Danny Ganz


Greenlawn, New York

Legion: 2x06 Chapter 14

Magnificent and heartbreaking, it was an awesome hour of television, and a fitting way for David to mourn the loss of his sister Amy.

With such a sprawling cast, I'm disappointed that Noah Hawley didn't slide a few familiar faces from the Fargo universe into the background players.

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Community: 6x13 Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television

I farted when you mentioned the fourth season, it's kind of an inside joke.

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Community: 1x23 Modern Warfare

This is, and always will be, the greatest half hour of television ever produced.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 7x20 U.S. History

All the episodes have been good and timely, this is really Emmy award winning stuff now. Outstanding and should be mandatory viewing.

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: 2x05 Kimmy Gives Up!

Kimmy's crushed look when Dong casually hands her the seventy eight cents from the fountain was perfectly done, devastating, but understated. Had to watch it again to figure out why it's so effective, it was the music. When you watch it again, it never breaks the cheery music. Loved it.

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Community: 3x13 Digital Exploration of Interior Design (1)

This episode had so much going on, from the start of the Troy/Abed feud to the return of the Air Conditioning Repair school, that the Subway subplot, which was truly inventive, got the shaft.

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Louie: 5x03 Cop Story

Michael Rapaport has the greatest guest spot since Doug Stanhope back in Season 2.

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From: Season 1

A third of the way through the season, and I must say that I am impressed. It reminds me heavily of the landmark first season of The Walking Dead (https://trakt.tv/shows/the-walking-dead/seasons/1). Very well thought out, great atmosphere and realistic and consistent characters make the universe feel lived in and important. Really looking forward to the show as it goes forward.

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Veep: 5x04 Mother

Catherine has been really in her groove, I particularly loved her pathetically loud wail at the hospital. It was perfect, annoying, but still sympathetic. Great job!

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x10 SHAPE-SHIFTERS

Absolutely outstanding, with very good animation, an ambitious plot and a great setting.

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Broadchurch: Season 1

Taken on it's face value, the show seems loaded with cliche. A murder in a small scenic town will expose secrets from the seemingly idyllic populace, the dogged detectives will chase down leads and point fingers to suspects until they find that the killer was amongst them the whole time! And yet, the show succeeds wildly thanks to it's fine plotting and stacked cast (two doctors and an Oscar winner!). I'm not sure if the other two seasons will be able to live up to the first, but I'm looking forward to finding out.

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Cobra Kai: 1x05 Counterbalance

Can't believe they made us wait five episodes for a training montage, but it was worth it!

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You're the Worst: Season 1

I am really impressed by the depths this show can reach, giving wonderful arcs to an amazing supporting cast and having them earn any success they may find along the way. The tightrope that the showrunners have to walk is really impressive too, making the leads selfish without being unlikeable and giving their actions real consequences to others along the way. Every success they have feels earned, and every failure feels painful. Looking forward to continuing the show.

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Fargo: 5x10 Bisquik

That finale was both not at all what I expected and yet exactly what it should be. Really a wonderful end to a lovely season.

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The Nevers: 1x03 Ignition

The whole season has been excellent, but that water fight just raised the bar. An absolute classic scene.

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Horace and Pete

Has anyone else noticed that this is like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia played straight?

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Louie: 5x07 The Road (1)

I loved the return to the surreal episodic format of the first season, and the road is the perfect place for it. Tough to beat this episode.

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Legion: 2x07 Chapter 15


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The Orville: Season 1

It's astonishing to know that even with so many outlets for TV production, including the vaunted Netflix algorithm that seems to know what viewers want before they even want it, it took frigging Seth MacFarlane to give us this terrific piece of TNG fanfic. I can't believe that I almost let this show slip past me.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 2x05 Colin's Promotion

The whole episode was aces (Lazslo is leaking into me apparently), but it was "Persian Frank Zappa" that put me over the top. Really superb season so far.

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From: 1x04 A Rock and a Farway

I'm really impressed by the maturity of this show; when Ethan casually mentioned his late brother Thomas, I had to rewind through the previouslys to make sure that I didn't miss it being brought up before. At this point of the season, the only thing that I'm scared of more than the monsters is the possibility that the producers are going to find a way to mess up this show!

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Rick and Morty: 5x09 Forgetting Sarick Mortshall

I didn't realize that this was the first half of a two parter that aired the same night; I thought that this was the season finale. Much better knowing that I won't have to wait for a resolution to this story.

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Rick and Morty: 4x08 The Vat of Acid Episode

I think that there's one thing that we can all agree on. The Prestige was a really fucked up movie.

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You're the Worst: 5x01 The Intransigence of Love

As an evil and thoughtless man who downloads all of his content rather than doing the responsible thing and paying for it, I am not afraid to admit that I really thought that I had grabbed a mislabelled copy of another FX show. By the time I realized that I was watching Gretchen and Jimmy telling made-up stories about themselves, the stories got perfectly sillier. Truly, a great start to the season.

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American Vandal: Season 1

Surprisingly good. Well edited and plotted, it kept my attention through all eight episodes.

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

This was probably my favorite episode of an otherwise mediocre season. Still not great, but some standout scenes along the way. Shot lovingly in black and white, it was a solid thriller of a chase sequence. As for the antagonist, others may have been creeped out by the Boston Dynamic style legs, I loved it's vicious twisting of the knife.

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Dave: 3x10 Looking for Love

I did not think that they could top the Rachel McAdams cameo, and by the end of the episode, I could not even remember her part.

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This is shaping up to be a very good show, with some issues through the first season. The Mooners, with their hippie aesthetic and lovely language flourishes, have created some delightful characters and there are some very good performances from the actors who brought them to life. Arlo, Blu, and especially little Elna have made the most of these roles and hopefully we will see them go on from here.

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The Orville: 1x05 Pria

I noticed that this episode was directed by Jonathan Frakes, of course, Commander Riker from TNG. With ringers like that on board, it's no wonder that the show is this good.

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Silicon Valley: 2x02 Runaway Devaluation

The episode was very good, but the ending was the greatest ending in the history of television. Never watched a show to the end of the credits before, and I likely never will again. Thumbs up!

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