

Omicron Persei 8

The Dirt

There's something about this film that if you grew up in the 70s/80s, were a fan of this band, had anything to do w/ this scene, and/or simply followed their ongoing antics in the news, it'll likely hit a sweet spot for you. The producers did a great job of getting the look and feel right and portraying these musicians as real people, instead of some enchanted version of them that many fans tend to project upon their idols. These were real people w/ real problems that caused a good deal of harm to a lot of people but ultimately found their footing and realized that while some things we do may hurt others, there are things that can happen to us that feel just as awful. Case in point, the death of Vince Neil's daughter, Skylar, was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, even the death of his friend, Razzle. I think that the film handled this appropriately and showed that loss happens to us all, no matter how much money or fame is accrued.

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The Martian

This is a gem of a film. It's one of my all-time favorite films, in fact. What I really enjoyed was that there was plausible science behind the decision-making in this film. And, as well-made as this film was, the book is even better!

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I love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and this is my all-time favorite movie starring the two of them. I think that it's just great fun.

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Den of Thieves

This was mediocre crap. First, what's w/ the multicultural gangs in this?!? Second, the LA County Sheriff's Department has a long, long history of white nationalism and neo-Nazism. In fact, they've had multiple neo-Nazi gangs in their own ranks. They're not heroes. It's a shame that they lived in the end of this film. Also, this was literally 75 minutes longer than it needed to be. What a waste of perfectly good film stock. The end just completely rips off The Usual Suspects, but this film wasn't even in the same galaxy as that masterpiece., and just to show how bad it was, the writer/director still screwed up the ending.

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This film worked incredibly well on a number of levels. First, the beginning half of the film had these wonderful interactions among Katherine Langford, Hayley Law, and Charlie Plummer that showed amazing chemistry across the board. I can't think of a film in recent memory, where the cast was so well-connected to one another. Second, this film was a heartfelt metaphor on what it was like to suffer traumatic loss during our teenage years, where we weren't fully equipped to deal w/ that type of pain, yet. In our teen years, our minds hadn't been fully formed, and too many of us were required to deal w/ components of life we weren't capable of understanding. This film delved into those areas in an albeit completely new and interesting, if not somewhat comical, way. I was so impressed by Brian Duffield's script and his ability to direct this underrated gem. Katherine Langford again showed what tremendous range she had as an actor, and I very much look forward to more great roles from her.

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End of Watch

It's amazing what liberties they had to take, and lies they had to tell, in order to make a bunch of mutt cops appear to be human. They don't give a fuck about anyone except for themselves, and they are more dangerous than any gangbanger on any street anywhere in the world.

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This was a neo-noir film, but it lacked quite a bit of intrigue due to a plot w/ a number of holes and meaningless red herrings. During the first half of the film kept a nice pace, similar to David Fincher's Mindhunter series, but it tailed off quite a bit in the last half. The acting was solid, and it was great seeing Alicia Silverstone in her role, but in the end, the plot, and how it came uncovered, really made little-to-no sense. They should've thought this through a bit more, b/c it needed more polish. The glaring question mark was, if the cops were trying to solve a murder, why did the captain of the force store the vehicle the homicide detective had been searching for in the garage of his home? What kind of mindless stupidity was that?!? Also, once the car was discovered, they mainly discussed how it linked the captain to the ongoing conspiracy, rather than any sort of revelation that he was the person who raped and murdered a young woman. That reeked of nothing more than misogyny, as if the victim was a complete afterthought.

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I really did enjoy this film b/c of the storyline and the subject matter, but it was surprising, coming from actual high-stakes poker players, they got some of the dialogue and sequencing incorrect.

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Underworld: Evolution

Bad writing and direction really crippled this film. The whole idea is that Michael is supposed to be this hybrid werewolf/vampire who's stronger and more capable than any of either species. Yet, he's now spent two movies getting his head kicked in and tripping and falling over everything in sight. Genius!

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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Bound by Honor

It's not the best made film, as the cinematography and acting could be better, but overall, it's a really interesting story of white man raised in a Hispanic family's rise to power in a Hispanic prison gang. It's a story loosely based on the life of Joe "Pegleg" Morgan, the first non-Hispanic member of the Mexican Mafia.

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This is so bad. It's a decent storyline, but a storyline does not a story make. The dialogue, direction, acting, and fight/motion choreography of this entire thing was a debacle.

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This was a really remarkable story about two women, at an age when our culture tends to send them out to pasture, achieving the unachievable. I would love to see a sequel based on the friendship between Bonnie Stoll and Diana Nyad. They seem to have accomplished a great many interesting things in their lives that would make for a well-told story.

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Days of Thunder

Decades ago, this was dumb fun, but in all actuality, it's really just clichéd crap. The script is just awful.

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Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later

This was just awful. I don't know what they were thinking in writing this. They completely missed the mark w/ 99 percent of their attempts at humor. Overally, it was an unnecessary project.

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Reacher: Season 2
The Marvels

I'd like to say that I'm surprised by the hate for this film, but it's so blatantly obvious, it smacks you right in the face. The problem here is not film itself. It's a wonderfully directed piece by Nia DaCosta, who kept the tone fun and light-hearted and created a film that didn't take itself too seriously. The three leads had great chemistry together. I think that Iman Vellani is a tremendous talent and has a bright future ahead of her. The hate for this film derived from the fact this it was a woman-forward film, and not just women but women of color. And, many of the co-stars of this film were people of color, as well. White, Marvel fanboys don't tolerate women or people of color at all, and it's been shown not only in the Marvel Universe but in other films, as well. Women-centric films, and films depicting stories involving people of color, receive low ratings and poor reviews from many members of the public. It's undeserved, and it stifles creative outlets for anyone who isn't white, Christian, heterosexual, and cisgender male.

