

Nerd Academy

Spirited Away

Theme- 10/10
Rewatchibility- 10/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 10/10
Total - 49.5/5 = 9.9

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T16:06:34Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:41:46Z

Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 8.5/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 42.5/5 = 8.5

Peter says that being Spider-Man is his gift and his curse. I would say that is as true for Tobey Maguire as well. A gift in that this movie became a foundational pillar in which the superhero genre was built after a nearly fatal shot by Batman & Robin in '98 and his legacy as an actor is cemented. A curse in that after this performance, no matter what Tobey does, Spider-Man will always be hanging over his shoulder. That is a testament to the performance itself which is great. While I believe that there's been better Spider-Man's since then and despite him being in his late 20's in high school there has yet to be a better Peter Parker than the one here in the Raimi trilogy. The only complaint I've ever really had about the movie is why anyone would cover Willem Dafoe's face as the Goblin is beyond my comprehension. Other than that, this is always a fun rewatch and a great way to introduce someone to the Human-Spider.

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Inglourious Basterds

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T16:05:08Z— updated 2024-02-12T13:58:03Z

Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 6.5/10
Acting- 9/10
Kinematography- 8.5/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 40.5/5 = 8.1

We're gonna be doin' one thing and one thing only... killin' Nazis. A very simple concept with the delivery that Tarantino does best, bloody, loud, intense, & engaging. I didn't anticipate where the movie went which is a great feeling not all movies can afford you. It's been said many times before but bears repeating, Christoph Waltz plays what I believe is one of the greatest cinematic villains of all time. Waltz's Hans Landa character is a Nazi who watched The Lorax and answered the Once-Ler's lyrical question by becoming the Jew Hunter. Brad Pitt fit like a glove in a Tarantino movie. Laurent & Kruger also provided noteworthy performances. Tarantino checking off war genre off the bucket list and I'm here for it.

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Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T16:01:07Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:43:25Z

Theme- 2/10
Rewatchibility- 1.5/10
Acting- 5/10
Kinematography- 4/10
Time- 5/10
Total - 17.5/5 = 3.5

"Destroy Superman!" The cardinal objective was spoken many times in this movie and it achieved just that. I try to keep these comments positive when I can because I feel the whole point of entertainment is to enjoy it. But from time to time someone comes around and just slaps you in the face with a dead fish and you realize there is just no sugar-coating the situation. Superman IV is that dead fish. I honestly don't know if there is a single redeeming quality and if there is you'll forget as soon as you see Nuclear Man, the villain, fly to the moon with Lacy as a hostage with no suit, no air supply, no nothing. I know it's pretend, but that moment encapsulated my feelings about the movie in its entirety. This is ridiculous in the worst ways possible. I know Christopher Reeve saw potential with the plot, all four movies started with that same potential, but this movie just sucks.

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Death Proof

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:57:08Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:46:40Z

Theme- 5.5/10
Rewatchibility- 4/10
Acting- 6.5/10
Kinematography- 8.5/10
Time- 6/10
Total - 30.5/5 = 6.1

Grindhouse presents Quentin Tarantino's homage to exploitation films. In regards to making a film look like a B-movie, he nailed it. I like the overall aesthetic and it makes me wish I could go back and watch the Grindhouse double feature in theaters because the atmosphere would have just been great. I'm not sure if it's the pacing or the lack of time to properly invest in any of the characters including Stuntman Mike, I never felt myself sinking my teeth into this until the last 15 minutes which contains about 80% of the action/thriller elements the genre suggests. The acting was fine and I enjoyed everyone in it enough. But I suppose when you intentionally make a B-level movie, you can't ask or expect A-level quality. Fun for a watch or two, but not the best of Tarantino.

