ahead."

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Peacemaker: 1x01 A Whole New Whirled

It's impossible to skip the opening, its weird but funny as hell.

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@feeltheduck I watched five seasons of Game of Thrones, never once realizing that the opening sequence changed with every episode until years after I'd skipped every one of them.

I may have actually rewound this opening.

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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Wont be watching this due to BBC's stupidity in flat out canceling good shows while funding crappy reality shows. In fact I will be boycotting all BBC until they can prove otherwise. BBC is nothing but a cock tease.

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@scoobyjd wait, what? I thought it was always supposed to be a mini-series, that's the British way of broadcasting. Wikipedia doesn't list an aborted second season. Don't punish yourself.

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The Blue Umbrella

Reply by Danny Ganz

I mean no disrespect, but, this movie still a better love story than Twilight. How could a story about an umbrella made me cry?

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@lightning13 Hitting poor Twilight was uncalled for, but this short movie was still excellent.

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

What an absolutely botched ending to an otherwise strong show. Spoilers: Monica and Darcy are completely tossed aside, Evan Peters is entirely wasted as Quicksilver in favor of a dick joke, the writers show zero creativity in leaving characters to die and Wanda has ultimately learned nothing about her magic, ending the show exactly where she stood 8 years ago before 'Age of Ultron'. What a complete mess devoid of consequences, leaving characters storylines wide open for projects years away instead of tying character arcs up. Wanda apologises to the town members after tortuing them for weeks and we're supposed to feel bad when her fake children are erased? No, sorry, you're responsible for that. Monica really told Wanda the town should be grateful.... after she released them from their torture slavery. Wanda belongs on the Raft, Avengers need bodycams after this abuse. This is exactly what the Sokovia Accords were for. This isn't a show, it's a promotional ad to go see the next Marvel thing. I thought they were doing something special when the show began, embracing the wierd and unexplained magic in the MCU, but by the end the Marvel formula is intact and the story falls into laziness.

Who the hell was the missing person Jimmy Woo had in witness protection to begin with?

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@fbwf I can't say I disliked the finale as much as you did, but I agree that that they threw away Evan Peters as Quicksilver.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Reply by Danny Ganz


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@kirstensnow happy birthday kid. Nice of your dad..

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: 2x01 Kimmy Goes Roller Skating!

Reply by Danny Ganz

"Nothing I ever do is good enough for this family. I feel like Rob Kardashian!"

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...how do I know that?

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Barry: 1x05 Chapter Five: Do Your Job

LEEEEROY JENKINS!!!! Never thought I ever would see a guy scream this in a show and run into a room full of baddies.

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@larziej I didn't think that we would see him come out!

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Army of the Dead

Reply by Danny Ganz


Review by Paladin5150
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-14T08:37:22Z— updated 2021-05-30T00:13:47Z

As much as I wanted to like this movie, and ESPECIALLY not wanting to throw shade on Dave Bautista, I'm afraid the words of none other than Macbeth are the most fitting as far as a review of this enterprise goes:

A.O.D. is but a walking shadow, some poor players
That strut and fret their two and a half hours upon the stage
And then are heard no more: It is a tale
Told by idiots, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

That having been said, the REAL shame here is, that, with just a little bit of re jiggering, and a little less stupidity on the part of any one of the panopoly of characters, and, this could have not only been an epic movie, but, possibly a even a (2 or 3 movie) franchise!

Any movie that starts from the jump with nekkid zombie stripper ta ta's is a go for me, just on the "Hmmm, I ain't seen THAT before factor alone. Now, throw in Siegfried and Roy's zombified Manticore' , and, you're going to hold my interest. Add super quick and agile "rage zombies, and a mix of your usual suspect "shufflin' and bitin' " zombies, as well as a full auto Drax the Destroyer, and a crew of mangey former tier one operators, who served their country honorably, but per current SOP, were promptly shat upon by the country that they so dutifully served, then, give them a chance to for once not just even the score but come out ahead, and, you HAD the basis for a pretty decent horror adventure flick.

But then SOMBODY had to go and try to grow a brain, perhaps thinking they could be "edgy", and, instead of delivering a fun, intelligent live action "Walking Dead" (first few seasons only), they decided to suck all the common sense from EVERY characters brain, and then have each one of them suddenly go mute at the most inopportune times, when a word, a note, or even a cryptic whisper, could keep someone from becoming zombie snackos'. Now add to that mix, a teenaged girl with one of the most full blown cases of narcissistic personality disorder ever witnessed on film, and have her played by an actor who every time she opens her mouth you just want to backhand her and send her to her room with no dinner. But, she's also a master of either guilting her father (team leader Scott Ward) for doing something she later admits "he had to do", or, forcing him to let her accompany the squad, (to "rescue the aforementioned STUPID friend) by threatening to run off and do it alone anyway, which is a certain one way trip. So, welcome to mercenary baby sitting, Z/A style.

