

Omicron Persei 8

Welcome to Marwen

Without the cast, this would have been a score of 1/10. This movie was the story of a hateful sexist and misogynist, who was beaten by a crew of neo-Nazis, b/c they thought that he was gay. The irony was that his views of women were shared by the neo-Nazis. They both saw women as sex objects who served no other purpose. This was a movie about a man who doesn't deserve to be remembered. He's not a sympathetic figure. It's really disgusting that this was propped up the way it was. I'm saddened that the women who starred in this chose to do so.

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The King of Staten Island

This was absolutely awful. I fucking hated Pete Davidson's character. I literally wanted to see him get run over by a car in the first few minutes of the film. He had zero redeeming qualities. I will never understand how a movie like this gets made w/ a character who has no sympathetic value to him. And, there was nothing funny about this.

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Max Payne

This "film" in a word: Teriblé!

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The Wannabe

I can't believe that a movie was made about this absolute and utter failure of a human being. He worshipped at the altar of a murderer and human trafficker, then tried following in his footsteps. What a complete jackass. The world's an exponentially better place w/out him.

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Into the Woods

W/ the very first words of the film spoken/sung by the actors, I knew that this was going to be practically unwatchable. The first song is horrible. It's not even a song. It's just normal speech being sung. It's terrible. The fact that James "Defender of the Most Useless Family in the World (the Kardashians)" Corden is narrating and has an acting role really grinds my gears, as well. I can't, for the life of me, imagine these A-list actors wanting to be a part of this mess of a film. I couldn't even make it through the first abomination of a song, before I turned this off.

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Blue Velvet

This is literally one of the worst films I've ever had the displeasure to watch. In fact, it was practically unwatchable. The cinematography and direction were awful, the script appears to have been written by someone who doesn't speak English, b/c no one in the world speaks the way these characters spoke in this film, the acting was downright terrible (Kyle MacLachlan is not a good actor, and Dennis Hopper is about as menacing as a declawed kitten), the story is ungodly boring, and the special effects, such that they were, look like a fourth grader's attempt at becoming involved in filmmaking. If I live to be 1000-years-old, I will never understand people's affection for David Lynch.

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Community: 3x06 Advanced Gay

This was most likely the most hateful episode of this show. It really speaks volumes about those writing it.

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The Martial Arts Kid

Absolutely everything about this was terrible The writing, cinematography, direction, editing, fight choreography, and storytelling were all well below subpar. What the hell were Kathryn Newton and Sydney Sweeney doing slumming in this trash?!? They may have both been early in their careers, but this 'home-movie made by 12-year-olds' awful.

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Road House 2: Last Call

This is plain awful. Given the cast they had, it had no right to be this terrible, but the writing was some of the worst in any movie I'd seen in recent memory. As I was watching it, I literally said to myself, "Has the person who wrote this ever been involved in a conversation?" That's how ridiculous and nonsensical the dialogue was. The fight choreography was bad, as well. This film had zero redeeming qualities.

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The Condemned

I've seen better acting in commercials.

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Buddy Games

This is typical WWE trash. It's "humor" made for first- and second-graders and those people bigger in stature who vote Republican. It's inane, disgusting, misogynistic, homophobic, and oh, what a surprise, everyone's white! Hmm...didn't see that coming from a bunch of racist trash like the McMahon family. Glad that they could at least drag themselves away from a Trump neo-Nazi rally to make this garbage. The entire premise of the movie is a bully and his friends getting back at a guy they'd bullied for years all for what they believed was standing up for himself. What self-respecting actor would participate in a film made by them?

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Hardcore Henry

If I wanted to see something from a first-person perspective, I'd do it myself. The shaky camera bit is awful. It's best left to home movies filmed by children who've received their first camera as a gift. Regardless, you may be asking yourself, what's this movie about? It's a reasonable question to ask, when watching a film. In fact, it's the same question I had...35 minutes into the film...the point that I finally had enough and turned it off.

