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Boston, Massachusetts

Cobra Kai: 5x10 Head of the Snake

Reply by jmmorrison

Good season finale but recycling villains doesn't leave me hyped up for the next season.

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I agree, but unfortunately they're running out of bad guys in the Miyagi-verse. They're either going to have to make new ones, kinda like they did in each season between the kids, or the show might end at Season 6. I could also see them possibly doing an Origin story, kinda like they did with Wolverine. I'd watch one about Miyagi or Chozen or someone like that.

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Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

Reply by jmmorrison

Wow! I mean, there is no other way it could have ended but with Carrie being an asset in another country. Sad that Homeland has ended. I’ll miss this show and Carrie’s craziness.

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@admartinezjr I'm a little sad too, but glad ultimately, I think. They could've dragged it on for some time, I'm sure, but it was getting a little long in the tooth already, imho

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Cobra Kai: 5x10 Head of the Snake

Reply by jmmorrison

Wish the bad guy would have stayed dead. Kenny NEEDED to have his butt kicked. I enjoyed seeing Silver get taken down by Danny's silver bullet knowledge. Will next season include world tournament? Are there any enemies left from the karate kid movies that can be recycled?

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Not that it would be a good thing, but I could see them dragging out finishing off Silver and Kreese and that crazy new Korean TSD chick

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Cobra Kai: 5x10 Head of the Snake

Reply by jmmorrison


Reply by BMW92

Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2022-09-11T01:53:19Z— updated 2023-11-19T01:25:18Z

I'm upset that no one kicked Kenny's ass. I really wanted to see that smug little shit go out on a stretcher.

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@keldian Kid needs to be humbled by his own brother when he gets out of Juvie.

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If his older brother is in juvie, he's probably a lot worse than Kenny

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Nightwatch: 5x01 Answering the Call

Reply by jmmorrison

I love Nightwatch. Don't get me wrong. I always have. But after what A&E did to Live PD, that loyalty is under tension. A lot of tension.

Also, haven't been following Nightwatch news, but why isn't it Titus & Dan anymore?

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what happened to live pd ?

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Sorry. Didn't see this comment. A&E canceled them in 2020 shortly after the death of George Floyd. There was a big controversy around them having tape of a person of color dying in police custody and then at some point the footage was erased. It's back now, though, under a new name — On Patrol: Live — on Reelz. I don't have access to that service, so haven't been able to watch it, but a friend has and said it's exactly the same format as Live PD. The only big change is the hosts. Instead of Tom, it's some other black guy. Not sure if Tom turned down returning or wasn't asked back.

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Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

Reply by jmmorrison

Shout by ibra87

Everyone seems happy with this finale but I'm not.. Actaully the whole season tbh..
This was the finale, we've been with these characters for close to a decade so we know them pretty well by now of we're tuning in..

That said what I wanted for Carrie this season was a Carrie on top of her game, we know she has mental issues or whatever.. We know she's struggled being a mum.. What I wanted to see was a concisously flawed female James bond going after the bad guys.. She might occasionally stumble but bounce back and get into "oh oh" carrie is coming for you mode.. But nope, she's duped like always, since the 1st season.. Gets a kiss and her brain is wiped.. Drugged and manipulated.. The same things we've seen before but after 8 seasons she hasn't managed to learn from..

I really wanted a BA Carrie this season, kick ass, take names. Then go home to end knowing she conquered her demons.. But it seems they in the end got the better of her

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@ibra87 They left it purposely open-ended for a reason — whether to play it safe and not create a definitive ending, which alienates and pisses off a good number of fans, or simply because they wanted people to draw their own conclusions and live uncomfortably in the incompleteness.

Besides, in reality, a woman with severe bipolar disorder with psychotic features would never make it past the recruitment phase, whether because of active symptoms or they access her medical records and disqualify her on that alone.

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Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

Reply by jmmorrison

I know a lot of people love this ending, and I did at first when I learned Carrie didn't betray Saul the way we thought. But then I thought about it more and more and came to the conclusion that the ending is just too hard to believe no matter how much it tied up all the loose ends. Why would the Russian dude ever trust her? They both know how great of a spy each other was and how loyal they were to their countries. And one of them just forgot because they ended up in a romantic relationship?

If this were real, he would have suspected that she was doing what she did from the beginning and never let that escape his mind. He would have fed her false information twenty times to see if she and Saul would use it. There is no way in hell that he'd ever let his guard down around her or ever assume that she was doing anything but spying. Because he is also a great spy.

It's not Game of Thrones, Dexter or Lost bad, but c'mon writers. Think through this a little more. In all, it's in my top 10 of all time and this last season was almost as good as the first two. But the ending could have been more believable.

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@wags721 I think you're looking at this a little too concretely. I don't think either one of them trusts the other for a second. They're either in a mutually beneficial relationship with both eyes open or both think they're pulling one over on the other and it's all just part of the craft — spy vs. spy.

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Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

Reply by jmmorrison

Wow! I mean, there is no other way it could have ended but with Carrie being an asset in another country. Sad that Homeland has ended. I’ll miss this show and Carrie’s craziness.

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@admartinezjr I'm a little sad too, but glad ultimately, I think. They could've dragged it on for some time, I'm sure, but it was getting a little long in the tooth already, imho

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