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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:53:40Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:47:59Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 8.5/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 39.5/5 = 7.9

How on Earth can they save the future? Whales... two whales. That's what this movie has to work with, it's not a spoiler but it certainly is convoluted. Despite that, however, this movie clicks. As I sit here and think on it too, this may be my favorite Star Trek movie I've seen. It has a nice blend of heart and humor, it has stakes, and it even has a bit of environmental commentary to boot. The entire crew is top-notch here and Bones may perhaps have some of the best lines in this whole thing. While I can get behind heavy dramatic outings for Trek like Wrath and some of the great TOS episodes, it's when the franchise decides to let loose and have fun that I tend to enjoy myself more and want to return and give it another watch. While this is technically the finale of a three-film story arc, it does suffice as a standalone if one so chooses and one should.

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Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:52:13Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:00:38Z

Theme- 7/10
Rewatchibility- 6/10
Acting- 7.5/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 8/10
Total - 35.5/5 = 7.1

The Search for reasons to make A Voyage Home. That seems to be the driving force here. Let's place all the players where they need to be to tell the story we want to tell. That's not to say this movie's bad because I don't think it is. I would say the best adjective would be serviceable, I would go further to say enjoyable. 'Search' is a story driven by love as opposed to revenge like 'Wrath', allowing for a completely different feel while you watch along. Those Klingon bastards make for a familiar yet at the same time new & different foe to deal with. This was the first Nimoy-directed film as well and that will give him ample time to get his feet wet before his second going. Put 'Search' up against the best that 'TOS' has to offer and it would stand up entirely on its own, place it within the trilogy of '2,3, & 4' and they're in a league entirely on their own.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:50:07Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:00:53Z

Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 8/10
Total - 44/5 = 8.8

Revenge is a dish best served cold and in two parts I guess. Come on now I need my 'Whole Bloody Affair' cut already. I'm not quite sure what it is about both halves of Kill Bill, but I love them. What I will try to articulate though is that while I love 'Vol. 2', there are moments that make '2' feel lesser than '1'. That's likely due to cutting a movie in half and having to present them separately when that was not the original intention. That being said, it holds its own. Quentin has a great ability of knowing to create tension and the whole movie is littered with it but none greater than the final confrontation with Bill. Don't think that's a spoiler, check the title... I believe we all know what's gonna happen.

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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:48:47Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:50:40Z

Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 7.5/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 40/5 = 8

At the end of the universe lies the beginning of the first great Star Trek movie. Finally, this was what I wanted, this is what I knew a Star Trek movie could be. I was so happy to see that it lived up to the hype. After watching and overall enjoying the Original Series for the first time, not all that long ago, I found myself optimistic about what the movies would be like. While '1' disappointed me in the slowest way possible, '2' rejuvenated my hope for something better. You can skip the first movie if you want and a vast majority of episodes from the series I would advise passing for all but the most fastidious of completionists. But getting in the greatest hits of the show, including 'Space Seed', and then 'Wrath' I feel are necessities to any sci-fi starter pack and I'm disappointed it took me this long to get to it. Does it still have issues? Yes. Were they enough to complain about? No. May the space fiction staple continue to live long and prosper.

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South Park: Season 2

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:45:25Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:11:05Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 4/10
Acting- 8.5/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 4/10
Total - 31.5/5 = 6.3

Chaos continues to build in Colorado. Season 2 continues to ramp up the volume of its brand of storytelling. I do feel like the priority of the show remains to be shocking and on the fringe of absurdity. It's very hit-or-miss with me this season. It comes down to personal taste. We're still a bit away from the point where Matt, Trey, & co. were batting a thousand, even still it's fun to watch the show actively evolve into that era.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Chickenpox
2. Spookyfish
3. Gnomes

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Smallville: Season 6

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:38:40Z— updated 2024-05-06T00:53:14Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 5/10
Acting- 8.5/10
Kinematography- 8/10
Time- 5/10
Total - 34.5/5 = 6.9

"I've been waiting for you." This season, just like the last, suffers from the 22-episode order that network television often gets. Introducing Oliver Queen was welcomed and gave Lois an added layer. The Justice League precursor episode was mint. But once again the romantic misadventures of Lana Lang really dampened the season. It's not Kristin for the record, it's the writing. The Phantom Zone prisoners' angle should have played a bigger role than it did and Zod is always a difficult character to do. Weakest season so far, hope it finds its place.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Justice
2. Phantom
3. Nemesis