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6 Underground

I would never purposely watch a movie directed by that talentless hack, Michael Bay. And, I had no idea that he'd directed this monstrosity. A few minutes in, I thought to myself, "These jump-cuts are like a goddamn music video. This director sucks!" Of course, I then proceeded to look it up, and sure enough, it's that absolute turd of a director, Michael Bay. I waited another 10 minutes or so, and this neverending car chase was still going on, and I finally turned it off at the 16-minute mark.

Bay's claim to fame was that MTV recognized his work as a music video director. M-fucking-TV. M-16 and Pregnant-TV. Being assigned praise from MTV is a sure sign that you are fucking terrible at what you do. My only question is, what is Ryan Reynolds doing slumming in this cesspool?

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle

I'm not sure where to begin w/ this. This movie was as bad on every level that a movie could be bad. The script, the storyline, the dialogue, the music, the set design, the choreography, and the CGI were all terrible. There were two scenes involving death by meat grinder, and not a single drop of blood was spilled. The entire thing looked like it was CGI, and it wasn't good CGI. The story was inane, cartoonish, and unnecessarily complicated. I have no idea what such a fine cast was doing slumming in this crap. On the other hand, Taron Egerton is not a good actor. He has about a three-inch range, and he should not be helming this, or any, film. All of this was worthy of a four-out-of-10, but what drove it down to a one was the use of "Fox News." Any filmmaker who uses the American Nazi Party's propaganda arm in a film, where they get free advertising, shouldn't be making mainstream films. They should be making neo-Nazi propaganda for the Right.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

If you have sympathy for the Lannisters, just know, you're the reason that oppression exists in this world. You're the reason that people are beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted, raped, and murdered. It's b/c, you feel this faux sympathy for their oppressors. It's not real sympathy; it's only lip-service, b/c real sympathy involves action to support those in need of assistance. Sympathy comes in finite supplies and should be reserved for those being oppressed, not those oppressing. The fact that the writers felt the need to make the death of the Lannisters a sympathetic moment says that they're really a danger to society, b/c they found good qualities in violent, sadistic, murderous, torturous subhumans. If you find good qualities in those like that, there's something very, very wrong w/ you. To listen to that lying, conniving, cowardly mutt, Tyrion Lannister, moralize was sickening.

And, this was the single worst episode I'd ever had the displeasure of watching to end a series. What a pile of shit. The writers and showrunners should never work in television or film again.

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This is far and away one of the worst movies I've ever had the displeasure to watch. Everything about this just awful. From the script, to the character development, to the directing, the acting, set design, costumes, music, and vision for the entire film, it was all horrendous. Johnny Depp comes across as a creepy, child molesting freak. I have no idea what anyone involved w/ this film was thinking in allowing that to make it to the screen. Even if this were a stand-alone film, not one based on a beloved classic, it would still be terrible.

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How I Met Your Mother: 2x16 Stuff

Hey, Ted's a lying, selfish, thoughtless, obtuse, aggressively misogynistic sexist, but hey, women love that, so let's have Robin move in w/ him!

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Murder Mystery

Adam Sandler, in his comedic roles, is a one-trick, misogynistic, sexist pony. What he plays as comedy is for right-wing audiences who aren't capable of grasping the nuances of comedy. I'm really disappointed that Jennifer Aniston slummed it in this film and even more disappointed that she did it a second time. Netflix must be paying awfully well. The fact that Sandler is playing a New York City cop, those Trump-loving neo-Nazis, should tell you all you need to know about him and his idea of what a sympathetic character makes.

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In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed

Hey, it's Nazi propaganda from that Adolf Hitler-worshipping, mass-murdering subhuman Stephen Bannon.

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Miss March

This is absolutely horrific. It's amazing that Craig Robinson was able to escape this dreck that drowned the careers of everyone else involved. I couldn't even make it through 90 seconds of this movie, before I started fast forwarding. t's just unwatchable.

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John Henry

The only bright spot in this film was Jamila Velazquez in her portrayal of Berta.

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

It wasn't the most memorable finale ever, but it also didn't need to be. When you have an ensemble cast this size, it's difficult to incorporate all 11 main players in a heartfelt goodbye that encapsulates everyone's feelings of family, togetherness, and finality. After having watched this, I read an interview w/ co-creators Steven Levitan and Christopher Lloyd, where they explained that they were both fans of finales, where the characters were saying goodbye, b/c that's what the audience was doing, as well, and I agree w/ this premise.

