

Omicron Persei 8

Community: 1x17 Physical Education

This was definitely one of my favorite episodes from this series. Alison Brie's acting and mannerisms in this episode are so spot on for her character. She was brilliant in this!

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Community: 3x06 Advanced Gay

This was most likely the most hateful episode of this show. It really speaks volumes about those writing it.

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Community: 6x11 Modern Espionage

Annie summed this episode up perfectly, "...we've kind of done it to death, right?" This was a sad callback to the heyday of this show. It was a quick grab at viewers during a time of sagging ratings and imminent cancelation. It wasn't that they turned to paintball again but how they did it. Having another paintball game that wasn't really a paintball game wasn't fun or interesting. As Abed noted a few episodes later during the series finale, "TV defeats its own purpose when it's...ashamed of itself for existing."

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Community: 6x08 Intro to Recycled Cinema

I'd like to say that this was rock-bottom for this show, but we still had the giant hand and grifting episodes to look forward to. This entire season had no reason to exist. Even the writers knew it, and they had the characters continually comment on it throughout the season. The fact that this program, a network television show, ran for only six seasons w/ only three of those being full seasons, is strong evidence that a few good ideas does not a television show make. There were definitely aspects of this show that I loved, but a significant portion of it was just not good.

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Reservation Dogs: 2x10 I Still Believe
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x02 The Star-Spangled Man

The writing on this show is so awful. Is it laziness or ignorance? I have no idea, but whatever it is, it's not good.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x01 New World Order

This was generally mediocre. The dialogue was pretty bad, so was the fight choreography, and some of the CGI didn't look right. Also, the story didn't make for a superhero tale. This was more interpersonal drama, and if I wanted to watch that, I'd watch something better written.

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True Detective: 3x04 The Hour and the Day

I love seeing white nationalist and neo-Nazi mutts get what they deserve.

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Reservation Dogs: 2x04 Mabel

Devery Jacobs really gave it everything in this episode. You can see from her performance that's an incredibly well-skilled actor.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x05 One-Eyed Jacks

Hey, let's let the child molester go, b/c he didn't do anything too awful!

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x04 Penny and Dime

These shows are so formulaic and so poorly written. All you need to know about this episode is that the Punisher is being hunted by the Irish mob. They corner him, when he's taken one of their soldiers hostage. Four guys surround him, guns pointed, and Castle kills all four, plus the hostage. The next moment, the head of the mob enters w/ three other, armed soldiers. The head of the mob is unarmed and wants to tell Castle how he's surrounded. Uh, he just killed four guys that surrounded him plus the hostage. Why wouldn't he gun you down right now?!? The writing defies logic. It's painful to watch..

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x03 New York's Finest
Only Murders in the Building: 1x07 The Boy from 6B

This episode was really genius in its portrayal of a character integral to the storyline.

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

It wasn't the most memorable finale ever, but it also didn't need to be. When you have an ensemble cast this size, it's difficult to incorporate all 11 main players in a heartfelt goodbye that encapsulates everyone's feelings of family, togetherness, and finality. After having watched this, I read an interview w/ co-creators Steven Levitan and Christopher Lloyd, where they explained that they were both fans of finales, where the characters were saying goodbye, b/c that's what the audience was doing, as well, and I agree w/ this premise.

The last montage was of the camera panning over framed pictures of all the characters taken from the past 11 years, finally settling on a family portrait taken in the season one finale w/ their white outfits splattered w/ mud. This was the only keepsake Christopher Lloyd took from the set, fittingly saying of it, "I thought that if we had to land on one image, that's a good one because it is sort of metaphorical: Families are messy, but beautiful at the same time."

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Game of Thrones: 5x10 Mother's Mercy

Arya Stark is a fucking beast! W/ her hand, she shall bring death to all the subhuman mongrels. And, Cersei Lannister is NOT a victim. That was just the beginning of what that thing deserved.

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The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert

This episode was an important corollary to our times. It showed the dangers of rehabilitating fascists, which is something a number of adherents to Left-Wing ideology believe is possible. It is not. You don't turn off that type of thinking, racial superiority, gender superiority, religious superiority, ethnic superiority, and the belief that due to their "inherent superiority," they are entitled to rule as they please, and employ any means necessary, including violence, to keep others down. This is not something you rehabilitate others from, either due to the deep-seated nature of these beliefs or the past harm they wrought b/c of them. In other words, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

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The Mandalorian: 3x01 Chapter 17: The Apostate

When the droid dropped the statue on IG-11's head, and Mando said, "That's using your head," that was severely disappointing. It sounded like a line out of an '80s/'90s action-adventure film, which is not a good thing. I hope that it doesn't portend things to come this season.

