Roman Gorodeckij

1 follower

London, United Kingdom

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

CG was so cheap that I couldn't just stand it. Absolutely not for me, they went too cheap in many places and I had a nice nap during fighting scenes. I mean c'mon this movie could be lot better. Instead of involving USA culture in here they could involve Ireland for example. I hope next movie will be lot better.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
District 9

Plot is really silly. From SCIFI point of view, it's REALLY weak. But as action movie it's worth to see.... The are valuable lessons in here too. I've really enjoyed operators work! There are some really nice action scenes which deserves respect to whole team. If not the plot, and I mean a rushed story, and a weak prediction how things could ago if this would really happen, then this movie would deserve at least 9 stars.. but for now sorry not more than 7.. There's too much silly situations, if any creature that has intellect would exist in such huge amount... just imagine what would happen.. I'd say that all countries of the world, with all possible troops, would isolate that territory by 500 miles around.. and not even a bee would fly near borders. Ahrr anyway.. plot could be lot better!

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The Silent Sea

Lack of science knowledge in the script is just over the board. The only thing I've liked are the interior of the space station. Don't bother watching it, there's nothing to see in here at all.

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Wushu Warrior

I've actually really enjoyed seeing certain actors in here, they have big potentials. But this whole thing with magic is not my cup of tea. I've expected some martial arts, this is more a cartoon I'd say. But main character was ok. 6/10 at most.

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The Redemption: Kickboxer 5

Mark Dacascos is the best MMA artist of the 90s. This movie just proves that also as Double Dragon movie :)

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Army of the Dead

I’ve learned a lot of lessons for myself indeed. Actually best part when Sam tell his impressions and facts to us, viewers, like in psychologist session. Best moments in the show. The only couple of things that getting me annoyed which Netflix does all the time is that every Netflix series has lgbt, it’s not the problem about lgbt, but it’s in every series.. I mean where’s transgenders or whatever why it’s always lesbians? Or tv series without any? Its kind of I always see only lesbians.. not fair. Next is why there’s always Indian guy acts the strangest guy in tv series? Why Indians? It’s like offending Indians.. also too much strange figures of speech all over the place. This is so repetitive across all Netflix tv shows If there are teens in there or any comedy.

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You now plot is so silly that probably making Katya main character would make at least not a bad drama out of this crap. Events doesn't make any sense at all. I mean what the point of everything that's happened in this movie? We don't know background of main character, we don't know background of second character either, all those people in scenario are completely random and doesn't make any sense at all. Even movie about tire makes more sense than this.

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London Has Fallen

This movie made me anxious a lot. They justified bombing other countries with "it's better than to do nothing". I mean wtf :)? You've bombed someone home, they'll bomb yours. I'm against wars, but the first who started this is to blame. Stay away on your land and there will be peace in this world. If it's how every american thinks, than I'm glad not to live in USA. Who ever get this idea to justify killing in such manner is disgrace. This movie proves that USA is sick and imperialistic, and basically all terrorists movement in the past 20 years is USA to blame.

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Sorry but plot is really horrible. I won't even spoil anything for you guys.. nothing started, nothing ended.. random people live, on some UFO event.. no lessons learned, no idea what's the point of this scenario at all.

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Jupiter Ascending

This movie is heavily actual to our time :)

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Space Jam: A New Legacy

Why they did to Lola is unacceptable. Also is so family safe that nothing left from looney toons.

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Tom and Jerry

Music was the worst. Tom sat at the piano, started to play nice smooth jazz and then his voices turned to auto tune rap shitty vocal. I have seen transition of godless music to the dumpster noises so fast, you nailed it.
This spoiled the whole movie. Rest than that it's ok.

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Jumanji: The Next Level

This one of the stupidest movies I’ve seen for last 10 years of my life. Robbie Williams would be spinning in his grave

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Music is a total crap, never racers listens to this auto tuned shite. Also most of action scenes are like old Chinese movies, physics just doesn’t exists in here. Ordinary people turned to super heroes who can withstand anything, jumping from burning trucks, look at the explosion with zero impact.. it’s very lame. Story is not bad though, ideas for some tech are not bad too, but that car in the space is a really bad joke.

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Lost & Found Music Studios

This is the most useless tv series I've ever seen in my life. I've really tried hard to watch whole episode.. but there's no logic in anywhere.. it's for 14 teenagers, or maybe even 12yo.. Idk.. adult people acting teens being idiots.

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Shadow and Bone

Putting modern day culture stuff into times that are represented in the movie doesn't seem right to me at all. If you're doing everything by the book don't put stuff which wasn't in the book simple as that. 6/10 for this.

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The Good Place

I've been skeptical about this show from the start, as it's so lightweight and focused much on a pop-culture with all that US-celebrity-posh slang or whatever, that it was even hard to find a point in this story. But after they started to involve philosophy studies also after certain plot twists, things got more interesting for sure, they really touched good points of morality and I've become interested on what's happen next.

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The Half of It

I’m on Japanese Netflix and this pop-up, thought would be some deep good stuff like most Asian production, but no, it’s just wanna-be-deep movie. Indeed, the best thing in this movie is her father who really understand life. Pretty much all other characters are dump as shoe, read few books and they can’t express their feelings, tone of the voices are so not sincere it’s even sad. It’s difficult even to understand what point director even wanted to present for the viewer. Paul and Elle didn’t get any connection actually, Elle was ignorant up till the end, no sign of love or appreciation. Paul is like a caveman, no manners, no culture, straightforward as a railroad. What should’ve been learn in here? Idk

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Sliders: 3x20 The Last of Eden

What the hell, professor is back? He's dead, why they didn't show anything. This scenario doesn't make any sense.

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The Lonely White Sail

I wonder why doesn't host native movie names, it was really hard to find it here.

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Kids in Love

I'm just astonished how director picked up actors, this is the best ever combination of actors you can come across in such topic! Story although is not something special, but if you had similar experience in your life, you'll appreciate the way it's presented in here. I do understand main character feelings very well, and this is the actual life in a nutshell, simple, hurtful, temporal, you have to accept it and move on.

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