The last montage was of the camera panning over framed pictures of all the characters taken from the past 11 years, finally settling on a family portrait taken in the season one finale w/ their white outfits splattered w/ mud. This was the only keepsake Christopher Lloyd took from the set, fittingly saying of it, "I thought that if we had to land on one image, that's a good one because it is sort of metaphorical: Families are messy, but beautiful at the same time."

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Star Wars: Andor

I hate the main character. He is so irredeemably unlikable, it's practically unfathomable that someone would write this, and it would get greenlit for production. Aside from being more boring than watching paint dry, one of the oddest things about this show, which is incredibly irritating, is the audio. In at least two of the first five episodes, they employed this background audio, which in one case sounded like a cellphone notification and in the other, a high-pitched squeal. I can't believe that no one caught this in post, b/c it's so hideous to listen to.

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A League of Their Own

There's so much to love about this show. The representation is amazing! The writing and acting is really spectacular. I greatly appreciate the deep-dive into the lives of women, especially queer women, and queer women of color. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult many of their lives must have been, to have to live in secret, or live a life of lies, in order to protect oneself. I hope that in coming seasons, they explore more of living in a white supremacist, Christo-fascist society that brought on these hardships for these women.

If i had one critique, it would be that they should lay off the CGI during the baseball scenes. I understand that it's designed to make these women look like professional baseball players, but it's obvious that they can play, b/c you can see it in their movements on the field. It's one thing to use CGI to effect a homerun or some extraordinary play, but in general, each throw didn't need to have CGI behind it. They should simply let these women play ball.

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The Mandalorian

I just finished the first two seasons, and near the end of the first season, and at the beginning of the second, I felt that watching this show was akin to watching Hercules: The Legendary Journeys back in the '90s. Of course, this was well before Kevin Sorbo turned into a white nationalist Christo-fascist and international joke. Aside from that, you had Hercules traveling from town to town each week running into a different crisis and trying to help local villagers. In fact, the show looked very much the same as The Mandalorian. Thankfully, they strayed away from this formula in the second half of the second season, and the show got back on track.

It's not great by any stretch, but it's definitely watchable, and it's still fun to see the Star Wars lore after all these years. I'll definitely stick around for the final two seasons.

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Civil War

I haven't seen this, but I've read enough about it to know that it's a giant waste of time. The writer/director chose to sell tickets rather than present an even semi-accurate picture of what's happening in America today. Only one side is comprised of white nationalists, neo-Confederates, Christo-fascists, and neo-Nazis who already once tried to overthrow the government, while having spent the past decade or so threatening civil war. Any comparison of the right and left is a false equivocation. Fighting against the fascism of the right is not the problem; the problem are the fascists. Yet, this film doesn't even begin to address any of this. In fact, they California and Texas teaming up, which is just a ridiculous proposal. This film is a pathetic excuse for what's actually occurring in the world.

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The writing on this show, as on all shows created by Greg Berlanti and Geoff Johns, is just awful. Their storyline continuity couldn't be found by a team of writing experts w/ the most advanced tools known to humankind. They write teleplays that confound, have no bearing on the overarching state of the series, and combine it w/ the need for terrible CGI, intentionally dark lighting to mask those effects, and formulaic tripe they consider quality storytelling. I had hopes for this series, since Akiva Goldsman involved in the creation of it, but even his prodigious talents were weighted down by Berlanti and John's incessant need to be inferior. It's a shame, really, b/c there are actors who participated in this who are quite talented, and given a reasonable storyline, they could've turned this into a decent show.

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The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

I've just finished watching this season, and the problem I'm having w/ it is the problem I w/ all shows of this type: Whenever time-travel or magic is involved, anything can and will happen over the course of a season, but it can all be undone in 30 seconds by traveling back in time or using magic to sidestep the consequences. It makes the entire show hardly worth watching, as there's no real drama or suspense, b/c everything can be reverted back to the way it was or, at least, to a version prior to cataclysmic events having taken place. It just comes across as a really lazy way to write a show.

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