


Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x10 Game Night

"Every time someone steps up and says who they are the world becomes a better, more interesting place, so thank you." <3<3<3

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

My expectations were low, but still I somehow managed to be disappointed. Funny how that works!

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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Enjoyable but not as exciting as I expected it to be, though I would probably have loved it in book form as a preteen.

My issue is mainly how the "romance" feel so terribly forced and unrealistic, I seriously have a harder time believing in their relationship than the fantasy elements. If they simply just had to have it in there, they could have left it before the whole business with "im going to spend years travelling through time and even join the army all for a girl i met like a week ago".... It pretty much just ruined the whole thing for me, not even preteen me would be satisfied with that.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

This was......... weirdly written.......... Somehow the characters you have never seen before get better emotional scenes than the ones you have. Holdo, who?

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Shout by Louise
BlockedParent2021-12-27T10:42:52Z— updated 2022-01-13T13:34:01Z

Will your family really accept you for you? Those who visibly cannot conform to their family's expectations are rejected and the rest run themselves ragged trying to hide their perceived flaws from each other. I could go on forever on how Encanto uses the magic powers as metaphors for the generational pressure/family dynamics, and wow if it didn't hit hard!

Visually beautiful, interesting characters and great songs. Unfortunately parts of it are too reminiscent of other recent Disney animations for it to truly stand out. EDIT: I do think a second watch brings out the absolute best of the story (raised my score from 8 to 9) but really shouldn't have been necessary.

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Violet Evergarden: 1x09 Episode 9

This felt like a final episode and honestly I wouldn't be mad if it had been. A very good not-ending!

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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

I kept thinking about how I should go back and write a warning on this for fellow lgbt people, so here I am. There's a lot of homophobic jokes/themes in this drama (towards mlm), so please be careful if this gets to you. I really tried to continue watching this (because yes, strong woman!!) all while hoping it was a one time thing but it wasn't.

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His Dark Materials: 1x06 The Daemon-Cages

So intense! The fight sequence was probably my favorite part, and that's rare coming from me! And I must also give kudos to the animators on Serafina's flight/movement because it's really something else

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Violet Evergarden: 1x10 Episode 10

Shout by Louise
BlockedParent2018-03-23T13:12:00Z— updated 2018-04-01T12:41:58Z

them: *makes a child the main character of the episode*
me: *5 minutes in and already crying*

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x07 Crosshairs

Billy Russo with a hidden blade, looking forward to him scaling buildings next episode!

And that femdom tho......

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I was more touched as a pet owner than a meat eater, so moral of the story? Don't kill other people's pets.

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Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey

I was excited for this one due to the gorgeous costumes/set design and diversity, but it's also much more than that! The musical numbers were delightful, especially combined with the costuming.

The premise of magic and wonder stands out to me here, because rather than the traditional fantasy that you'd expect it's the beauty of math and engineering (and with a female main character at that). It was really interesting to see, because math is often depicted as "stuffy" and definitely not creative even if advanced math does need a lot of imagination. Truly made me wish I didn't let go of math when I was younger.

You can really tell a lot of love and effort was put into this movie!

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His Dark Materials: 1x05 The Lost Boy

Big fans of the book might dislike introducing elements from book 2 this early but I love it! I've only read the books once and I remember Will's introduction really caught me off guard (not in a good way), I'm glad they're mixing things up

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x06 The Judas Goat

wow that sure was a surprise! or not at all

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Violet Evergarden: 1x12 Episode 12
Hunter x Hunter: 2x126 Zero x And x Rose

i swear have seen this scene 4-5 times but i still get chills every time

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A Boy Called Christmas

Enjoyable and pretty, but unfortunately this a great example of writers who never learned how to kill their darlings. There's just too many components (characters, subplots, tropes, settings, etc etc) with too little focus on any of them! Of course, this excludes the mouse who ended up the best character.

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Jane the Virgin: 1x14 Chapter Fourteen

I love Petra so much??

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Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku

While I'm very iffy about fujoshi themes, the rest was just so much fun I couldn't stop watching. I really liked their casual and relatable depiction of (adult) relationships!

I do wish there had been time for more Naoya/Kou content tho :(

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 2x13 AKA Playland

The writers for the different Marvel Netflix series sure has a thing for completely destroying relationships, and for what? drama? bringing in new characters? making up for the fact they can't kill off main characters? It's just ridiculous at this point.

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Sex Education: 1x04 Episode 4

This was a pretty good episode, but also, hearing your own language in an English show is WILD

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x05 The Bent-Neck Lady

Oh Nellie, poor dear Nellie :(

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The Christmas Chronicles

A modern, but magical Christmas movie. It's very enjoyable, but nothing new. Personally, many themes and settings reminded me of Rise of the Guardians (which I prefer), but there's joy in familiarity as well.

Note that I'm not a fan of when Santa is written as kind of mean just to seem "modern", the lines about Santa's weight are never necessary and just gives it a bad vibe. Wish they had skipped them as it just feels so out of place, there are other ways to make a family movie relatable to adult viewers.

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Hunter x Hunter: 2x135 This Person x And x This Moment

Shout by Louise

It doesn't matter how many times I watch this episode, I'm still crying my eyes out every single time.

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Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku

This movie begins with a work presentation about women playing golf (presented by someone who didn't know he was going to present it). Yes, that's how this romantic musical about nerdy adults begin. You'd think it's a just bit that they quickly move past, but it just keeps going. It's the strangest start of a movie I've ever experienced and I do kind of wish they had committed to it. It would be right at home in a "so bad it's good" movie which unfortunately does not apply to this one whatsoever.

I did go into this expecting a mediocre musical, but got something that chose to focus on a "is it cheating?" storyline rather than what actually made the original story interesting. Some things might be better appreciated by a Japanese audience that have personal experience with it (such as the Nico Nico Douga comment system), but it still remains....not good.

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Mystic Pop-up Bar

This drama exceeded my expectations for sure! Honestly, would have been a 10 for me if it wasn't for that one obligatory homophobic gag in the first half lmao. On another note, I absolutely adore the way the writer(s) created a love triangle/square that only existed for the viewers and not the characters themselves, it was very well done.

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This series was exactly what I wanted. I like fiction that tackles serious issues, but tv shows that do this are often so dark and grisly to play on how terrible it is. Sure, there is a merit to that kind of thing, but I want things looking up! I want a happy end and I want to know that happy end is coming! I don't get into fiction to feel even worse, if I want a super realistic account of terrible real world issues I'd read a biography.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Shout by Louise

Prediction for the final episode: No one sits on the iron throne because everyone (except Arya probably) in all of Westeros are dead.

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To All the Boys I've Loved Before

They're so cute and I love them??? and man...I wish there was a girl that wrote me secret love letters

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My Hero Academia: 3x01 Game Start

Filler/Recap episode with a few plot relevant things in the after credits scene. Some information might be new for people who only watch the anime, but as a manga reader I'm not sure.

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