J Lucas C


, Federal District

Lost in Space: 1x08 Trajectory

Seriously? Jesus, I still like this kid, it is not so annoying as the one in The Strain, but damn kid, show some intelligence. Though still faithful to his character (since he trusted a murdering robot) is quite annoying when shit like this happens.

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Lost in Space: 1x07 Pressurized

Yeah, the show is really mid grade to something a little better. Though still promises something great, it has many shortcomings.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x27 Brad Sherwood

What is funny is that if this episode were made today, the problem would be Cosby instead of Hitler.

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Lost in Space: 1x09 Resurrection

Now this one really pisses me off, it will all be resolved by the kid, in the end, trying to find if the robot remembers him. I hope I'm wrong though.

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Lost in Space: 1x06 Eulogy

Villian cannot be more obvious and people still cannot see it. I mean, she uses a shitty excuse for ditching the smuggler and Angela in the storm and apparently no one used to know the real Dr. Smith.

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Lost in Space: 1x03 Infestation

Shout by J Lucas C
BlockedParent2018-04-23T01:00:15Z— updated 2020-01-02T17:02:01Z

Though is still generic, the show is nice enough if you have time to waste. Through the main message, if I'm right would be a family together conquers everything, makes the show kind of worth the time, since it is basically an abandoned concept these days. I rarely see shows with the main message is how a family show take care of each other.

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The Alienist: 1x09 Requiem

This will probably be the best epi in the season since I usually don`t like the closing arc of series.

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The Alienist: 1x04 These Bloody Thoughts

Got interesting, even if the protagonist is quite annoying with his weird personality.

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The Alienist: 1x03 Silver Smile

I'm liking this series more and more, though I still don't like the protagonist and Miss Howard. Some lines are really "forced" in the scene.

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Lost in Space: 1x10 Danger, Will Robinson

Nice, I thought it would go the cliched route it surprise me really well. And the final scene was a nice cliffhanger for the season 2.

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The Alienist: 1x10 Castle in the Sky

I think they should`ve ended with a cliffhanger with another killer being announced.

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The Alienist: 1x08 Psychopathia Sexualis

Now, this one made the whole show worth the watch.

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The Alienist: 1x02 A Fruitful Partnership

The series is improving little by little, it is getting interesting.

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The Alienist: 1x01 The Boy on the Bridge

I really don't like the protagonist's character nor the actor who plays him. He doesn't manage to convey the character he is acting, more like the whole feel around him doesn't captivate me enough to care about him as much as it would with another actor.

The story is interesting though, I don't know much about the end of the 1800s but I have the surface level knowledge on how primitive medicine, specially psychology, was at the time. It gives the same air as The Knick, but with a more criminal vibe to it.

I really didn't mind the supporting characters, since the illustrator is interesting, and the girl seems kind of fighting the real feminist fight, not the garbage that people say is feminism today. Those were the days were women were really oppressed, though today we have other problems.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x18 Chip Esten

Ryan and Colin are still my favourites, of course, after Robin Williams.

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Lost in Space: 1x02 Diamonds in the Sky

A nice episode to progressing each plot point like the synth background and the relationship of the family with each other. There is also progress in the "villain" and other characters.

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Lost in Space: 1x04 The Robinsons Were Here

I keep thinking what would even happen if the rest of the colony finds out the robot is evil, I mean, it's not like they can destroy it anyway.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 5x02 Kathy Griffin

Wayne got some moves. Really funny. "Holy... Kidnapping, Batman!"

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 5x01 Whoopi Goldberg

Laugh so loud my neighbors complained. Whoopi is the best! Seriously, the surprise face I was making was enough for anyone to laugh.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x31 Greg Proops

These guys manage to be really funny, sometimes funnier than comedy TV Series, but I'm together with Ryan, the "Hoedown" is really bad, and additionally, I don't like some of the games that use songs, though I do like it sometimes.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x30 Greg Proops

Come on, more heavy jokes! No "ooohhhhhhh", give them motivation for more!

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x28 Brad Sherwood

Drew Carrey is the host so obviously does nothing.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x26 Greg Proops

You really laugh out loud by watching this show.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x25 Chip Esten

Ryan shoes and tallness, Collin baldness and shirt.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x24 Brad Sherwood

Damn, even I want those bunnies.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x23 Greg Proops

Collin is the ancient one

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x22 Kathy Greenwood

Ryan, the tall giant jokester.

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The Alienist: 1x07 Many Sainted Men

Dont kill him, Dont kill him Don`t kill him... (Pronoun game to not give any spoilers)

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Whose Line is it Anyway?: 4x21 Kathy Greenwood

Where the points are justs as useless as any terms of the agreement of computer services.

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The Alienist: 1x06 Ascension

Connor impressed me, though he still garbage.

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