Roman Gorodeckij

1 follower

London, United Kingdom

Double Dragon

Sweet baby Jesus! That may be the most 90s and ridiculous movie you can come across. It's quite the trainwreck to behold. I'd say it's one of the worst video game movies, but at least it's soo bugnuts it has weird charm TO THE MAXXXX!!!

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@jekyl6669 mortal combat 2 been way worser

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Double Dragon

What the hell was this embarrassment ?

Pure chaotic and not in a good way. It fails at being a movie.

There even put a Double Dragon arcade machine in the background. Like, you guys aren't honoring the brand, just disrespecting it.

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@bradym03 This is pure classic. I don't know in which year you're watching this but this is my top2 favorite movie after TMNT 1. Check wired article about this movie, this is one of the punk classics, nice movie for teen with great utopian universe.

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Paper Towns

Friendzone is real, if don't believe me, watch this movie.

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@sebastienfaune almost the story of my life actually :) But at least she invited him to join. Things there were doing together means much more than just loving each other, loves comes from achieving things together.

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The Man in the High Castle

Can I give my one big (spoiler free) pet peeve about this show? I mean, they've been demonstrating how superior the German technology would be, with supersonic jets and more efficient subways scooting across Brooklyn, but why is everyone able to dial long-distance calls so easily? It is still the 1960's, and I cringe when someone in New York picks up the phone and dials directly to what is basically another country in San Francisco, across the entire Neutral Zone.

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Well direct line did existed even back then, of course only for government institutions :) I recall couple of calls from motel or whatsoever, they never actually showed waiting scene, usually just picking up phone on the other line.. so we haven't seen anything like waiting from both ends even once :) so.. i'd say your guess is a bit incorrect.. we can't state anything from this kind of video editing which takes away understand how much time someone waited on the phone to connect :)

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

After completing the whole show: I'm surprised by how much I liked it.
I really adored the first half of the first season. With the second half of season 1 coming out. The overabundance of feminism jumps out more into your face which is not inherently bad, but a little bit invasive. Sometimes feeling a little bit forced. Despite that, the second half sets the bar even higher than the first part.
First half of season two slightly drops in quality as they are trying to shove in a few too many songs. But it looks interesting as to how they are incorporating other faiths into the series. And I really love the part about two Sabrinas . The second half of the second season is something of a mixed bag for me. While I love the beginning, I felt that towards the end it felt a little bit rushed. The story concludes fine, while a little bit unfulfilling. I would have loved to see a Morningstar/Spellman reunion, rather than Nick following her into the afterlife.

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@chickenduy my exact point netflix indoctrinating their western values into each tv series even if it doesn't make sense in that environment.

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The Half of It

I’m on Japanese Netflix and this pop-up, thought would be some deep good stuff like most Asian production, but no, it’s just wanna-be-deep movie. Indeed, the best thing in this movie is her father who really understand life. Pretty much all other characters are dump as shoe, read few books and they can’t express their feelings, tone of the voices are so not sincere it’s even sad. It’s difficult even to understand what point director even wanted to present for the viewer. Paul and Elle didn’t get any connection actually, Elle was ignorant up till the end, no sign of love or appreciation. Paul is like a caveman, no manners, no culture, straightforward as a railroad. What should’ve been learn in here? Idk

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@spookynight it’s might be cultural differences. I’ve travelled a bit of world through my life, though it’s not USA, usually staying in place for a month or so to feel everyday routine. Well I’ve never seen such simplicity in people, in my culture people like Paul are considered social akward and this movie shows pretty all his school mates like this. Ellie seems to me the only social person in here :) and that cliche with students, are they really like this in real life, popular girls which hates other girls, sport guys who doesn’t see anything beside sex and sport... I though this should be gone in current society since like end of 80s. At least in my school everything was lot different. So it’s hard to even understand this movie.. situations are just so simple that it feels like lack Scenarist had no fantasy at all, Ellie part drawing on the wall was probably best of the best scenes also as when father talked to Paul in Chinese. rest is seems to me like.. let’s make this person smart,, and that person a swag, and this person simple.. and we’ve got mix of badly designed personalities.

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