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Smallville: Season 5

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:37:09Z— updated 2024-05-06T00:00:46Z

Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 5.5/10
Acting- 8.5/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 5.5/10
Total - 35.5/5 = 7.1

"Just stay, stay c'mon." The path to enlightenment begins with a single death... or something like that. Season 5 struggles with where it wants to go. The clear next step after high school is college in Metropolis and we get that. But we're still anchored to Smallville as if it were the titular restraint keeping the show from moving on. The warm reception to Bart last season gives us more of that to chew on which is always nice. Erica Durance has been bumped up from recurring to regular which is great even though we're in this weird place with Clark, Lana, and Lex which puts Lois in a limbo Chloe-state. This is the first season where the relationship drama part of this show really affected my viewing experience. There is a lot to like this season, but the romance doesn't take a back seat in this one and hurts the show.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Reckoning
2. Arrival
3. Aqua

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Smallville: Season 4

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:36:52Z— updated 2024-05-06T00:00:36Z

Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 6.5/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 6/10
Total - 38/5 = 7.6

"I don't care how you do it." When we needed to find a way to keep the show from circling down the drain of repetition, enter Lois Lane, it may not be apparent here but this move is everything the show needed. The Clark/Lana relationship is still at the forefront here and that's fine but we know where this Kryptonian ship is headed and it ain't Lang. This season has a lot of moving parts; from senior year, Bart Allen, Krypto, Lionel, Lois, and of course Jason Teague. I am a Jensen Ackles fan, and I enjoyed watching him pre-Supernatural here, but everything with Teague and Lana feels a bit hinky. It's a small quirk that gets added to the pile of complaints that never really bothers me enough to affect the viewing experience.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Run
2. Commencement
3. Crusade

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Smallville: Season 3

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T03:47:53Z— updated 2024-05-05T22:20:19Z

Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 6/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 5.5/10
Total - 37.5/5 = 7.5

"Somebody save me!" Keep pushing is the motto of this season. Gough & Millar were definitely pushing against an anti-superhero wall while making this show. Season 1 was barebones of what a Superman origin show could be. Season 2 began to press more on the alien side of his origins. This one continues that while also adding other comic book elements. Red Kryptonite, Perry White, & Supergirl (sorta) are examples of them trying to press further into established lore in a world trapped in the DC dark ages between Batman & Robin and Batman Begins. Most of the season consists of fallout episodes from the previous two seasons, which can be hit or miss. Christopher Reeve's continued participation in the show right before his passing was beyond fanfare, it's respect in the highest regard for him and his contribution to Superman. Let's move forth to the fourth.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Shattered
2. Crisis
3. Memoria

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Smallville: Season 2

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T03:46:24Z— updated 2024-05-05T22:20:06Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 6/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 6/10
Total - 37/5 = 7.4

"Let your warm hands break right through." The momentum of Smallville continues here with season 2. They are beginning to walk away from the weekly meteor-affected villains to more unique minor stories with a stronger season-long focus on Clark's origins. Lionel becoming a series regular is exactly what this show needed. John Glover is spectacular every time he graces us with his presence. Christopher Reeve's participation also adds so much to the show's legitimacy. While I did prefer the format of season 1, I can't argue with the expansion of the Superman mythos that we are beginning to get.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Ryan
2. Rosetta
3. Vortex

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 1

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T03:40:35Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:02:56Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 3.5/10
Acting- 7/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 6/10
Total - 32/5 = 6.4

And so it begins. The Next Generation I would say starts with a season that for my tastes is nearly as good as the best season of the original series. Nothing that particularly stands out but is mostly consistent in its performance. Wesley is a little challenging to like, though I would say most of the characters challenged me in the likability department. I do find the use of the holodeck in place of 'We've found a planet like Earth' cliche a vast improvement and I see potential in what is to come from this series. I hope it to make a Trekkie of me before I'm done.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. Home Soil
2. Coming of Age
3. Conspiracy