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The Crowded Room: 1x04 London

This episode was certainly more interesting, as there was more happening to introduce elements to the story that might culminate in informing the audience of the truth. Yet, I think that the biggest drawback for me has been the writing. I don't think that they spent much time fleshing out how they would tell this story, and so they seem to be trying to shoehorn plot points into the story that don't really fit. In numerous episodes now, Amanda Seyfried's character has said things that simply didn't fit into the flow of the conversation she was having w/ Tom Holland's character. She pleads with him to get at the heart of the story, to tell the truth, to inform her of the details, but in his retelling of events, that's exactly what he's doing. He's not intentionally misleading her, so there's no reason for her to be saying these things. It seemed that the writers simply felt that they needed to give her lines of dialogue, and this was what they came up w/.

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The Crowded Room: 1x03 Murder

To try to twist the machinations this story involves, they had to write dialogue that doesn't really jive. And the dialogue also betrays later plot points that haven't been introduced, yet, so when they're discussing something the audience isn't aware of, it really doesn't make much sense in the moment. None of this makes for a compelling story.

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The Crowded Room: 1x02 Sanctuary

Much like the first episode, this did very little to move the story forward. I understand that there needs to be some backstory, but there are scenes that drag on for for seven or eight minutes, and nothing of any real consequence occurs in words or action. It's quite clear that this had no business being a 10-episode mini-series.

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The Crowded Room: 1x01 Exodus

I just finished the first episode, and I can't say that I have high hopes for this mini-series. First off, the episode was an hour long, which is about 10-15 minutes longer than most "one-hour" mini-series episodes. Since it's a mystery, I expected them to keep many details hidden, which was fine, but they also didn't do much to further the story, which was problematic. You had to do one or the other.

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Reservation Dogs: 3x10 Dig
Griselda: 1x05 Paradise Lost

Just as I thought that this mini-series was making an upward turn, it came crashing back to Earth. This episode did little-to-nothing to move the story forward, and w/ only six episodes in the entire series, that's not something that could be afforded. This episode spent nearly an hour hammering home a singular point that really didn't do much for the overall entirety of the storyline. The time would've been better spent covering a range of plotlines.

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Godless: 1x03 Wisdom of the Horse

The attention to detail is really what makes this mini-series so compelling.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

If you have sympathy for the Lannisters, just know, you're the reason that oppression exists in this world. You're the reason that people are beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted, raped, and murdered. It's b/c, you feel this faux sympathy for their oppressors. It's not real sympathy; it's only lip-service, b/c real sympathy involves action to support those in need of assistance. Sympathy comes in finite supplies and should be reserved for those being oppressed, not those oppressing. The fact that the writers felt the need to make the death of the Lannisters a sympathetic moment says that they're really a danger to society, b/c they found good qualities in violent, sadistic, murderous, torturous subhumans. If you find good qualities in those like that, there's something very, very wrong w/ you. To listen to that lying, conniving, cowardly mutt, Tyrion Lannister, moralize was sickening.

And, this was the single worst episode I'd ever had the displeasure of watching to end a series. What a pile of shit. The writers and showrunners should never work in television or film again.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Cersei deserved so much worse than it got. That thing wasn't even human, and after everything it did, the sick, demented writers played its death as a sad moment deserving of sympathy. That thing deserved to have its sadistic smirk carved off its face w/ a sharp, jagged piece of steel. The entire Lannister bloodline deserved to be burned off the face of the planet.

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

I don't see why everyone is so upset w/ this episode. I really don't see their complaints as valid, as this was the culmination of everything everyone had fought for. It was an incredibly epic episode, albeit a big long.

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Game of Thrones: 8x02 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

I thought that this was one of the best episodes of the series. Seeing Brienne of Tarth being anointed as Lady Brienne of Tarth was fantastic and so well-deserved!

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Game of Thrones: 8x01 Winterfell

Everyone complained about how the eighth season was a complete departure from previous seasons. So far, I see no discernable difference. This episode would've fit well into any another season.

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

This felt more like a mid-season episode than one to end it.

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