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Natural Born Killers

This is such a dumb movie. What is this supposed to be? Oliver Stone pretending to be David Lynch?

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Space Station 76

There were elements to this film that were funny and endearing, yet they didn't go anywhere. There was seemingly no plot to this film, and the one really sympathetic character, the child, Sunshine, her story didn't resolve. It very much seems like they filmed more of this, yet it didn't make the cut for some reason.

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Age of Summer

This was a really poorly scripted and developed story. There was dialogue that literally made no sense. It seemed as if some of the interactions in the film were placed out of order in the final edit. The story was all over the place, and it literally ended up being about nothing. There were instances in the film that made no sense at all. It's difficult to screw something up this completely. I have no idea what Peter Stormare was doing slumming in this film.

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I found this to be quite boring, and no one fit their roles well. I felt that this film was entirely miscast, not that it would've helped the scripted storyline. This story really made no sense, and they tried to hide that behind the fact the main character was no one in particular. It didn't work well.

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Much like life, this movie could've done w/out the Christian overtones. Regardless, Secretariat was the greatest racehorse who ever lived and one of the finest athletes to ever take part in any sport, and this movie was a tribute to him. I also appreciated that Ms. Chenery was able to overcome the detractors in her life and live her passion, b/c w/out her, Secretariat may have never stepped foot on a racetrack.

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Ready Player One

I found this to be such a poorly written script, w/ a ridiculous storyline, bad dialogue, and really unlikeable protagonist. The worst part of the film was the ending, where the main characters are trying to clear a pathway to the last challenge, and the main character stands around watching, while they die, instead of continuing to move forward. This happened on at least three separate occasions. Then, when he receives the last key, he and his friends are under real world attack, and he moves as slowly as possible, looking at the key he receives w/ wonder, instead of moving as quickly as possible to save everyone's life. Aside from this, Tye Sheridan was so awful in this, it was like he had never acted before.

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The Midnight Sky

I can't say that I understand the hate for this film. I found the story to be interesting and touching, and while it wasn't the best of its kind, it was still a strong effort by all involved. I felt that young Caoilinn Springall was particularly good in this, especially in a role, where she had few lines and had to emote through her facial expressions and actions. It was quite impressive an impressive feat from such a young actor. I will admit that partway through the film, it occurred to me that Iris might have been a figment of Augustine's imagination, but I didn't see the ending as it unfolded. All in all, I felt that this film was worth a watch.

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The Fly

This movie is disturbing, but it has nothing to do w/ the coalescence of a man and fly. It has to do w/ the violent sexism and misogyny that was considered acceptable in the past. Geena Davis, the protagonist of the film starts off being coerced, threatened, stalked, and assaulted by her boss, who was her former professor, when he first assaulted her in college. Over the course of the film, she turns to him for assistance, despite his creepy, despicable, illegal behavior. And, he's painted as the hero of the story. The startling truth, however, is that this is considered normal, everyday behavior. The important takeaway from this film to remember is that this is what men are. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

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The Deal

This is such an underrated comedic classic. It's a great snapshot of what it took to make a film in the early-2000s. William H. Macy and Meg Ryan are both fantastic in their roles, and the rest of the players were perfectly cast. In fact, one of my favorite lines of all-time is from this movie. Meg Ryan was ordering a drink, and she said, "Gimme a vodka on the rocks with a twist. And, here's the twist: Make it a double."

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I'm one-third of the way through this movie, and there hasn't been a single funny comment or set piece in this film. I don't need yet another tip-toe around how the right are nothing but white nationalists and neo-Nazis, and always have been, w/out actually saying the words. By doing this, it's harmful to the violent oppression they execute. Had I known what this movie actually was, I never would've sat down to watch this.

Edit: I finally finished watching it, and while I didn't care for how the Mayer family was treated as an afterthought to the story, I did greatly appreciate the ending, when Nicky killed his father, a murdering, Christo-fascist neo-Nazi in his own right, then went to play some baseball. That's how it should be. These things are murderous subhumans, and the only acceptable one of them is a dead one.

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Game of Thrones

The Stark mongrels all deserved to be deskinned just as much as all the Lannister subhumans. That's about all I have to say about this show. Sansa Stark may have been the most vile of them all. Everyone knew what the Lannisters were, but she connivingly worked her way into an undeserved seat of power. She should've had her skull bashed in, instead. At the end, the people of color and a woman win two wars and bring peace to the realm, and the whites decide to betray and murder the woman, and tell the people of color that they'll die, if they enforce justice for the murder of their queen. They should've slaughtered all those white mongrel subhumans right there in the dragon pit, starting w/ the Starks.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

If you have sympathy for the Lannisters, just know, you're the reason that oppression exists in this world. You're the reason that people are beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted, raped, and murdered. It's b/c, you feel this faux sympathy for their oppressors. It's not real sympathy; it's only lip-service, b/c real sympathy involves action to support those in need of assistance. Sympathy comes in finite supplies and should be reserved for those being oppressed, not those oppressing. The fact that the writers felt the need to make the death of the Lannisters a sympathetic moment says that they're really a danger to society, b/c they found good qualities in violent, sadistic, murderous, torturous subhumans. If you find good qualities in those like that, there's something very, very wrong w/ you. To listen to that lying, conniving, cowardly mutt, Tyrion Lannister, moralize was sickening.

And, this was the single worst episode I'd ever had the displeasure of watching to end a series. What a pile of shit. The writers and showrunners should never work in television or film again.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Cersei deserved so much worse than it got. That thing wasn't even human, and after everything it did, the sick, demented writers played its death as a sad moment deserving of sympathy. That thing deserved to have its sadistic smirk carved off its face w/ a sharp, jagged piece of steel. The entire Lannister bloodline deserved to be burned off the face of the planet.

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