All is not lost though as there are some nice bonding moments between Zen "man some of the shizz I've done" Vanderohe, and newbie merc / safecracker Ludwig Dieter, especially when it is discovered he doesn't even know Zombie 101 basics. Raul Castillos' "Mickey" who at first seems to be either a You Tube poser, or just a bit crazy, then actually turns out to be an honorable guy. Samantha Joe's "Chambers" is a formidable street fighter, but, sadly , her heroic last stand is wasted when in the end, she got a case of the mutes, when she could have saved the entire crew with a shouted warning.

Nora Arnezeder is believable as Lilly, The Coyote, even if she does let little miss prissy teen smack her around a bit, for helping another of Kates IDIOT friends do something stupid, that, in the end, does not bode well for the entire team. Tig Notaro I guess is OK, especially since she was a last minute "digital" substitute for Chris D'Elia, who was unceremoniously cancelled and erased from the movie due to misconduct of the sexual kind. It's not seamless, but, it's not distracting either. But, she too, got hit with the idiot stick at the last minute, and, her indecision literally was catastrophic. In BOTH their story arcs, Snyder chose to plagiarize, er, uh, be "inspired" by ENTIRE SCENES from "Aliens", then "edgily" flip the script, by declaring opposite day at their individual conclusions.

The longest walk of shame, IMO, goes to Bautista's character Scott Ward, for being either too blind of just plain dumb, to not see through the machinations of neither his Japanese Benefactor, nor his henchman sent along to fulfill the ACTUAL goal of the "heist". But, in his defense, a couple hundred million dollars tax free, can buy a mighty dark pair of rose colored glasses, and, even though he can't see the forest for the trees, nor, apparently when the passion fires of his former flame have burst into a bonfire. Her end was so telegraphed, that even as it occurred, you weren't really shocked, just saddened. Just as his end, and the way it came about, had one waiting for the sound track to cue up Alanis Morrissette, but, perhaps they couldn't get a music clearance..

ONE final chance at redemption comes in the form of the epilogue with Vanderohe, and, it could have played out the epic revenge scenario, but, alas it was not to be, and he, along with any chance at a sequel, was D.O.A.

So, in conclusion, I don't dislike this movie for it's short comings, but, because of it's unfulfilled potential. It didn't necessarily have to be all happily ever after, but, as you watch it, and the idiocy starts leaking out of the characters, see if you can glimpse the great movie that COULD have been.

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@paladin5150 So perfectly said. It's tough to reconcile how much I enjoyed the movie, yet was left disappointed. It was like Zack Snyder somehow set out to make an uncharacteristically fun movie, but. managed to overshoot his target.

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Silicon Valley: Season 5

Reply by Danny Ganz

A very disappointing season for one of my all-time favorite shows. Perhaps TJ Miller was the glue that held it all together, as without him this show just doesn't have its usual magic and good flavor.

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@d2dyno My thoughts exactly! I was going to post this exact comment, but you said it better than I did.

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Dark Matter: 1x01 Are You Happy in Your Life?

Reply by Danny Ganz

Erm...yup, another Apple show for sure.

1) confusing story
2) just arbitrary confusion
3) things escalate asap
4) WAY too many characters to follow
5) Nothing enticing; if not free, I wouldn't have this service.

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@spiderjerusaleminthemountains Network executives dropping notes is a well worn trope, but I think that Apple TV shows are a prime example of why they are so needed. So many Apple TV shows are disappointing underachievers, they always feel like they could use some more development time.

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Sucker Punch

Reply by Danny Ganz

It pains me to give this movie such a poor grade because it really is so well done. Zack Snyder has such a firm grasp on his look, he's carved out his own genre of movie. He's also proved that a movie cannot survive on looks alone.

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@ertpecs While I don't think that I am going to match your record of 10 plays, I will admit that I often don't get the subtext behind a lot of the movies I watch.

In the spirit of the new year, I'll go ahead and rewatch this movie to see how it aged after the 6.5 year layover from the first time and with the added knowledge of the viewing guide you referenced and report my results back here. Stay tuned!

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American Housewife: 5x01 Graduation

Reply by Danny Ganz

Anna-Kat recast ruined the show for me.

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@awthembones it's a strong contender for jumping the shark.

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The Breaks

Reply by Danny Ganz

These stats aren't accurate. Someone is messing with episode 7 to get it trending.

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@ricketa still better than Big Bang Theory

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