

Nerd Academy


Season Scores:
1 - 7.5 / 2 - 7.6 / 3 - 8 / 4 - 7.8 / 5 - 7.9 / 6 - 6 / 7 - 8.2 / 8 - 6.6 / 9 - 7.6 / 10 - 8.7

Average Total: 7.59

The one that's not for everyone. In pop culture, there is the saying you are either a Elvis fan or a Beatles fan. That statement was adapted in the late 90's to, you're either a Friends fan or a Seinfeld fan. Now I don't personally buy into neither ethos, I understand the logic behind it. There is a frame-of-mind compatibility when it comes to Friends. If you are looking for simple turn off your brain humor it'll work perfectly, whereas comedy with complexity and nuisance is what you're looking for, look elsewhere. in my opinion, is it the best show in the world? No. Is it even the best sitcom ever? No. But it's fun as hell and I do enjoy it very much.

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2022-09-14T00:47:54Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:57:36Z

Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 3/10
Acting- 5.5/10
Kinematography- 8.5/10
Time- 2.5/10
Total - 29/5 = 5.8

Up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's.... an animation pioneer. There is a reason people who have seen these theatrical shorts, tout them so strongly. Visually, few animated pieces to this day compare to these shorts. They almost look like oil paintings come to life they are so beautiful. It's not without its flaws though. The visuals and the length hide the simple stories quite well in the Fleischer Studios shorts, the same can't be said for the remaining Famous Studios'. WWII propaganda plagued four of the episodes with some casual racism sprinkled on (Jungle Drums... Dear Lord). Lois' behavior really hindered me on some of the episodes. She was abhorrently selfish to the point of making the situation worse to advance her career because she knew Superman would save her. But when a story worked, it worked wonderfully and is recommended.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Showdown
2. The Mad Scientist
3. Mechanical Monsters

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That '70s Show

Season Scores:
1 -8 / 2 -7.7 / 3 -7.4 / 4 -7.8 / 5 -7.3 / 6 -7.6 / 7 -6.7 / 8 -5.3
Average Total: 7.23

That great teen sitcom. Despite itself this show is a great watch. I do believe this show should have ended at season 6, with graduation ending season 5 leading into a 'season of self discovery' with the each member of the group discovering what they wanna do with the rest of there lives and have one final hoorah before going their separate ways as high school friends often do after graduation. Regardless, they seemingly were pot-committed run the show until it could literally no longer be 'That '70s Show'. The show did suffer a bit for that, especially the final season, but overall it's a fun time.

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Clone High
WHIH Newsfront

Season Scores:
1 - 5.6 / 2 - 3.6

Average Total: 4.6

Top story tonight... the MCU should give this another try on Disney+. This is the fluff between cracks. Though I would prefer they make more one-shots having regular news specials to compliment the movies and series would be fun and have details that weren't needed at the time but are added context for hardcore fans. While I didn't care a lot about this, it was manly because I actually felt they were too short at times and they hadn't found their groove yet. Also, this got me thinking that Sony complexities aside, having J. Jonah's Infowars-styled Daily Bugle also as a recurring show or even podcast would be spectacular.

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Trailer Park Boys: Out of the Park

Season Scores:
1 - 8.3 / 2 - 6.3

==Average Total: =7.3=

An interesting non-consequential spinoff. If you're a TPB fan you'll likely enjoy, if you're not... WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE? Seriously, unless you like the core show, don't bother. Otherwise sit-back and turn your brain off and enjoy.

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History of the Sitcom

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 9/10
Time- 7/10
Total - 42/5 = 8.4

As a rule of thumb, if I see a pop culture documentary, I will get around to watching it. 'History of the Sitcom' played a little differently than I thought. Rather than playing more linear in its entirety, it was more categorical. Each episode focused on a type or subsect of sitcom and from there played out a bit more chronologically. This worked out better, it didn't have to drag through the mud of the pre-Norman Lear days and helped with the pacing overall. A lot of folks from the sitcom world were interviewed which added a bit of legitimacy and validation to the whole thing. So far has been my first CNN docuseries, won't be my last.

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Mrs Brown's Boys

Season Scores (So Far):
1 -8.7 / 2 -8.7 / 3 -8.2 / 4 -9.4
Average Total: 8.75

Say Hello to the Queen of Dublin town. Mrs. Brown's Boys is an inexplicable favorite of mine. I'm usually not a fan of the man dressing as an old woman character schtick but I like Mrs. Brown. I don't usually laugh aloud at comedies I watch but I did watching this show. It defies what I typically enjoy and for that I'm grateful. This show is not critically great and I recognize that, but what it is - is fun. For less than three hours a series, I can't possibly complain. It may not resonate with everyone, in fact, I know it won't. But it's worth an hour's investment to see for yourself. Long may she reign.

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The Big Conn

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 5/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 5/10
Total - 35/5 = 7

He gets the job done, that's Eric C. Conn. That line can be heard at the top of episode 3 in a commercial and it can be heard in my dreams somewhere amongst the recurring nightmares of my youth. This doc plays pretty close to home for me and they are not overplaying the gravitas and celebrification of an attorney from Eastern KY. They covered everything in here some I didn't know and some I was watching unfold in real-time and it's quite weird to experience that in retrospect. For those who are watching this with a fresh pair of eyes, the appeal may not be there. But unlike some docuseries, The Big Conn doesn't try to waste my time and hits me with everything I need without feeling repetitive. An interesting look at a fascinating guy.

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Star Trek
Spider-Man: The Animated Series

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2022-12-18T22:39:16Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:49:17Z

Season Scores:
1 -7.2 / 2 -6.7 / 3 -7/4-6.1/5-8
Average Total: 7

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Radioactive Spider-Man. The first great adaptation of Spidey off the pages of the comic books came in the form of a Saturday Morning Cartoon on Fox Kids. This along with its X-Men companion show offered something not common in animation, long-form storytelling.

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2022-11-04T14:15:17Z— updated 2023-10-29T20:59:19Z

Season Scores:
1 -3.3 / 2 -3.4 / 3 -2.1
Average Total: 2.93

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. If I skipped and ignored, extra time would be my reward. I watched this in hopes of something close to Max Fleischer's Superman and what I got was disappointment. It wasn't necessarily unexpected, quantity over quality was often a motto in television, especially animated television. If you want to peek into this show I highly recommend dabble not dawdle. I've left some recommended episodes in the season comments, but honestly stay away from Season 3. This show ended in a whimper of a whisper. But hey, at least we got a catchy theme song and a meme out of it, soooo yeah there's that.

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