Dog Watching TV



Formula 1: Drive to Survive

I know you are trying to market F1 to an American audience, but you might want to tone it down on the sound effects. The over the top fake sounds don't happen it the race… at all. When a piece of carbon fibre wing hits the ground 30 feet from the camera it dose sot make a 'thud'.

Good visuals, silly sounds.

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Twisted Metal

If you expect a tv show focused around car combat look elswhere. This one is filled with rushed backstories, unlikable characters, and an absolute degenerate drvthru. Cheesy Talmud inspired cliches throughout the story. My favourite being if a male and female character spend more than 1 episode together they MUST have sex.

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I think this is a TV show for cell phones. I tried to watch it on a TV and it did not get the same effect. It needs to me watched with a noise dampening headset. Interesting way to tell a story,

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Don't listen to the people that say this is traditional trek. It is marvel inspired garbage. Television is essentially a play on a stage that is filmed. Can this show be put on a stage? NO, it relies heavily on cheesy special effects and rarely are the actors even in the same room. TOS had a conflict and the camera stayed in the room, you seen the reactions of characters and see how the. conflict affected them and how the conflict played out. In SNW character says some cheesy one liner, cut to CGI, repeat. Conflicts are solved with ridiculous computer animation that don't fit in with the time period. Also, the crew is already known thanks to The Cage, why do they need to change the crew?
If you think this is good you need to watch more trek. A lot more (just not Discovery that is just as bad as this garbage).

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Despite having more barbs than a fence at Eagle Pass Seth still refuses to make jokes about certain groups.

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The Walking Dead: Dead City

We wuz sheriffs n sheeeit. Hard pass.

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Dead Ringers

David Cronenberg is rolling in his grave

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Resident Evil

It is not very often I abandon a series, and it extremely race to abandon one mid episode. This show is complete trash.
They show the 'main character' in the future right at the start. Which means any scene with action the character survives. That killed the suspense.
Speaking of the future, this character has gadgets that still work 12 years after the fall of man? Not made in China I assume. Nor were they made by a person without a prefrontal cortex.

When they arrived at the house and the main started shouting racist shit I had to stop. It reminded me of that video of the black girl stopping her car on the boulevard, getting out of the driver seat, and walking away as the car drove into oncoming traffic. That is essentially the entire show.

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Raised by Wolves

This has to be the worst TV show I have ever witnessed. There is not even a close second. I tapped out at ~15min in. There is no way to redeem the first 15 mins.

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Space Force

When do the jokes start?

This is like the worst of reddit make into a TV show.

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Hudson & Rex

This show needs more Rex and a lot less Hudson.

There are many ways to progress a plot and the writers here chose the laziest way possible. The dialogue explains every action to the viewer as if they were blind and listening to a descriptive audio track. Stale lines delivered back and forth with the exact words to progress the plot.

Do you really need to explain to the viewer that the Police have a facial recognition program? The Police use Stingray's and microwave (not the appliance) to surveil people. I HOPE they have some kind of database of faces.

Having grown up on Canadian TV I am used to this from CTV, Moses would never release a show this bad.

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