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Dr. No

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-01T14:39:10Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:52:59Z

Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8.5/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 9/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 42.5/5 = 8.5

World domination, the same old story. Our theaters are full of films that think they're 007... or Bond. It took me a ludicrous amount of time to finally watch a James Bond film. I couldn't bring myself to watch the Craig movies until I'd at least watched the Connery ones and yet I procrastinated. Now that we're over that hump, I gotta say that it lives up to the hype. There is always a concern going back and watching older movies and seeing the lack of kindness the years have given. There are moments of that in here as well such as the titular villain's ethnicity not matching the actor's and the result of Bond's sexual appetite bordering on controversial or even criminal at times. What I will say is none that seems to stick out all that much, you may be aware of it but the movie doesn't hang around long enough to be a point of contention. I reckon it's not the best Bond movie, in fact I know it's not, it is a great start to a long and storied franchise.

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The Wizard of Oz

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-06-30T02:25:54Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:05:13Z

Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8.5/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 45/5 = 9

Nearing a full century, The Wizard of Oz defines the word timeless. Every time I come back to this movie, I'm flabbergasted at how well it holds up. Thinking back, this was the movie that may have broken my aversion to black and white movies and television that frequently occupied our TV in my youth. I still would begrudgingly wait for her to step through the door into the colorful world of Oz. Even then I knew that it was that contrast between the two worlds that made it so special when we did arrive in Oz and upon our return to black and white Kansas there wasn't any of that vitriol for the monochrome world that we live in. I suppose that if you don't like musicals, the movie likely won't agree with you. Otherwise, if you've never watched or you haven't since you were young, give 'The Mighty Miracle Show of 100 Delights!' a whirl.

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The Last of Us: Season 1

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-06-27T03:45:19Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:08:21Z

Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 10/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 49/5 = 9.8

A video game masterpiece from Naughty Dog is adapted into an HBO series. When that premise was brought to my attention, two things entered my mind: I'm glad this is gonna be a series rather than a movie and this has a very high bar to reach. Thankfully after the first season, I can safely say..., mission accomplished. This did everything an adaptation should: hit all the major story beats and recreate some; provide positive alterations and additions; omit the filler or the content that doesn't translate across mediums; and don't alienate an audience that didn't partake in the source material. Pedro & Bella do such an amazing job as Joel and Ellie that I am both excited and dreading Season 2, the pitfalls of knowing the source material. If anything, it could have done with a touch more action and one more episode. But that's really me grasping for straws though. An absolute recommendation.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. When You're Lost in the Darkness
2. When We Are in Need
3. Long, Long Time

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Jackie Brown

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-06-25T04:00:47Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:08:54Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 8.5/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 41.5/5 = 8.3

If you had the chance to walk away with half a million dollars, would you take it? Potentially the most underrated, or at the very least, the best underviewed Tarantino flick out there. Jackie Brown begins us on the path of Quentin fulfilling desires to create certain types of film and for this one, an homage to Blaxploitation films. For starters, having 'Coffy' & 'Foxy Brown' star Pam Grier as the titular character was absolutely perfect to both solidify the genre tribute and to bring out a very believable sympathetic character to cheer for. This may also be one of my favorite Sam Jackson roles. Sprinkle in De Niro and Forster and you get A+ delivery for what I would say is a solid B movie.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-06-25T03:16:44Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:09:21Z

Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8.5/10
Acting- 9/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 8.5/10
Total - 44/5 = 8.8

That woman deserves her revenge and we deserve to watch it. I wish I could get a chance to watch The Whole Bloody Affair cut of Kill Bill because man I really enjoy it. Serving as a canvas for Quentin's desire to make a 70's kung-fu movie. Kill Bill Vol. 1 offers that up plus more. This is an amalgamation of so many genres: western; modern action; hints of noir; and even anime all wrapped up in an over-the-top martial arts Japanese-inspired drama. I can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea with the amount of blood and gore that often come with Tarantino films and the actual style can be somewhat niche. Simply on the cinematography alone though, I would say to give it a try and see if it's in your wheelhouse.

