Dog Watching TV



The Boys: 4x01 Department of Dirty Tricks

This is the most out of touch with reality political nut job show out there. Did they source the most unhinged reddit subreddits for material? Why is everyone gay?

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@drkickflip13 Check my history I don't watch capshit, nor am I even American. American TV has become so unwatchable the last few years. It would appear to be planned that way to get people out of their sofa and into the real world. The real world being the opposite of your echo chamber subbreddits.

are you rooting for this character

The fucking hubris. These people ARE NOT REAL. They are actors. If you are 'rooting' for a imaginary character in a tv show/movie/book it reveals your are easily manipulated and emotionally weak. I started watching this show for to be told a story. It is degraded it self to be some topical political show with the WORST takes possible.

worlds smartest person
show me
clicks tongue
proceeds to insult someone because wymen are strong!!!

Not very intelligent.

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Star Trek: Short Treks: 2x02 The Trouble with Edward

Any TOS devotee will instantly recognize what this "Short Trek" involves, but, as a rather hilarious origin (in the ST Universe) story, I hereby certify it as 100% FRESH!

And for those who may not recognize...... All hail CAPTAIN Alita, (Tribble) Battle Angel! And be sure to stick around for the "commercial" at the end. It's pregnant with FLAVOR! (ewwwww)

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Phlox had Tribbles in Star Trek Enterprise 100 years before this episode

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Ted Lasso: 3x10 International Break

The show is getting completely unbearable. Half the scenes have a soft piano playing in the background when one would expect to find a good moral lesson instead the show shoves degeneracy in people's faces.
To complete the socially woke read and creatively broke theme they had russia-phobic scene. Complete with an African man showing a Russian how adore works. I'm glad I gave up halfway through the episode because the ending sounds great ridiculous.

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I’m a Russian and I felt they were too soft on him. Russian oligarchs deserve to be shown the door, stop with this “Russophobic.” bullshit. Or maybe not supporting warmongering nation is woke too?

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Last time I was in St. Petersburg Russians knew how to operate door knobs. I don't recall seeing door knobs on any of the mud huts in Africa

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

Character A is incapacitated. Character B revives Character A just in time to save Character B from imprisonment. Yawn. Such amateur writing no wonder every episode gets reddit gold. This weeks mega villain eats meat. So he must die.

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@htpcmac except character A never saved character B from imprisonment. the villain must die cause he's a pedophile who beats children did you even watch the episode

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The TV show is modelled after the video game, which I admit I haven't played. I have played enough video games to realize that the player most control both character A and character B when they are separated. Thus the player would be paying as character A and escaping without the need of character B. It still does not disprove my point.
How the hell can a little girl kill you if she's in a cage? Oh that's right you got a let her out of the cage to progress the plot. This TV show is so horrible you must literally be is brain dead is John Fetterman to believe this plot line.

guy is a pedo
I'm sure half the cast, and most of the production team are pedophiles.

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South Park: 24x02 South ParQ Vaccination Special

Remember when SP used to be topical about news that was less than 48 hours old? I guess this is for the fools in the Rona Cult as the jokes are stale and the situation unrealistic… who the hell would line up for a vaccination?

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@ssonick I know, can you imagine people getting two or three of these things? I get Matt and Trey were right about one thing. Everyone has AIDS. Well vAIDS.

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South Park: 24x02 South ParQ Vaccination Special

Remember when SP used to be topical about news that was less than 48 hours old? I guess this is for the fools in the Rona Cult as the jokes are stale and the situation unrealistic… who the hell would line up for a vaccination?

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NPC scanned my comment and assessed it a buzzword. Beep Boop Piss Off.

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Cobra Kai: 1x03 Esqueleto

Can't stand the fat pity. "I'd choose sexy if I could too". Good news… diet and exercise will get you there. Nothing is going to get handed to you in life. You have to work hard to get results. Isn't that what the dojo is teaching people?

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@claudiaihdz They are joining a dojo to change who they are, to shape and define themselves, to set building blocks that will take them higher in life. Making healthy choices is the first start. There is nothing healthy about being fat. People can 'bully' people into being vaccinated for he good of everyone else, the same applies to healthy eating. It affects more than just one person, it affects the whole community.

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Humans: 1x05 Episode 5

I can't stand Laura. What I don't know, is if it's the actress or the character. Either way, she's obscenely obnoxious and makes everything about her.

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@d2dyno She is a lawyer who was too busy to be home to raise a family, so the family got a synth. However, she is rarely shown working and is always home to have some emotional insanity scene. They definitely ruined the Inger character.

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