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Omicron Persei 8

Stargate Atlantis: 3x13 Irresponsible

I find two things interesting about this episode.

First one is that in some scenes John's P90 has a flash hider attached and in others a suppressor. Which means he either has a suppresor in a pocket somewhere and he changed it around (to suit the situation) ooooooor it's a goof :D

Second one is the shield. When interacting with the "bandits" Lucius beats them all up, some lose teeth or break their arms. When Kolya interrogates Lucius he suddenly is easily grabbed and submerged in the water.
If the shield only "protects" the wearer then how come Lucius was able to inflict such damage "accidentally" on the phony bandits?
If not then why did he not overpower Kolya's men?


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Stargate Atlantis: 3x12 Echoes

"When was the last time you had a time off?"
Elizabeth seemed puzzled and did not answer, despite her having basically several months off work after coming back to Earth :D
It was like a week, maybe two, since they got back to Atlantis? Rofl

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x11 The Return (2)

Loved seeing this much of O'Neill on the screen, I miss the guy.

Also, he's looking way better than in the short time he was on-screen in SG-1 Season 9 :)

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Stargate SG-1: 10x09 Company of Thieves

Damn you, Cam Mitchell! :D

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x10 The Return (1)

MY TURTLES! :D Carson is a sweetheart.

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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

Good things: Kong and the whole storyline, fights in general
Bad things: Every human storyline is a stretch, music is a weird mesh of synth music and 80s pop songs, someone wanted to be Guardians of the Galaxy without Guardians at all.

It's a nice film to watch late Sunday evening, just before bed, nothing else.

Skull Island is still undefeated as MVP of the Monsterverse (Monarch is out there as well).

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Vicky Cristina Barcelona

The only redeeming quality of this film is Penelope Cruz cursing like a sailor :D The rest is the usual Woody Allen trash.

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Stargate SG-1: 10x08 Memento Mori

Wowza, the former Qtesh partner has a bad case of Orangefaceitis :x
Also, Vala holding the handcuffs key in her mouth after going out of the car was a BIZARRE choice. I understand the need to explain how she freed herself, but I am currently re-watching this episode on a Blu-ray and I had to pause to analyze what it is that I'm seeing. Looked like she had a huge drooling scene lol, can't imagine how this looked in SD lol.

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Stargate SG-1: 10x02 Morpheus

Malikai returns! Window of Opportunity is a helluva drug.

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Stargate SG-1: 9x17 The Scourge

Mitchell speaking Chinese is chef's kiss :D

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Stargate SG-1: 9x13 Ripple Effect

Shout by Jayowski

One hell of a rollercoaster, this episode!
Martouf! Janet! A room full of Carters :D
Alt-SG-1's plan is ridiculous, but everything else is top-notch. It's weird for me that some two-parter episodes are fillerpallooza and yet a concept like this one does not get the 2-episode treatment.

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x13 Critical Mass

This episode really could do with the instrumental version of that song...

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Stargate SG-1: 9x04 The Ties That Bind

All the Vala haters... so sweet :D

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Stargate SG-1: 8x19 Moebius (1)

Jack's Canadian accent is chef's kiss :D

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x05 Condemned

I can't be the only one that spotted the Oreo wrapper in the rubble at 00:00:45 :D

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Stargate SG-1: 8x12 Prometheus Unbound

Oh how much I missed Vala <3

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x01 Rising (1)

Lol, Weir's Simon is Narim, the Tollan that fell in love in Sam Carter :D

Halling is Pallan, from SG-1 as well :D I wonder how many actors they re-used in different roles lol

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Stargate SG-1: 6x15 Paradise Lost

Jack and Harry at it again <3

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Stargate SG-1: 5x03 Ascension

Maaaan, I wish Sean Patrick Flanery got a recurring role in SG-1 and not a one-off mid episode :(

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A Gentleman in Moscow: 1x01 A Master of Circumstance

Ewan McGregor is mesmerizing as always - with an interesting plot such as this it's a wonderful watch!

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Constellation: 1x03 Somewhere in Space Hangs My Heart

Psychotic bullshit part 3.

If this really is as obvious as parallel universes then wow, it's written/directed by a halfwit. So many holes that it does not really make sense, like at all, if tou have a half a brain at least.

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Constellation: 1x02 Live and Let Die

Psychotic bullshit continues, let's see how more disocciated we can get in ep3.

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Constellation: 1x01 The Wounded Angel

Terrible opening for a series - great scenes on the ISS, boring and borderline psychotic nonsense scenes on the ground. Hopefully they fill in the missing pieces so it does make sense, but I somehow doubt it. Lazy writing is lazy.

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Interesting premise, great cast, awful execution.
To put it bluntly - it is a waste of time.

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3 Body Problem: 1x07 Only Advance

I don't know if it's the actress, the character, or both, but "Auggy" is the most obnoxious and irritating character I've seen in quite a while. Tiresome af, tarnishes any scene she's in.

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3 Body Problem: 1x02 Red Coast

Majority of the first episode got me hooked. Second ep got me slightly bored but I am not one to abandon started TV Shows so I'll see ot through.

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3 Body Problem: 1x01 Countdown

I remember reading something about the book being "impossible to adapt to screen".
Not gonna lie, they had me by the throat for all but last minute of the first episode. When "it" happens it kind of ruins the whole mystery for me, it's banal at best. But hey, I've got a whole season ahead of me to see if it actually gets back on its feet.

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The Rookie: 5x10 The List (I)

Obnoxious character from the failed spin-off strikes again -_-

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The Rookie: 4x19 Simone

THIS is the character they chose to base a spin-off on? WOW. Simone is the most annoying character I've seen in a while and this episode is also horribly bad.

I have no idea who greenlit the spin-off, and more importantly why, however, I do have some assumptions lol.

Joyful that the spin-off was cancelled quickly, waste of a budget.

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Death and Other Details: 1x07 Memorable

One of the worst episodes I have ever seen, and believe me I've seen way too many.

If only the "walking down the memory lane" of the mind made any sense at all, but not only it does not, it's also very poorly (and over-the-top) done and is frankly just a waste of time.

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