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Forrest Gump

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-06-12T01:14:23Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:09:40Z

Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 10/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 8.5/10
Total - 47.5/5 = 9.5

Life is like a box of chocolates, but Forrest Gump is more like a steak dinner. I say that because you are very likely going to fit into one of two camps: "I Love Steak!" or "I'm a Vegan." Forrest Gump is virtually the story of a guy who doesn't strive to be the center of attention but life just happens that way for him. Is it convoluted, yes quite but that's the point. With all that happens to Forrest, he is still unphased and unchanged by it and perhaps that's why these events continue to occur around him. I love the performances in this completely but I do understand that Hanks' role in particular could be seen as not aging too well or even a bit controversial. My only issue with it is the length. Two and a half hours for any movie becomes a commitment and luckily it does deliver a story that's worthy of my time.

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South Park: Season 1

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-06-09T21:31:59Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:10:08Z

Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 6.5/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 6/10
Time- 6/10
Total - 36/5 = 7.2

Howdy-ho! So it begins, the gift that keeps on giving whether you want it or not. Season 1 is pretty much everyone's interpretation of South Park if they haven't watched it: crude humor; a bit of shock imagery; and visually designed by a kid in an elementary art room. Honestly, at this time it's hard to argue against that sentiment. But episodes like 'Death' & "Starvin' Marvin" prove what this show at its best is capable of, using its crudeness as a veil for social commentary.

"Top" 5 Episodes:
1. Death
2. Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
3. Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
4. Starvin' Marvin
5. Pinkeye

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Wednesday: Season 1

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-06-09T21:25:49Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:35:40Z

Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 9/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 42.5/5 = 8.5

I don't bury hatchets... I sharpen them. In no way did I believe this show would be as sharp as it is. But I suppose if you have the showrunners from Smallville and an IP destined for a Tim Burton revision, you can make some magic. It is quite an entertaining twist on the Addams Family. There is a bit of a CW feel, albeit a bigger budget, to it but they just maybe because of Gough and Millar's style or 15 years of Supernatural has given any type of show like this that feeling. Of course, none of this would be half of what it is had it not been for the astounding performance of Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams. The Supporting actors all did a great job with a few noteworthy roles in there as well. Who knew Fred Armisen would be a great Fester? Looking forward to Season 2.

"Top" 3 Episodes:
1. A Murder of Woes
2. If You Don't Woe Me by Now
3. Woe What a Night

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The Hangover

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-04-11T13:21:13Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:38:10Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 8.5/10
Kinematography- 9/10
Time- 10/10
Total - 44.5/5 = 8.9

Hey guys, you ready to let the dogs out? Comedies are always set up to fail being arguably the most subjective genre of film. The Hangover in its premise isn't the greatest thing in the world, it's drunk Memento. But what makes Hangover work so well are the actors involved, primarily the main three; Cooper, Helms & Galifianakis. They embody those characters perfectly, feeling like extensions of their own natural dispositions and the contrast between them makes for a fun watch. Director Todd Phillips also knows how to juggle a group of characters on the screen virtually an entire movie and not lose anybody in the shuffle. Definitely deserving of at least a single watch.

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Batman: Season 3

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-02-01T03:18:34Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:39:17Z

Theme- 6/10
Rewatchibility- 0.5/10
Acting- 4/10
Kinematography- 6/10
Time- 2/10
Total - 18.5/5 = 3.7

Holy overhaul, Batgirl. That's right enter Yvonne Craig's Batgirl. If nothing else this show is responsible for creating one of the most essential characters in DC comics. Dozier tried to recover the show from falling ratings by changing things up a bit. No more Aunt Harriet, no more cliffhangers, no more Julie Newmar, these omissions weren't necessarily out of choice but are glaring omissions nonetheless. Eartha Kitt comes in as Catwoman without any explanation which is on par for this show and Kitt was fine but there is no replacing Newmar. Alfred has an increased role this season which is always appreciated and many of the returning villains do a fine enough job. However, you can just feel the wind suck out of the sails of this show at this point. There are a couple of good episodes in here but you can sum up the season based solely upon the reaction of the final episode starring Zsa Zsa Gabor.... sigh.

"Top" 3 Episodes
1. Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin
2. The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra
3. I'll Be a Mummy's Uncle

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Batman: Season 2

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-02-01T02:39:06Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:40:11Z

Theme- 7/10
Rewatchibility- 2/10
Acting- 6/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 3/10
Total - 25/5 = 5

Holy episode surplus, Batman. The series continues on, packed with nearly twice the amount of episodes as season one, and boy can you feel it. I get shows before streaming weren't made for binge-watching and reruns for that matter so this is a present-day problem but someone had to look at villains like; the Archer, the Minstrel, and Chandell and say 'Hey Bill, tone it back would you.' The actual characters themselves should not be something that is created within the same tone as the performances, not every original idea can be a King Tut. That aside, returning characters were always a fun watch, when they were reprised by the same actor... I'm looking at you, Gomez Addams. Alan Napier and Julie Newmar continue to be my favorite people to watch when they're given something to do.

"Top" 3 Episodes
1. That Darn Catwoman
2. Scat! Darn Catwoman
3. Batman's Satisfaction

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Batman: Season 1

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2022-12-19T18:07:56Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:43:28Z

Theme- 7/10
Rewatchibility- 7.5/10
Acting- 6/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 3/10
Total - 30.5/5 = 6.1

Holy Parody, Batman! Watching just a few episodes makes it abundantly clear they knew exactly what they were doing. Especially when the big villain players were involved as those actors got it. Overact, overexplain, and oversimplify are just a few common and intended words that come to mind. The two-part formula works primarily with comic-based villains. I don't envy Adam West's position of portraying the straight man to everyone else hamming it up. Aunt Harriet, with no disrespect to Madge Blake intended, is an awful character 95% of the time and, unfortunately, she was given more to do than Alfred who is a joy.

"Top" 3 Episodes
1. The Purr-Fect Crime
2. Better Luck Next Time
3. When the Rat's Away the Mice Will Play

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Star Trek: Season 3

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2022-12-19T15:18:21Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:43:50Z

Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 2/10
Acting- 5.5/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 3/10
Total - 25.5/5 = 5.1

To seek out new life and new civilizations. Pulling the plug on the show was the right call after this season despite two more being pre-programmed in the intro's monologue. It wasn't all bad but this season did provide the worst episodes of the series as well as a lot of repeated episode formulas with thinly-veiled stories. Also, my anger with Kirk in 'Requiem for Methuselah', a fairly good episode, made me realize my biggest qualm with O.S. Kirk does not behave, learn, nor adapt from the experiences of past episodes, as is the woe of episodic non-linear television.

"Top" 3 Episodes
1. The Enterprise Incident
2. The Empath
3. Is There in Truth No Beauty?

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Star Trek: Season 2

Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2022-12-19T14:59:29Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:45:22Z

Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 3.5/10
Acting- 5.5/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 4/10
Total - 27.5/5 = 5.5

Its five-year mission, to explore strange new worlds. Some consider season 2 to be the best and I suppose there is an argument to have to that point. As a whole the production was definitely better, characters were fleshed out more, and some of the O.S.'s best episodes reside here. The problem is when episodes weren't great, they were usually quite bad, not many middle-of-the-road episodes. While not having many "filler" episodes in a season is good, having strong fluctuations of good to bad is not a great sign of things to come.

"Top" 3 Episodes
1. Journey to Babel
2. The Trouble With Tribbles
3. Mirror, Mirror

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